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13 years ago
From the Kempon Hokke Blog, March 20, 2011, ---------------Beginning of Quote----------------------------------------------------- The Victorious Future of Mentor and Disciple I can see those who are like demons Milling around what Unbeknownst to them, Is only an execution block Traitors! Having turned your backs On the Daishonin’s golden words, Are you
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
13 years ago
Well, value is certainly a loaded term. It's important to have and live by your values....but Backnforth, it's certainly a good point that some people use their values as a club to beat other people with! I brought up the use of the term "creating value" because it is so specifically SGI rhetoric. I have never heard another group speak of creating value. "Livin
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
13 years ago
From the Massachusetts Department of Education website: Spirit of Knowledge Charter School Executive Summary ---------------------beginning of quote------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spirit of Knowledge Charter School Executive Summary This is prepared by the founding group of the proposed Spirit of Knowledge Charter Sc
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
13 years ago
tsukimoto -- though not as edgy as the original buddhajones website -- does post some good stuff, including a funny little video about the mentor/disciple relationship. Their latest is that now, SGI seems to be denying any connection with its charter school in Worcester. -----------------beginning of quote, website---------------------------------------------
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
13 years ago
QuoteSGByeQuite a few years back I was doing Gajokai duty at my local kaikan, answering the phones. One night the phone rang and it was George Williams. A “pioneer member” in our area had passed away and Mr. Williams was calling to get info about attending the funeral. So, I put him on hold and rang the office upstairs to tell them that Mr. Williams was on the line. None of the leaders wanted
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
13 years ago
And the Spirit of Knowledge Academy (Soka) of Worcester, Massachusetts, has made the news....and not in a good way. ---------------------------------------Beginning of Quote-------------------------------------------------------------------------- (NECN: Kenneth Craig, Worcester, Mass.) - Leaders at the Spirit of Knowledge Academy in Worcester are under fire aft
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
13 years ago
QuoteShavoy And that Mr. Williams will be thrown under the bus under the protection of "It's Fiction!"...It's been said on this thread more than once already, but Mr. W. was probably kicked to the side and out the door because he was grabbing more than his share of the Top Dog Pie. . Some people say that GW's real crime was becoming more popular than Ikeda. Many pag
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
13 years ago
QuoteShavoy I'm also curious. How many people here have read some or all of the Human Revolution/New Human Revolution? I'd like to know your impressions. I was asked to join a women's study group a few years back. I was under the impression that we would choose what we studied -- a Gosho, or the Lotus Sutra. Instead, at the first meeting, we were told that we would study
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
13 years ago
Nichijew, you and I were both impressed by the same quote. This is from, regarding Michelle Woo's article on Soka University of America. ---------------------------beginning of quote------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUA comment Wow. There are 349 comment on that article as I type. I just added my two cents, in reply to someo
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
13 years ago
QuoteMorgaine I posted my comment because I was struck by the fact that SGI just had a prayer session for the earthquake in Japan in 1995 and then less than a month later a much bigger one happens, quite bad. I wanted to get the opinions of others,that are on the forum and have knowledge of the gosho Risho Ankoku Ron (sp). It shows that something is amiss in Japan. thats all I will say, because
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
13 years ago
I mean, would Ikeda pass up a chance for some good publicity? ---------------------------------------Beginning of Quote------------------------------------------------------------------- In response to the massive earthquake and subsequent tsunamis which devastated parts of northern Japan on March 11, the Soka Gakkai central emergency communications center at the Soka Gakkai Headquarter
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
13 years ago
QuoteShavoyWell, the news is here, about the 8.9 magnitude quake and the pictures and reports are heartbreaking. And you know one of the first things that crossed my mind? All the daimoku from SGI-Japan members could not halt this from coming..first an earthquake..then the tsunami... Guys, that doesn't warm the cockles of this heart to think that. But throughout this thread, there is a
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
13 years ago
Student Reviews of Soka University: -------------------------------beginning of quotes-------------------------------------------- --"Do not be taken in by the beauty of this campus. Internal politics amongst faculty and senior staff have made the curiculum weak and narrow in scope. If you are a member of SGI and Japanese, you'll be welcomed with open arms, but if you are not,
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
13 years ago
QuoteNichijew Soka University of America, fine institution of advanced brainwashing studies. Please also search out SUA videos on U-tube. Frightening examples of SGI student brainwashing. Japan's decline at the hands of Soka Gakkai is a human tragedy. Don't let it happen to America and the world.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
13 years ago
QuoteThe Anticult From the perspective if Ikeda, he probably believes he is a superman, that is why he bought a few hundred fake degrees, with donations. Ikeda must have a massive inferiority complex, which drove him to try to make others think he is a superman. So SGI hired shills to write his books, and by him fake degress, make vain statues, etc. . That, and he's got a persecution c
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
13 years ago
QuoteShavoy what you wrote about P.I. kicking revolting masses out made me think...If all these sincere, good-intended members rose up in defiance, refusing to do any more for the Gakkai in the functions you said...P.I. might do a double-turn...that's a lot of disciples to lose, a lot of revenue shot...Of course, he does not need any more, but gotta keep the funds flowin' no matter wh
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
13 years ago
It's interesting to look back at SGI speeches and actions from the 1950's, when Josei Toda was president and Ikeda was Young Men's Division leader. The writing was on the wall, even then. From page 163 of this thread: ----------------------------Beginning of Quote------------------------------------------------------------------------ Toda was also not speaking meta
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
13 years ago
Doubtful, my point was not that SGI is bad for buying property; it's to be expected. Any organization is going to need space for its activities. I just thought that this article was interesting because SGI does already own a lot of valuable real estate in California, and Hawaii.....spending two million dollars to pick up another piece of real estate is nothing to an organization as ri
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
13 years ago
So what have our friends at SGI been up to lately? Shopping for real estate! February 9, 2011 Soka Gakkai International-USA purchased 3834 Opal St. in Oakland, CA, from The Lions Center for the Blind for $2.3 million, or approximately $171 per square foot. Built in 1950 with serial additions completed in 1965, the building measures 13,428 square feet. Soka Gakkai International
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
14 years ago
Quotequiet one The unresolved issues that are in one's life is what makes people get sucked into and stick with SGI. Guilt is promoted. If you don't focus on others, you are told, your own life will be a disaster. So you focus on others, but focusing on others and neglecting your own life creates problems that aren't being addressed. Then, to remedy the disaster of your life, y
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
14 years ago
Backnforth, this is a good point. I know that we've discussed this topic on the thread -- exactly where, I couldn't tell you. This thread is longer than some books; I swear, we need an index and a table of contents. Many pages back, we had a discussion about SGI-USA leaders who appointed an abusive boyfriend to be a leader -- he then murdered his girlfriend, also an SGI memb
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
14 years ago
QuoteNichijewQuotecyclops On the IKEDA Gohonzon - earlier this year I was told by a Sr. Leader that it's in the mill and I guess it's in the queue waiting for the right moment for distribution. Oy Vey! He is a terrible calligrapher. Nichijew SGI can just hire a ghostwriter for's not like they haven't done it before.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
14 years ago
MiaPicher, thank you for sharing your experiences! I read your post and thought at many points, "Oh, I felt that way too!" I felt that I was slacking and immature when I didn't want a leadership position, I never felt comfortable with the reverence paid to leaders and the pep talk cheering, and despite all that, I still found it hard to quit SGI. One thing that I've no
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
14 years ago
QuoteNichijew “If we truly wish to reach this point, we must read President Ikeda’s guidance repeatedly. We must get to the point where we can’t distinguish between our own speech and action and what we would do if we were the SGI President. It’s incorrect for us to put our opinions about how to behave over what we believe President Ikeda would do. It’s *even worse* to act *without thinking* abou
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
14 years ago
QuoteTibbsI'm almost starting to wonder if anyone ever actually wants to be a leader in the SGI. I suppose there must be some people who do. Did anyone see the Mentor got his 300th Academic Honor? He sure is obsessed with those honorary degrees. There must some people who want to be SGI leaders....but there are/were sure a lot of us who didn't want to be leaders! I had three f
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
14 years ago
QuoteDioforeverThe heart of the mentor or buddha from one point,can mean the daishonin,but from a strickter point of veiw it can mean a teacher or any one since we all have a buddha nature,the concept of teacher and student is that the students are equel to the teacher,and they strive to surpass the mentor,,,......there is nothing hinky about that statment,of the heart of the mentor or buddha....
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
14 years ago
QuoteFindingmywaytoday If there is one thing I do miss about the organization (and I believe I can find this elsewhere, I am just not sure yet) is the motivated feeling I had about my life when I chanted. I did believe anything was possible. I want this feeling back, but I don't want to chant. I don't believe I have to chant because I see many people who are motivated and don't c
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
14 years ago
QuoteTheVoidVibrant gongyo and daimoku gave the SGI-UK Student Division kick-off meeting a great start, writes Tarun Khetarpal. Sensei’s response via his message and gift of refreshments were received within a day of us informing him of the meeting, showing the concern he has for each of us....the theme for the meeting, Youth, Let’s Open a Great Road to Victory, was introduced. The 42nd Headqu
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
14 years ago
QuoteSGByeDoubtful, it's puzzling to me that you find it hard to accept that Ikeda demands all the credit that he gets. This man puts his name on everything associated with the SGI. The Ikeda/King/Gandhi exhibit wasn’t organized by the members out of their pure love for Ikeda , unbeknownst to him. It was an official SGI exhibit, so of course he commissioned it. And we’ve all seen the cond
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
14 years ago
QuoteTibbsDid anyone else see this on Maybe it's old news to the rest of you, but according to an article from a French magazine Ikeda applied for a patent on the phrase Namu Myo Renge Kyo in 1972. If that's Patent application SGI
Namu Myoho Renge Kyo I
In January 1972, the Soka Gakkai, at the request
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
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