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5 months ago
I'm 67 and joined Subud last year. A friend had been in Subud for years before he passed away two years ago. So when I reached out to the organization out of curiousity. I met with a helper for three months and was duly opened. Being opened felt more symbolic than anything, but I realized I've been in and our of cults for a long time. I realize now, just recently, that my birth famil
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
5 months ago
I'm 67 and joined Subud last year. A friend had been in Subud for years before he passed away two years ago. So when I reached out to the organization out of curiousity. I met with a helper for three months and was duly opened. Being opened felt more symbolic than anything, but I realized I've been in and our of cults for a long time. I realize now, just recently, that my birth famil
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
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