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12 years ago
Rensil As I have said before, they are a law unto themselves; they belong to the able family: unquestionable, untouchable, unreasonable, unteachable, unfathemable, unchurchable, unconscionable, unthinkable, unreachable, unhearable, unspeakable. unseeable, unconformable, uncorrectable, undebatable, undeceivable. I have never seen wolves in sheep's clothing repent , or have a ch
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
QuoteChesterk55QUOTE FROM CLIVE Not knowing the inner thoughts of any of the leaders I think this is probably an oversimplification of what is going on here To quote chesterk55 Actually those of us who were in Struthers do have a pretty good idea what they think. They told us 5 times per week for about 20 years plus conferences. Hi Chesterk Yes your right in what you said, we do
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
Hi Rensil yes it is true, many of the ones who were in SMC for a few years are committed Christians, committed to God and his word. When we find what is taught in SMC does not tally with the word of God, it is very confusing. Religion is powerfull it affects us deeply and when it goes wrong it messes us up deeply, Although I am going on with God and still go to church; I have been well and tru
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
Clive Let me start by saying I did not realize some of the posters on this site were non believers. I have nothing against other peoples beliefs, what I am against is needlessly hurting people, who are trying to live out theirs no matter what they believe. I agree with Clare I do not belive that any church has the absolute truth, I believe God in his wisdom has let us know only what we need t
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
Hi Chris Had a look at the Dr Marlene Winell website. While I would agree there is some good information, there is also an element of anti Christianity. I do not know your stance on this. Speaking for myself I am still a Christian still serving God. I know full well you have been hurt and I can understand if you have backed away from Christianity; even more God understands too. There was a t
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
Hi Covlass What we have to remember about SMC is there are different spirits at work there, that is why you become so confused. I found that the loud speaking in tongues, were being used to conjure up the spirits whatever they maybe. We certainly do not have to conjure up the Holy Spirit! Most of the tongues were not anointed it was just a noise, as in a loud babble, that was of no benefit to
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
Hi smcedars I know how you feel I have also lost two of my family to SMC. I can only now forgive the abuse that the SMC leaders put me through, but taking my children away and using the name of God to do it, I can't forgive that nor can I forget my own children. I do hope that there will be for you a reconciliation with your loved one. I fear for the young people in SMC, my heart goes
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
Hi Anthony I personally believe that your statement of wanting to go public, is not at all extreme, if it is going to safe others from this kind of deception. We are as one body in Christ and maybe we should all move as one i.e. be in agreement about going public, however some of us will have more to lose than others, we may lose friends and no question about it, we will upset many. As long as
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
ThePetitor No doubt there will be sermons to help persuede their flock that they are innocent of all charges of abuse on this forum. We will be made out to be ither liars or mentally ill that is what they usally say about people who cry wolf! The scriptures that came to my mind were: "They went out from us, but they really did not belong to us; but their going showed that none of th
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
Hi folks They seek him here they seek him there "Latigo" tell if us you dare" Are you on this forum along with the rest telling your story with vigour and zest are you still in struthers in the back row quoting the leaders for this latigo? are you on this forum like us in disguise if we find who you are, will we be surprised are you a lady or are you a gent? I know
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
Hi Seekingsusan You are right of course! it was Samuel Johnson- my mistake.
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
Hi Rensil Yes you are right there is a strong spiritual hold on the people in smc. The people there have bought into the lies that the SMC leaders teach. Along with the unholy soul ties that are being made between the people and the leaders, that would create a very spiritual stronghold. Not all soul ties are wrong. David and Jonathan in the bible had a soul tie, but it was of God (ist Samue
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
quote: seekingsusan . "One wonders if SMC is in fact more of a parasitical organisation that merely preys on those already saved with the promise of greater spiritual experiences." I do believe you are right in what you say about it being a parasitical organisation. Like myself many people came to SMC already saved and baptised in the Holy Spirit, were given the promise of
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
Hi Susie, Spearhead revival? Where? "Christian revival is a term that generally refers to a specific period of increased spiritual interest or renewal in the life of a church congregation or many churches, either regionally or globally. This should be distinguished from the use of the term "revival" to refer to a evangelistic meeting or series of meetings" Is it ev
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
Hi Clive Thank you for your input. As far as I am aware testing the spirits is not limited to just one thing, but to anything that is spiritual. The first test would of course be that the spirit recognizes that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh. Followed no doubt by the fruit that the would be Christian is producing in their lives. We must test every visitation and message with the wor
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
Hi Folks More on prophecy: No true prophecy will contradict the word of God. Isaiah 8:20 Deutronomy 18:21-22 A prophet is recognized as true when the word he has spoken comes to pass. If it doesn't it is not the word of the Lord. The sourse of ministry cannot be determined merely by signs of the miraculous see- Deuteronomy 13:1-15 Satan can perform lying signs and wonders. Exodu
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
Hi folks On the subject of false prophecy. The leader of the Cumbernauld branch of SMC told the church that Miss Taylor the founder of The Struthers Movement had given a prophecy regarding her, saying that she would spearhead revival. That as far as I know has never happened. The leader of Cumbernauld church also said that God was giving her three towns; Motherwell, Coatbridge, and Airdrie.
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
Hi Penticostal Just like you to know I was in SMC 10 years. It was the first church I was ever in. I was drawn to them because of their standard of holiness. I would still be there now, but for the terrible abuse I underwent all the time I was there. When I went there I was already saved; baptised in the Holy Spirit; reading my bible; I was living a clean life. The reasons this was my first ch
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
Hi solascriptura welcome to this ever growing number of voices on this forum. God it seems is gathering a crowd of witnesses against the system of things in SMC. I am glad you have spoken out, for every voice that has spoken out has spoken for the truth that is only found in Jesus Christ. I can relate to what you said about the emphasis being on speaking in tongues, I always had the imp
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
Hi all I would like to retract something I said on post 18 concerning an announcement by the Pastor in Cumbernauld church about a woman splitting up with her husband and that she had committed adultery, this was told to me and may well be wrong information. I apologise my mistake in not sticking to the facts of what I myself have experienced.
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
Hi Biscuits Welcome to the forum and sharing your experieces. I can relate to what you said about the leadership breaking up relationships between men and women. I seen a lot of that while in the Cumbernauld branch of SMC. Not only that but the pastor tried on occasions to break up married couples who were having problems in the church I.E. The woman or man who wasn't really in agreement
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
Hi thepetitor " Hoist by your own petard" Poetic justice I would say. Something they have made to hurt others is now hurting them... This may well be a sign of things to come. We live in hope.
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
Hi Seekingsusan just to say you don't have to know all the leaders to know if they have God's anointing or not. The thing is all leaders of SMC are trained up in the same way -their way. The leaders who are in position now have been groomed for many years before, to follow their system of things unreservedly. They have their own man made system, they are not building on the foundatio
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
Hi seekingsusan You seem to be under the impression that the anointing at SMC is the real thing. I for one have grave doubts that it is. I will explain best as I can why I think it is counterfiet. The Bible tells us as Christians that we will know the false Christians by their fruits. There are two kinds of anointing one is of the Holy Spirit the other is a counterfiet. The fruits of the Holy
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
Hi Rensil to answer your question about why ones who were picked out in their young years as in "favoured" and then cast aside when older. they in some way had strayed from the path of complete obedience to the leadership. I had seen a few like that in my time there. You must bow down low to the leaders and accept their every word, when they say jump, you say how high? Most of the ch
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
Hi all I refer to my earlier post on 03/23/2011. I would like to give the other side to the young ones who are picked up because of their obvious talents. The ones who are cast aside are left to their own thoughts, mainly being that God is not interested in them. They after many months sometimes years of trying to please the leadership, thinking they are pleasing God, leave and go back into t
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
These are some of the things I remember clearly about SMC. Children as young as 10years old were prayed with in tongues, at the friday night youth club in Cumbernauld. My friend's two children went there this is how I know. When they told their mum she withdrew them from the youth club. The childrens parents knew nothing of this. they thought it was just a normal youth club. SMC like to get
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
Hi Covlass Thank you for your post, it was very informative and helpful. I am wondering if the experiences I had in SMC were real or just caused by the atmophere I was in. I know I had experiences at home with God on my own, but they seemed to be different, E.G. I was delivered of panic attacks about 17 years ago when I was home alone there was no speaking in tongues. or anything like the deli
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
Hi Rensil you must excuse my not knowing about other churches as I haven't been out of Smc that long. SMC was the first church I was ever in. When I came there I had already had been saved and baptised in the Holy Spirit at home alone, also reading my bible on a daily basis. I had already knew the presence of God in my life. What drew me in to SMC was the same presence of GOD, but in a d
Forum: Destructive Churches
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