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7 years ago
lily rose said, " I wish I had done that (informed the rrmoderator) when pbxguy and LampSchamp ripped into Apostle Dog for expressing his views." To be clear, I didn't rip into Apostle Dog to get him to leave the forum. I ripped into him because of his homophobic remarks. I have beloved family members and friends who are outside the mainstream I have grown to have no patience wh
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
7 years ago
howmidoing wrote: "Just as a side note - I personally think, if former members of LW no longer ascribe to Jesus and the Trinity, then LW has won (I mean they are the "right" way to the Kingdom, right?). Just my biased opinion. Please feel free to ignore! :)" Sarcasm, right? I hope you don't truly believe that statement. If there is actually a loser, it's those
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
7 years ago
Larry Bobo wrote: PTSD is quite real. It took me about ten years to get over the vivid nightmares of bloody sword fights, and even longer before my wife could wake me up without me attacking her - thinking I was fighting for my life. Even the dog was not safe to wake me, as the hole in the bedroom wall about 10 feet away proved – and he was 65 lbs. When I first read this I sort of quickly sca
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
7 years ago
One thing I will never miss about TLW is the ingrained exclusivity and elitism. It is so unfortunate that someone would think the "Little People" were somehow treated less badly than those who participated in the hierarchy. Everyone was taken advantage of. Everyone. From the preacher who thinks much too much of himself, to the poor sod who throws money he or she really can't af
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
7 years ago
Wow. Catholic advocacy in this forum. Just. Wow.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
7 years ago
Can't help but weigh in on this topic. Sin nature (loosely defined as someone behaving in a manner inconsistent with someone else's definition of virtue) never killed anyone. LampShmamp was spot on labeling this view as superstition. Cancer, on the other hand is a very effective ender of lives, which is how JRS died. Perhaps one is attempting to attach Karma to JRS's death? I
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
7 years ago
NickelandDimed asked, "pbxguy who was the other bloke who claimed it?" - When I was living in Yakima, Bob (owner of Impact) came during a feast of something-or-other as guest leader. During the festivities we were out to lunch at a local restaurant and Sounds of Silence was playing on the overhead. One of the guys visiting with Bob from LA said, "Isn't it a shame that Sim
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
7 years ago
lily rose wrote, "Remember the song "Sounds of Silence." Simon and Garfunkle got credit for it but it was written by Jim Beach who grew up in the Walk." I've heard two different individuals in the Walk claim they wrote that song. Do you happen to have any reliable sourcing on your assertion? If I had written that song, I would have hired counsel to represent me and get
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
7 years ago
Invisible wrote: "God freed Jesus from the religious ideas that hindered a man..." I am reminded that the TLW (The Walk) uses the word "religion" in noun and adjective form as a pejorative. I had forgotten about that. There's nothing wrong with being religious if that is what brings you happiness and peace of mind. The word is merely a descriptor of one's spiritua
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
I've just been bringing myself up to date with the posts from the last month or so. It truly is amazing, remarkable, staggering, (insert your favorite superlative) how many people have led churches in the Walk over the years who are/were completely and entirely unqualified to be in any sort of leadership position over other human beings. Also, it's pretty convenient to have Maril
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
TheSarge, your description of the formation of cults resonates. I would add that pretty much every single generation since biblical times believed they were in the "End Times", and we ain't seen nuthin yet. (And won't...either) Add to that the text we recognize as The Holy Scriptures was slowly assembled over a period of a couple hundred years by a group of theocrat politic
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
I heard Gary started dating a Brazilian midget.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
lily rose; It's wonderful that your sibling managed to summon the courage to seek therapy from a trained professional, and that the result was a restoration of your relationship. (not to mention your sibling's new found freedom)! My hope is that there are many, many stories to come that resemble your experience. It is also pretty great that there is a place like this forum to sh
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
lily rose said, "Maybe Gary will never apologize but if he did I think decades of old wounds would begin to heal." You also mentioned your sister's narcissism. Waiting for Gary to apologize is akin to waiting for a narcissist to seek therapy. It rarely happens because the narcissist doesn't see that they have a problem. They feel that everything is just fine, and that an
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
Speaking of the availability of help for members using vehicles such as counseling and therapy; I am reminded as an example of the wild creature who is rescued from someone's back yard. The wild creature was never intended to be subject to captivity or bondage. But now, the freed creature has no capacity to function in the wild, and further, the authorities that rescue the animal are acutely
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
Due respect, but I wouldn't want my beloved pets to be ruled and reigned over by Gary. They deserve better.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
The point I'm making, AD, is that one can fold up homophobia and hatred and bigotry with pretty bible pages as wrapping paper, then tie it all up with more pretty ribbons of scripture, but its contents are still homophobia, hatred, and bigotry. It is not Christian compassion to render "ministry" to a gay man or woman in order to deliver them from a mental illness. The absurdity
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
There are at least 50 scriptures in the bible regarding adultery. There are about 75 having to do with drinking. There are 6 scriptures with any reference to homosexuality. Six. Just six. But Christians never seem to condemn adultery or drinking with anywhere near the same venom. And those are only two paltry examples. So, AD, What are we to think about adultery and alcohol abuse? Ticket straig
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
I've had a revelation. I now know the moment when the Kingdom of God will be manifest in the earth. When Christians finally get it through their thick heads that homosexuality is not a sin, that gays are not going to automatically roast in hell, that they are purely and simply "people", not abominations. When Christians finally begin to offer compassion to all, instead of onl
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
I've a few jewish friends that have invited me to seder once or twice. I've also been to a seder at the San Diego church. Other than a gathering of like believers the SD church does not accurately practice a seder.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
lily rose - yes, to all you said. My experience with the occult was pretty brief, though I've continued to read bits and pieces over the years. It's actually just another religion; spirit-based just like Christianity, and practiced in tiny pockets of the world with a different mindset toward deity attributes. Probably, my experience with it was barely thorough enough to be considered
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
I had an unexpected memory the other day, probably triggered by recent posts. I am also one who believes that JRS was a person who genuinely believed what he was advocating, that he was not just disseminating a bunch of hokum for the sake of gaining tithes, based on a brief conversation I had with him after a service at the valley church. It was one of those rare occasions that he was walking
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
AD - the grace with which you have handled the death of your wife is moving and inspiring. I wish you peace, AD, and I am glad her suffering has ended.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
kBOY, both of those links reminded me of why I felt so much joy when I stopped going to church. They weren't much different from the "real" versions I attended so long ago. The second reminded me of a typical home meeting from the seventies. Yikes!!!
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
I wonder if I wrote a letter to the Gary Hargrave, if I would get a response? He would 100% remember me even though I got off the crazy train in '85. I wonder if I pointed out that TLW is starting to look like unused footage from "The Life of Brain" (Monty Python...if you haven't seen it; you should) if he would acknowledge that TLW is in need of a serious intropection wit
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
kBOY, maybe no way to know, but was Gary raised catholic? Pretty mind-bending that he would firmly embrace the very definition of what JRS preached against. Kind of charming in a creepy, prime time TV horror show sort of way. It has II Peter 2:22 written all over it. Dog/vomit. Will be interesting to see how many people swallow it. I remember when Ray Williamson from the El Cajon church annou
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
Apostle Dog, I think it is safe to say that I speak for everyone in this forum when I tell you we all send our very best thoughts, wishes, and prayers for your wife's well being. May she know that she is loved and treasured by those around her.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
TheSarge said, "I suspect what I'm about to contribute will not set well with the current posters, but I'd like to express my paradigm anyway." But Sarge, I think you make an excellent point. You describe the reasons my wife and I left the church. All of a sudden, it simply wasn't a place where we could hear what we believed was the voice of God in our hearts anymore.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
Welcome, Light777. I wish you all the very best!
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
8 years ago
You'd think that if Gary wanted to start the Next Big Thing in Brazil, he would at least learn to speak Portuguese. I've never read any accounts of Jesus using interpreters. Or since he's in communication with Marilyn, she could do it for him, yeah?
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
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