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13 years ago
QuoteshaktiI'm confused, Seeking Truth, as to why you posted this here? It is always interesting to read propaganda from the racist, homophobic UFO cult Falun Gong, but you simply posted it without any commentary or analysis of this mix of disinformation and lies? Perhaps you had a hard time posting in your own commentary? Either way, thanks for posting it, is always interesting to see w
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
13 years ago
Christians, Tibetans, and Uyghurs are also victims He found that House Christians, Tibetans, and Uyghurs were also victims. He was also able to prove the origin of the regime’s practice, which he will describe in an upcoming article in the Weekly Standard. “It proves that the Uyghurs were the first political prisoners to be harvested in China, in 1997 following the Gulja incident. The scale
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
13 years ago
Researchers Unravel Horrors in China Five years on, efforts to tell world about forced organ harvesting continue By Joshua Philipp Epoch Times Staff The story was hard to stomach—gruesome, at the very least. What started as a rumor, however, would later unfold into a campaign of brutality and horror perpetrated by the Chinese regime. International human rights lawyer David Matas
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
QuoteSheryl OnumaI am just new to this site.. I am writing from Sydney I am writing about The Human Awareness Institue...and I just want to say to everyone that without this site and the things I have read about personal experiences I would never have had my gut feelings and fears vindicated...I only wish I had know about this site ages ago...I could have been saved from so much na
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
14 years ago
QuoteSheryl Onuma... I am happy for all to know this ... I was deeply in love with a man who turned out to be a facilitor of Human Awareness Institute based in Crows Nest Sydney.... Sorry for the previous post. I have now found your longer post. It sounds as though your ex- Allen was an intern (supporter who sponsors HAI events with time and money) or even a mere assistant. These latter are
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
14 years ago
QuoteSheryl Onuma... I am happy for all to know this ... I was deeply in love with a man who turned out to be a facilitor of Human Awareness Institute based in Crows Nest Sydney.... It sounds as though your ex- Allen was an intern (supporter who sponsors HAI events with time and money) or even a mere assistant. These latter are essential to running the weekends because a. they pay to be there,
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
14 years ago
QuoteSheryl Onuma... I am happy for all to know this ... I was deeply in love with a man who turned out to be a facilitor of Human Awareness Institute based in Crows Nest Sydney.... Whilst I am sure folks here will emphasise with your story, ALL of the HAI Facilitators are American. They do not allow non-Americans to be facilitators. Are you sure that your ex- was not an Intern (supporter who
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
14 years ago
Found this great web site: I like this quote: "Women manage to avoid one of the vilest things in all of Mormonism: the urinals in the temples. 03/31/2009 - by Mujun and others I have traveled to twenty-one countries on four continents. I have used the john in a lot of places where living standards and cultural attitudes about hygiene and cleanliness differ greatly from th
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
QuoteAreinaRyuSeekingTruth- wow, ok first of all thank you! for posting that. im really glad i came across this thread. my dad just went to a LGAT a few weeks ago (Choices run by Thelma Box dont know if you've heard of it?), and i'm signed up to attend the 5-day course starting next week. More can be found here: TAKE CARE - LIKE ALL LGATS - THEY WILL TAKE YOUR MONEY - SCREW WI
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
14 years ago
QuoteThe AnticultAny group or sect or cult, that wants to make people believe that "their children are safe" with them, is a very serious warning sign. Especially when this same group/sect/cult wants to "explore their sexual feelings" around children? How long until the criminal charges and complaints start? And don't forget that they also have the "Men for Boy
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
14 years ago
QuoteIantoAnd I believe I am safer around other mens daughters from the work I have done ... Implying that you were a lot less safer before involvement? So MKP and its weekend is now being touted to be a 'cure' for having pedo tendencies. Jeez ... !!!
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
14 years ago
QuoteSeekingTruthCalif. Lawyer Sues Over Attending All-Male Mountain Retreat Lawsuit Claims Lawyer Got Pay Cut For Missing Unusual Seminar That Included Nudity 62 comments By RAY SANCHEZ Sept. 30, 2010 ====== One of the comments from MKP apologist Majestic_Wolf at: states this: "Fact: there are two women's organizations that put on similar weekends; on
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
14 years ago
Thank you for sharing your imagination. If MKP and its abusive boot-camp weekend really are so positive why are there so many reports about it being: * secretive, * needing an extensive imjury disclaimer to be signed, * abusive (physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually), * disrespectful, * aggressive, * trauma causing, * imposing a starvation diet with sleep deprivation,
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
14 years ago
Calif. Lawyer Sues Over Attending All-Male Mountain Retreat Lawsuit Claims Lawyer Got Pay Cut For Missing Unusual Seminar That Included Nudity 62 comments By RAY SANCHEZ Sept. 30, 2010 "It makes us sound and look like a bunch of idiots," he said. California lawyer has sued his former employer for allegedly docking his pay after he refused to sign up for a weekend
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
14 years ago
Also it is available at Create an account, login, then go directly to the below link. Use uTorrent 1.8.3 ONLY for downloading. It has already acquired these statistics: Snatched 759 time(s) 517 seeder(s), 28 leecher(s) = 545 peer(s) total Judging by these no. of peers it has swept the world and CO$ can't stop it. I suspect that it'll go up on YouTube very qu
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
Also see: SCIENTOLOGY - ABUSE AT THE TOP! Amy Scobee tells the eye-opening account of her 27 years inside the Church from innocence at age 14 to her nightmarish experiences in the highest management body at Scientology's secret International Headquarters. Amy Scobee was a staff member for the Church of Scientology for 27 years. She escalated up the ranks to the top of church man
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
BBC reporter John Sweeney's last investigation into the Church of Scientology resulted in an explosive confrontation with church officials. This time, in a Panorama Special, one of those officials has turned whistleblower to help him reveal the dark secrets of the church, which boasts Hollywood A-listers Tom Cruise and John Travolta among its devotees. BROADCASTS Tue 28 Sep 201021:00BB
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
Employer Tries to Force Employee to Attend NWT Weekend SANTA ANA, Calif. (CN) – An attorney says he was forced to quit his job after a law firm docked his pay because he refused to go to a seminar where he feared he would be “stripped naked, not allowed to leave, be required to discuss details of his sex life, handle a wooden dildo, and potentially allow other men to touch his genitals.” T
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
14 years ago
It seems that cults based on Tantra (whatever that is) have not really been mentioned on the RickRoss Forums. But the link lists at least three so-called gurus. "... but a preliminary foray into a promising field of diagnostic research, three case studies provide the basis for our hypothesis that Guru-side TIDS is a particularized psychological disorder -- Thomas Rich (Osel Tendzin), Ca
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
Read this thread from beginning to end. There are loads of links and reports here. Also join the Yahoo Group at
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
14 years ago
Take a copy of the video. Change the audio, rather like those Hitler spoof videos, in order to warn viewers of the dangers of getting involved, then upload it again to YouTube using the same keys words so that it appears listed next to the original.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
This is an important new paper describing the power that a self-appointed guru can have over his/her followers and the immense spiritual, mental and physical harm that can befall them. Rajneesh Osho springs to mind immediately as yet another example. =============== TANTRA-INDUCED DELUSIONAL SYNDROME ("TIDS") by Charles Carreon TIDS: Tantra-Induced Delusional Syndrome Ab
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
OMG - first they have the 'men for boys' / 'boys for men' programme, now they're extending the perversion to little girls. Fathers can introduce their daughters into the world of MKP/WW. Notice all the "safe container" and other MKP mumbo jumbo. For little girls ages 5 and up! But ... WHY ARE MOTHERS/WIVES EXPLICITLY EXCLUDED? WHY IS ALL OF THIS OUTSIDE TH
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
14 years ago
Another person opined: "It's a cult - they prey on people with low self-esteem and give them a 'new life' that involves estranging themselves from family and work and gradually syphoning all their money from them. They will be encourage to blame others for their lack of understanding and so become more ingrained with the 'group mind'. Dangerous and immoral - it�
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
14 years ago
Quoteanonymous39I thought this was an excellent article, written from the woman's perspective, which is so completely ignored by MKP (the article doesn't name MKP, but it's very obvious): My husband turned into a tree hugger... and it killed our marriage By Hannah Angel My husband strode into the room, eyes shining, and spoke to me in a rasping voice I'd never heard b
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
14 years ago
Bye - bye - Janet Dale !!!!!!!! Those keeping up to date with HAI affairs may know that after HAI founder Stan Dale passed away a few year's ago 'ownership' of HAI passed to his living second wife Janet Dale (it was a polygamous family). However then HAI Global, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, was created in 2009, admnister and market HAI with Janet on the new board as a sa
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
14 years ago
Sex abuse and silence exposed DND brass told of rape of boys by Afghan allies By David Pugliese, The Ottawa Citizen September 21, 2009 OTTAWA — Army staff and National Defence headquarters officials were told in 2007 that young boys had allegedly been sexually abused by Afghan security forces at a Canadian base in Afghanistan, but the concern at the time was that the incident migh
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
QuotedsmThere is no such thing as genuine petitions online. They have them in the UK.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
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