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10 years ago
That's the thing, though, isn't it? It's always something that you need to fix and you either say "omg, they're right! I have to chant more/strengthen my faith, etc., etc." or you say "screw you, Jack, you are bat-shit crazy." The latter group they'll bug for a little while but will generally give up on; the former group they sniff out like a pack of s
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
10 years ago
Oh my god . . . it's a key, not a mirror? I've been polishing the wrong thing? Holy crap. Raining all day and I almost thought about thinking about chanting. The rain has almost stopped! How can anyone deny the connections? We always had a box of tissues at meetings . . . you just never knew.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
10 years ago
Skinny girl maybe in her 20's? Lots of fluffy hair, dressed in dark red leggings with an oversized-sgi t-shirt on. Jumping around like a cockroach on a hot griddle, passionately spewing catch-phrases and telling everyone that if their life sucks it's because they don't chant enough and don't have enough faith. I'm sure you've never seen anything like it, shavoy ;-p.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
10 years ago
One thing that severely twisted my knickers - after the reorg in January, our new md district leader seemed to make it a point to lead gongyo where ever he went . . . really pissed me off, especially when he was at my place. I talked with the woman who shakubuku'd be, and she told me that that was considered extremely rude, even by organizational standards and that as a long-time member, he
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
10 years ago
Thanks for pointing all of that out TaP . . . really, it's no wonder that sgi and nsa are both packed with vindictive little whatevers. Honestly, prior to sgi, my leanings were more toward Tibetan Buddhism, I have no idea why. I have no interest in affiliating with any particular group at this point and options in my area are limited anyway, although there is a spectacular Thai temple near m
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
10 years ago
Her headstone will read "She just didn't chant enough." As I wrote, I only got through about a minute, but what a sad, angry young woman. Can you imagine what a fun person she must be to hang with? Betting that she doesn't have a single friend outside of sgi, and we all know how well that works out. It's hard not to watch that without thinking about bible-thumping Chri
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
10 years ago
When I first left (really, can that only be a little over a week ago? Feels like a lifetime . . .), I entertained the notion that it would be ok for me to continue the practice on my own terms. I thought about it and came to realize that everything I'd learned about nichiren Buddhism had come to me through the sgi-lens and, as far as I'm concerned anyway, couldn't be trusted. I eve
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
10 years ago
Maybe that's part of what makes some people vulnerable to cults . . . the inability to identify boundaries. Once again, typical predatory behavior . . . hone in on those vulnerabilities and leverage them for all they're worth. Even when you look at the literature from sgi, there's nothing blatantly creepy or offensive there - all sweetness and light. It's the unpublished agend
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
10 years ago
Oh, yeah . . . she's happy as a little red-yellow-and-blue clam, that one is. No anger there . . . I only got through the first minute or so, but did she start hopping up and down at some time?
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
10 years ago
That, corboy, is an excellent word. I was brought up as a roman catholic - I got absolutely nothing out of that, and converted to Quaker (Religious Society of Friends) after years of having no spiritual connection with anything. I began practicing as a Quaker in a small town in VA . . . there were maybe 20 other members, so it was a pretty intimate little group. I was attracted to them by their m
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
10 years ago
I dunno, based on that photo, a fat-chance Freudian slip might be required.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
10 years ago
I'm not sure el Presidente does anything consciously . . .
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
10 years ago
The skepticism is natural, but I love the expressions of Buddhism that corboy's neighbor displays. That, to me, is what Buddhism is about . . . to live gently and productively in the world, respect other people and do good on your own terms. From Walt Whitman (Leaves of Grass): “This is what you shall do; Love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
10 years ago
There are quite a few Indian members in the district I was in - the original ones were s-b'd by relatives back home. In this particularly district, there I didn't see any attempts to adapt the group because the members were so eager to blend in. Most of the Indian members keep Hindu images in their homes, and it gives the leaders fits when they realize these items are religious in natur
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
10 years ago
TaP, that is powerful stuff. Dammit, I'm going to have to think again. Your comment about the similarity to Christian churches is spot on. I mentioned in an earlier post how krg differed so differently based on the Hispanic culture I lived in in the southwest and much more urbanized culture in the Philly area. The "cultural" performances we were subjected to reflected those; in
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
10 years ago
If you liked "Senseless," you'll love "Haha." Another hit by ikeda-san! Haha does not need to be renamed, since its title already says it all. I think that all of the different cults represented on this website should have a Worst Music competition. I know that sgi would win, I just know it.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
10 years ago
AmusedKY, being kicked to the curb by the members when the org no longer regards us as salvageable is par for the course and not to be taken personally. I think that the so-called friendship and support are things that kept some of the people here with SGI for maybe longer than we should've stayed. Part of the methods of every cult I've read about, and I've been reading a lot latel
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
10 years ago
Hitch, seriously . . . there are older members here who just might need to put on their Depends before we watch this stuff. Warn me next time. Jeez.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
10 years ago
Human beings seem prone to magical thinking - knocking on wood, no open umbrellas indoors, athletes that have to wear their cap a certain way - we're surrounded by superstition every day. Sgi has taken it to the next level, though . . . they have their magic chant, magic scroll and ritualized approaches to dealing with life. When someone recounts a really goofy experience, finding a nickel w
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
10 years ago
I loved that Bank of Daimoku - a branch in every heart. Maybe my good luck came to me, one of the tellers is going to realize that my account is empty and the check is going to bounce! No, rag away . . . she absolutely knows that I've stopped chanting, which was why I truly thought she was kidding. I was originally worried about her wanting to stay friends with me; now I'm not sure I ca
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
10 years ago
That is horrifying, there's no other word to describe it. Oh, yeah there is . . . totally non-Buddhist. Is his family still practicing? These people are so twisted, and they actually think they're right and there's no room for any doubt. Poor kid. I'm surprised the leaders didn't blame her for the whole thing, since she was obviously diluting her practice and polluting he
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
10 years ago
I signed on in the fall of 2006, and the membership cards were in place then - I remember filling one out. I mentioned somewhere that I practiced in Albuquerque, Las Cruces, El Paso, Reading and the greater Philly area, and I never heard of making out cards for the family! That's absolutely outrageous; my atheist son would disown me! Your letter is wonderful . . . I especially like the qu
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
10 years ago
I'm providing the following for anyone else who decided that they are going to formally resign. I've adapted one of the letters that TaP was kind enough to provide. I didn't have physical addresses for the leaders, but I scanned the letter (with my signature), so they're now on the same legal notice that the organization is. Please feel free to copy, cannibalize, bastardize, w
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
10 years ago
TaP, thank you so much! This is very helpful information - I do want to cross my t's and dot my i's on this. I had the membership box when I sent my resignation email and removed my card . . . that didn't feel right, so I returned it before I handed the box over. I figured they had my contact info anyway. Maybe I'm being petty, but I really want them to have to take every litt
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
10 years ago
I apologize for probably over-posting; this is still a new situation for me, so every step seems like a big one and there aren't really any other folks out there who really understand what the issues can be. I really want these people to just leave me alone . . . I sent the following email to the people I've heard from today: Ladies - I was quite specific in my resignation email t
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
10 years ago
I do seem to be genetically predisposed to getting the last word in and at this point, it feels like sport. No one has ever accused me of being overly mature. Since I don't have anybody's addresses any more, it'll have to be an email; I love the sound of "Taiten and proud," if TAP doesn't mind me borrowing the moniker. I will need to add "not giving up, happy as
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
10 years ago
Okay, so the "so sorry for any misunderstanding!" and "don't give up!" Cards are arriving - are greeting cards possibly another line of business for sgi? Most notably, there was a card from the general chapter leader who, other than to call me a few weeks ago to reprimand me for my disharmonious behavior, has had no direct contact with me whatsoever. I'd original
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
10 years ago
I was reminded that I almost got hooked into another Buddhist cult a number of years ago - New Kadampa Tradition. They were such an obvious personality-cult and had a clear proscription about reading from other traditions that even I recognized the signs. Apparently, I need to be hit over the head with a 2x4 (or possibly 6x6). Interestingly, I didn't find any postings on this entire site abo
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
10 years ago
I used to enjoy krg. I practiced in Albuquerque, Las Cruces and El Paso before I moved back to the east coast; the Hispanic cultural influence was everywhere, and it was just plain fun. We had wd meetings, and it was real human-to-human stuff. There was talk about our practices, but mostly we just listened to and supported each other in our ordinary, daily tribulations. Moving back, I was surpri
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
10 years ago
So you're saying that all the daimoku in the world can't restore the fearless leader to the same vigor he had 40 years ago? Wow. Go figure. I guess you can't make the impossible possible after all. I guess there will be no more fundraising/recruiting . . . um, no that's wrong, isn't it? No more travels for peace for him. Whatever shall we do?
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
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