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5 years ago
Hey out there, if anyone is listening, this "training" ruined by life. Would love to talk about it with others. I experienced exactly what other people said when I was 17 (In 1998) at the hands of Fred Lowder and some a*&hole named Tracey and another character named Mark. A bunch of grown men around a 17 year old girl. They forced me to tell my sexual experiences publicly through an
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
5 years ago
I went through Discovery when I was 17 and they first launched. I was taken down, psychologically tormented during their stupid "circle/contract" and sexually abused/touched by a man named Tracey. This was 22 years ago and I blocked that *&^% out.
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
5 years ago
I was part of Discovery/fred lowder when they launched. I was psychologically and sexually traumatized by them at 17. I'm now almost 39 and carried their BS around for 22 years. I'm ready to talk to anyone who will listen. They were MLM.
Forum: Multi Level Marketing and Commercial Schemes
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