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2 years ago
I would also like to thank everyone. My only interest in signing up here was to ask about the Living Word church in Syracuse NY I had a run in with last month. I guess they are not affiliated with the original Living Word, but I can tell you, the way they act is damn close. I'm also currently watching de-conversion videos on youtube. The stories I'm reading here and watching on youtube
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
2 years ago
Reepicheep You are right, that IS the Syracuse chapter I experienced. Yeah sorry I should have put “trigger warning” on that video link. The audio is truly disturbing. I just saw a Pentecostal church on youtube and it’s pretty much the same. Like I said in my first post, I had no idea those churches were this far north. Thanks for clearing up the confusion about the original Living Word starte
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
2 years ago
Reepicheep, Thanks for the reply and info. Much appreciated. I'm going to link you to a page I found about the Syracuse church. Also, here is a link to a video on their youtube channel. Go to the end, about 1:41. This is what really set off the final red flag for me. Those sounds the people are making are disturbing and have mental illness written all over them IMO. I guess
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
2 years ago
Hi, I just signed up here and this is my first post. I recently had an encounter with Living Word Church of Syracuse NY. I just want to confirm these are the people we are discussing on this forum. I dug up as much info as I could. From what I learned, it was founded by John Robert Stevens. When he died in 1983, he passed it to his wife Marilyn. It would land here in Syracuse in 1972, this is the
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
10 years ago
Catherine Aurelia
Has anybody had experience with some guy named "Raphah," who claims to have dug us the Original manuscripts of the Bible in northern Iraq and then taken them to a hide out in the Himalayas? He has a website dealing with the "Original Scriptures." He uses Hebraicisms, and claims that his followers must use the Hebrew name of God, and the Hebrew name for Jesus, as a qualifier
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
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