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7 years ago
Something interesting I just came across. Cynthia Koroll, who is an Illinois attorney and appears to have been standing up for the Wrights in various online comments I've seen is has received two ARDC complaints. The pending complaint is very serious to me and sounds very much like some of the behaviors I've read about on here. Here's the most egregious part to me: Quote. Bet
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
7 years ago
May 2017 update, I believe that the current operations connected to these individuals are now going by the following names: [*] Wright Foundation for the Realization of Human Potential," a 501(c)(3) at [*] "Wright" aka Wright Living at [*] Wright Graduate University for the Realization of Human Potential at
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
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