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Re: Ex members of John MacArthur's church
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: August 02, 2013 07:57PM

See []

The Rick A. Ross Institute for the Study of Destructive Cults, Controversial Groups, and Movements has officially changed its name to The Cult Education Institute for the Study of Destructive Cults, Controversial Groups and Movements.

The new domain name entry point and gateway to the Internet archives of the institute will soon be

The Cult Education Institute archives is a library of information about destructive cults, controversial groups and movements, which was initially launched in 1996 and has continued to be under construction and expansion for the past 17 years.

The public message board attached to the The Cult Education Institute will soon only be accessible through the domain name More than 100,000 entries from the former members of destructive cults, controversial groups and movements and others concerned has accumulated at the board over the past decade. The message board content continues to grow daily and it serves as a free speech zone for those who wish to share their insights and concerns about the topics listed.

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Re: Ex members of John MacArthur's church
Posted by: bjw ()
Date: August 03, 2013 07:03AM

So, am I to understand that the whole forum, just as we have it right now, will be available on the new blog site?

Also, to those of you that have been posting on this thread, I'd like to know your opinion of the package I received that I mentioned in my previous post. I hope we can keep this discussion going. It has a lot of good helpful information and I know I wish I had these things back when I was taken in.

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Re: Ex members of John MacArthur's church
Posted by: teacher ()
Date: August 06, 2013 09:40PM

as you know I am not often on but am always working in the same direction. I have been asked to tell my story for publication online but up till now haven't done so simply because one must not rush anything. That is exactly the point with the Mac Arthurists - I must acknowledge their patience in making the moves. That is what I have noticed in these years although of course my story is vastly different from that of the majority of you people on the blog. What are MJ's views on "living by faith" I ask myself? That is what my parents always did and they certainly have no museum, no mansion and basically nothing on earth - thank God our treasures are in Heaven! I am still working like a snail, but I am here. When people ask for money I have issues. And I basically do not give. Especially when I know the salaries of some of them. I wonder too...where does that money go? In someone's pockets?


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Re: Ex members of John MacArthur's church
Posted by: waldensNL ()
Date: August 14, 2013 01:29AM

Dear all,

I have read the whole discussion. As an addition to it I would like to ask you all whether the following articles present the life of the Master's college in a fair way ?
And whether this is the youth that is under counselling ? Are these exceptions or is this a general view of what is going on at Master's college ?


Are there perhaps two groups at Master's college ? One 'heathens' who are not under counselling and live as they please (see article) and another 'christian' that is under counselling and bears a lot of fruit ?

Kind regards,


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Re: Ex members of John MacArthur's church
Posted by: bjw ()
Date: August 14, 2013 03:34AM

as you know I am not often on but am always working in the same direction. I have been asked to tell my story for publication online but up till now haven't done so simply because one must not rush anything. That is exactly the point with the Mac Arthurists - I must acknowledge their patience in making the moves. That is what I have noticed in these years although of course my story is vastly different from that of the majority of you people on the blog. What are MJ's views on "living by faith" I ask myself? That is what my parents always did and they certainly have no museum, no mansion and basically nothing on earth - thank God our treasures are in Heaven! I am still working like a snail, but I am here. When people ask for money I have issues. And I basically do not give. Especially when I know the salaries of some of them. I wonder too...where does that money go? In someone's pockets?

Thank you for keeping us posted on your progress. I too agree with you, if the money were going all to tuition then why charge tuition, and where are the scholarships? Please let us know when your story is ready for the internet.

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Re: Ex members of John MacArthur's church
Posted by: bjw ()
Date: August 14, 2013 04:09AM

Dear all,

I have read the whole discussion. As an addition to it I would like to ask you all whether the following articles present the life of the Master's college in a fair way ?
And whether this is the youth that is under counselling ? Are these exceptions or is this a general view of what is going on at Master's college ?


Are there perhaps two groups at Master's college ? One 'heathens' who are not under counselling and live as they please (see article) and another 'christian' that is under counselling and bears a lot of fruit ?

Kind regards,

Back when I was in they would do videos like this as well. I would say that this represents life at the college in a fair way. The WoW Staffers can pretty much get away with anything they want. Even though they try to hide it, life at this college is really depressing, as you can never live up to the standards of what they teach. Then, when you disagree with it, they can get away with anything to stop you, since protecting the gospel is part of the standards on the list that they preach. It really is hypocritical, the same kids you saw gyrating in the rap video are probably counseling people, confronting them for having lustful thoughts.

As far as there being two groups, the Bible majors and seminary students definitely are more prone to enforce the Lordship beliefs of MacArthur, whereas the non-Bible majors are a lot of wealthy conservatives that can afford to send their kids to an upscale college, who get converted to the cult after studying the Lordship classes, since all students at the college have to minor in Bible. They are converted with very aggressive, high pressure tactics, and for those that don't convert, they are shunned by those that do.

Dennis, if you have anymore questions feel free to ask.

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Re: Ex members of John MacArthur's church
Posted by: waldensNL ()
Date: August 14, 2013 05:42AM



I want to understand this so please bear with me a little. I do not understand how those who act like 'heathens' in their behaviour in public are counselling others on bearing christian fruit.
I see on the one hand lots of messages by grown up teachers (including Johnny Mac) talking about godly living, while on the other hand I see their youth that listens to these messages acting like lawless arrogant 'heathens'. If these youth after these public videos are still allowed to counsel, never having to repent of this public shameful behaviour (having the pretence of Christian counsellors), being justified by those who give them the authority to counsel others on how much Christian fruit they bear, than this is a very grave form of hypocrisy.

So you say that WoW Staffers can get away with pretty much anything they want and those acting like 'heathens' in the rap video are probably counselling people ?
So the counselling people who lay large burdens on those under them in counselling sessions, present themselves in public on Youtube on the official Master's College Youtube
as 'heathens' who have the same behaviour as non-Christians partying at non-Christian schools ?

Do yoy know of any discipline of those in these Master's College Youtube movies who act like wordly lawless arrogant youth ?

(my personal view is that every youth that gets counselling of those appearing in these partymovies on the official Master's college Youtube movie can say to them 'hypocrite go get the beam out of your own eye before you straign the gnat out of mine' and than let their counsellor see their own behaviour (and those of their equals)on this Youtube channel).

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Re: Ex members of John MacArthur's church
Posted by: gracetowho? ()
Date: August 14, 2013 02:23PM

Quote- I see on the one hand lots of messages by grown up teachers (including Johnny Mac) talking about godly living, while on the other hand I see their youth that listens to these messages acting like lawless arrogant 'heathens'. If these youth after these public videos are still allowed to counsel, never having to repent of this public shameful behaviour (having the pretence of Christian counsellors), being justified by those who give them the authority to counsel others on how much Christian fruit they bear, than this is a very grave form of hypocrisy. (End quote)

Yup, the antics at TMC look like patty cakes compared
to when these "trained to be hypocrites" by John MacArthur
get into churches, then they are hyper- hypocrites with authority.

People become like the idol they worship and
the idol here is John MacArthur.
A conflicted idol, indeed.

When the real Holy Spirit is dispensed with, all they
have left for creativity is a weird concoction of
flashmob worldliness.

It isn't funny or entertaining or interesting.
So all we have left is lewd, silly, ungodly videos.

Bjw, you ought to take these pictures to an attorney
and sue John MacArthur.
You had to pay good money to be taught
" Do as I say not as I do"

It's definately actionable.
Even an atheistic jury can see that.


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Re: Ex members of John MacArthur's church
Posted by: bjw ()
Date: August 15, 2013 08:41AM

The worldliness displayed in these videos should show that there is not much of a stretch to the worldly behavior described elsewhere in this thread. I think this should help substantiate what we have been saying. I had some students get physical with me at times. I can tell many more stories that would make these videos seem tame. They can put on a veneer of Christianity, but it is impossible to hide the truth forever. I think with the internet and Youtube becoming more useful, it will be harder for groups like this to hide what they really stand for.

I wish I would have had the info in this thread while I was in high school looking for a college. It would have saved me two years of my life plus much money and heartbreak.

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Re: Ex members of John MacArthur's church
Posted by: waldensNL ()
Date: August 15, 2013 12:02PM


I myself have been in a cult for 6 years. Although it cost me a lot, the lessons learned there have proven themselves to be very very valuable in later years. This because it gave me practical cultexperience that prevented me afterwards of falling in the same trap again.

What astonishes me greatly is that the cult I was in was an unknown small group, but Johnny Mac is promoted worldwide and connects to speakers that (according to their pretenses and seeming love for the old paths of reformers, English puritans and Spurgeon) should be very far from cultpractices (like Johnson, Mohler and other speakers at the Shepherds Conferences).

My personal opinion is that if Johnny Mac in 2013 bears such bad fruit with his teaching in the Master's college, than all who connect to Johnny in public with smiling faces and messages full of blessings for the ministry of this idolshepherd, are under grave suspicion of being of the same spirit as Johnny. Appearing to be humble, but getting richer all the time through their public messages and books, having the audacity to teach on humility while being able to have themselves idolised by pictures and museums.

It again proves to me that Christ has come to save sinners and set them free from all idolatry, including those who put themselves between Christ and His Sheep with their images and ministries.

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