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6 years ago
I have been there . I dont recommend emdr dear one It tsmds time to recover from trauma . Take it one day at a time . I was in a cult for 30 years .just 5 years ago i bro,e free . At first i felt alone . Thought God hated me or i did something wrong Dont worry we are here for you . Thousands post on here And im kinda new here too , but im glad to meet others And to know i am not alone .
Forum: Recovery from Destructive Cults and Groups
6 years ago
Congrats been in one just like it its horribly Controlling , i used to believe they somhow had more spiritual power than me . I was verbally abused , financislly Controled , it almost split up me and my husband Be strong your not alone You may feel like your to blame Or thry might make you feel guilty Dont let them pull you back in they need your money Thats all its about in churc
Forum: Recovery from Destructive Cults and Groups
6 years ago
Hi yes we have that going on even in most apostolic or charasmatic churches , its called kundalini awakening Or serpent spirit . Check out the video kundalini awakening by andrew strom . I was also sucked into this myself for over 30 years its disguized as faith healing , but the jerking and crying,laughing, and even feeling drunk is not normal in a church ... Get out if your church is showi
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
6 years ago
I have friends jn the 7th day adventist cult Does this book help cover how to help them out ?
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
6 years ago
Recently a video was posted on A.j miller , and this one actually exposes quite clearly how A. J has this much control over people . The video is called For the Love of God . When i watched it , i could not believe how some people will be so ignorant to film a person they do not think is dangerous . I am a retired nurse that worked in the field of physchatric And mental health . 1 millers son
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
6 years ago
I have been keeping close tabs on this guy since 2012 recently a video documentary was done on him and when the reporter finished and then cut the film to process on utube miller got very paranoid and cut off all ties with this guy . the video was done with Millers permission but when he seen it he flew into a fit of rage saying he was manipulated into making it . the so mild mannered miller also
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
6 years ago
i live near a small town in Yeppoon , and wanted others to know this is NOT i repeat Not a Regular church . Recently they changed their name the 3rd time ! yes 3 times , first it was the Community center Church , then i was the worship Center , Now it has a black and white sign displayed called THRIVE Oh here we go again the PROSPEROUS church or can i say the Word of Faith movement that is actu
Forum: Destructive Churches
6 years ago
we have come to find out our neighbors are in a Cult and the Leader is called " Father John " the church is isolating its members from other friends and family these are people we used to be very close to but when their pastor told them that "Jesus came to his office and told them to tell the church members that they needed to " think about giving more cause god told th
Forum: Destructive Churches
6 years ago
G day , my name is Debra i have rellies living near A.j Miller and Mary Lucks Compound and they have told me they hear screams , cries , and even can hear A.J yelling and Threatening them .. they have called the police over and over and why is it that Nick Zenephon that is supposed to do something about this has no back bone to stop another Jim jones situation ?? I myself was involved in a re
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
12 years ago
Hi Bramble. I went to CFCMI for only a little over a year. I had met one of the members online while he was deployed in Afghanistan last year. He had suggested for me to visit his church after he found out I was looking for a church. I fell in love him while he was deployed and he with me before we even met in person. I attended the church the during the time he was deployed and really connected
Forum: Destructive Churches
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