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4 years ago
Right so, in terms of recovering a sense of self, a big thing for me was learning to assert my ego. Yes, that's right, ASSERT my EGO - in contravention of the New Age nostrum that ego must be eliminated. In practice, this meant getting back in touch with the things I like and enjoy. No longer feeling guilty about saying, I like this, I want that. It also meant, perhaps most importantly of
Forum: Recovery from Destructive Cults and Groups
4 years ago
Tone1997, the first step, really, was finding this place. Having immersed myself in the Eckhart Tolle philosophy for so long those ideas had become unquestionable truths in my mind; the discussions on here were the first thing to give voice to some of my growing doubts, and open me to some fresh perspectives. But the terror of having my sense of reality suddenly torn away without anything obvi
Forum: Recovery from Destructive Cults and Groups
4 years ago
Hi Tone1997. As I said in my post just above, I consider myself close to fully recovered from the Eckhart Tolle mind virus. However, I'm left with the deeper trauma of events that happened much earlier in my life, which I've come to believe contributed in large part to my susceptibility to Tolle. Living with that is an ongoing challenge. But compared to the wreck I was when I started th
Forum: Recovery from Destructive Cults and Groups
4 years ago
Hello everyone. For some reason I decided to check back on here for the first time in a couple of years and lo and behold, there's activity on my thread! Thank you to everyone for commenting and sharing your own stories and views. I am pleased to say that I have come a long way from the clutches of Eckhart Tolle and his teachings on the awesome power of lobotomy (teachings that have led a
Forum: Recovery from Destructive Cults and Groups
6 years ago
Thanks westie, that's kind of you to say, I appreciate it. Likewise, I wish you well with your own recovery, whatever form it's taking. I'll look out for your story if and when you choose to publish it on here, as if you've felt able to relate to mine I'm sure I'll be able to relate to yours. And corboy, thanks for your responses. I've been through all the ot
Forum: Recovery from Destructive Cults and Groups
7 years ago
Another one I forgot to include. Lovebombing Eckhart Tolle says that only those who are "ready" for his teachings will recognise their truth. This makes the reader think that if they believe the teachings, they must be special. If you are prepared to give your mind away to Tolle, you must be more evolved and more enlightened than the average person. ----------------- By the
Forum: Recovery from Destructive Cults and Groups
7 years ago
I wanted to lay out some of the tricks that I've started to become aware of Mr. Tolle using. Tolle's Tricks Trance Induction and Hypnotic Suggestion In the Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle encourages you to not think about what you are reading, but instead to (paraphrasing) "feel the truth" of it. If your mind raises any doubts or concerns, he says that you should cast the
Forum: Recovery from Destructive Cults and Groups
7 years ago
Hello everybody. This is my first post here. I wanted to share my experience with the so-called 'teachings' of Eckhart Tolle. I know ET has been discussed on some other threads on here, but those discussions seem to have died down which is why I'm doing this as a new topic. I apologise if that's not the protocol. This is going to be quite a long, rambly personal account. Ag
Forum: Recovery from Destructive Cults and Groups
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