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8 years ago
Hi Dhammahuasca, I think people who have had good experiences of meditation often have no awareness that other people could have bad experiences, or that it could be damaging for them. And I include meditation teachers in this. Obviously, it worked well for them, or they would not have chosen to teach. However, imo a good teacher has to know who not to teach, and what the signs are that thing
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
8 years ago
Per the link, clicking on it today, it looks like Mr. Hassan is licensed until 12/31/17.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
8 years ago
Hi Rahrahrah; Of course you can choose to do whatever you want. But you have chosen to post here, so here is just my own opinion for what it is worth. Re your friend. I'd be interested to see how it all turns out long term for him. What you describe may indeed be a great beginning. From my cynical point of view though;unless he paid cash for his new house; He has just committed hims
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
9 years ago
Actually Shakti, I am here because I am interested in facts. Even unpopular ones. And my favorite source is google scholar. Reading peer reviewed journal articles, studying methodology and looking at how these studies have been analyzed statistically are interests of mine. But I am not sure that a personal attack on me is relevant to the topic at hand. Again, this is not just about t
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
9 years ago
Shakti; I am not sure why Dr Hooker is relevant to the discussion at all? I am not referencing him, and don't think he is one of Oprahs celebrity doctors, either? The discussion is about what an actual Senior CDC research scientist says in his own words. In Dr Thompsons own words, ( to repeat, Dr Thompson is a senior research scientist at the CDC) as quoted by Rep Posey; "th
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
9 years ago
Yes. Wakefield has certainly been vilified for his belief that the MMR vaccine could be linked to autism. This makes the new statement by Rep Posey yesterday particularly germane. Interesting that Dr Thompson, the senior research scientist at the CDC ( Center for Disease Control) now states that his study data showed that African American boys have a huge statistical risk of developing au
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
9 years ago
I think Dr Wakefield is also one of the doctors who has been/is a focus of this thread as one of "Oprahs Celebrity Doctors" which is the title of this thread? If discussion about Dr Wakefield is appropriate for this thread,( if not, please let me know) then this video of Congressman Posey addressing the house floor regarding the CDC whistleblower Senior CDC scientist Dr William Thom
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
9 years ago
Shakti, I think you haven't read the site properly? To clarify the events.. 1. Holly had already had her first MMR vaccine, so we can assume initially her Mom was pro vaccine. 2. After being given the second MMR vaccine at the age of 5, Holly developed a table Vaccine Injury. If you are not familiar with the term, you can look it up at the U.S department of Health and Human Servi
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
9 years ago
Just wanted to add a warning; the main site above belongs to a very brave mother who lost her daughter; if that will be too distressing you may not want to read it.
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
9 years ago
On this site, you will find a article about Dr Oz on the sidebar I have never watched his show, but this article seems to think it is the fact he criticized round up that has started the campaign against him. If he is purely financially driven, speaking out against pesticides in food and asking for increased safety would be a very bad move..
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
9 years ago
Hi Shakti, yep, kind of agree with you here..While I understand where Dr Mann is coming from, as in terms of academics if you wish to be taken seriously, it does sound much better not to call someone names.But this board is not a board purely for academics, it is also for people who have actually lived in cults or high demand groups, many of whom need a safe place to express their often strong em
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
9 years ago
Hi Tia007, I think you are a bit confused about this board. The people here have mostly come because they or someone they know has been hurt through misuse of religious beliefs. It might help if you think of it as an information or support board for those who may have been hurt by religious abuse. If you have a religion or sense of spirituality that you love, that's great. But here
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
9 years ago
Winced when I read the comment "When a woman inflicts violence on others she has crossed a line. She too bears shame' . There is a fine tradition of women who are warriors in many societies, including the U.S. Women are in the U.S.military in increasing numbers, and some of them have died for their country. I personally don't see them as bearing any shame, though I suppose some
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
10 years ago
Corboy, you make some really good points. Don't "believe the mystique" ,or to put it another way, "never get trapped into hero worshipping a therapist".. Or anyone else in your life for that matter. In many ways we all want a hero. Its why we love adventure movies so much. But the reality is, life is not black and white, and no one is a hero all the time. I thin
Forum: Clergy and Therapy Abuse
10 years ago
Coroby; I think this is an important topic. In the past Mr Ross has said he does not read or have access to peoples private PM's unless of course they are sent or forwarded to him. You now seem to be stating that information sent through the PM system is actually part of the public message board and that he owns these comments. In that case it would be obvious that he can or may rea
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
10 years ago
Corboy, in your statement above, you seem to suggest that the "groups causing trouble' are those who deny Israel its statehood. To me the groups causing trouble are those on both sides who kill children for political ends. The Palestinian group who killed three Israeli teenagers, AND the Israeli group that burned a Palestinian teenager to death. All four deaths are terrible tr
Forum: Terrorist and Extremist Groups
10 years ago
When looking at the situation between Palestine and Israel, it reminds me rather of the 'troubles' in Ireland. Lots of pain and hurt on both sides and for the most part neither side in the dispute has always held the moral high ground. We are rightly horrified by the death of three teenage Israeli boys .These deaths have already been followed by a sixteen year old Palestinian teen
Forum: Terrorist and Extremist Groups
10 years ago
Vera City; Firstly, I would hate to live under Sharia law. And I'd hate to live in most countries where the laws still have the kinds of cruelty that most first world countries had 100 years ago. The idea though that only Muslims make these kinds of laws is wrong. Just looking at religious based food restrictions, there are certain places in India where the serving of beef is illega
Forum: Terrorist and Extremist Groups
10 years ago
Hi Vera City; It turns out if you read the original Stars and Stripes article that this report has been sensationalized . On base, American soldiers can do what they want. When off base in Bahrain, they are required to follow Bahrain civilian laws, which apparently prohibit public eating, smoking or drinking coffee during daylight hours in Ramadan. Its pretty typical that soldiers are
Forum: Terrorist and Extremist Groups
10 years ago
Hey Anticult; you know how to read the code, ( and find the view source page; unfortunately I don't.)Could you tell us has this been fixed also? Thanks to the techies for recovering the lost pages!
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
10 years ago
Interesting article describing the attempt to take away medical choice regarding vaccines and the poor state of vaccine safety research. In other news, one of the other Doctors who co authored the study, ( Dr. Walker, I think?) who was charged with Wakefield took his case to court and was completely vindicated by the judge. Meanwhile, Dr Wakefield is currently sueing the British Medical J
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
10 years ago
Hi Vera City; I think that book sounds interesting. I do think it is also important to point out that the author of this book is not a psychologist or a mental health professional, and the category he defines "malignant narcissist" is not a recognized category in the DSM IV. (There is a category "narcissistic personality disorder") having said this, I think non experts can st
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
10 years ago
Hi Tony; was raised in a group; some people are in a group because they are second gen. However, re why people choose to join a group; the promise of making a major change in life, of doing something of value, of meeting idealistic goals, of working for a better world. Also it may help you to think of groups ( social, political or religious) that you have joined in your life. Why did you joi
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
10 years ago
Hi Mike. Actually I agree with you in general about not releasing names and identifying info about followers, and have actually argued against it, particularly in the case of children, on other threads here. Having said that however, its just mo but at the point where services are being offered and particularly when money/(or other services of value such as free labor) are changing hands, it s
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
10 years ago
Corboy; yes false memory stuff is a good one to understand. It is always good to notice if a therapist seems to have an obvious agenda separate to yours in therapy. If for example they seem really interested in subscribing your issues to say sexual abuse then you need to be aware that there are always other causes of the same symptoms. There was a book written long ago which had a laundry list
Forum: Clergy and Therapy Abuse
10 years ago
Funny, I was just looking at Dr Pecks book, People of the lie. Very popular at one point, but seen from another angle, you have to wonder about him as a therapist. If these are actual case histories, then you have to wonder about what type of therapist would write a book that describes his clients as evil, and what that damage it would do to them, reading the book. One could also say that in s
Forum: Clergy and Therapy Abuse
10 years ago
hi ngan chee kean; How do you feel about allegations of homophobic practices in Falun Gong? The two women who were severely burned were both Falun Gong practitioners, and state that they burned themselves because of falun Gong. I believe there was another Falun Gong practitioner who died, who also set fire to himself? It is heartbreaking to see the photos of the women who were so harmed by the
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
10 years ago
Hi Notagain, Thanks for posting your info, and I hope to hear more from you. Wanted to add to Corboys' advice. Just as you do not need to respond to any pms, you do not need to answer any questions that are put out on the board either. Please answer only what you choose to, and only as much as you feel comfortable with, while protecting your privacy. if you don't want to answer
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
10 years ago
nice summary Saralata. Most gurus of the Indian tradition at least imo pay some lip service at least to the ide that there are other ways to get enlightened, but in some cases it also comes with a subtle (or not so subtle) suggestion that following what this particular Guru says is best is of course/the best/easiest/right way to get enlightened. And in some cases, it is considered the only wa
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
11 years ago
Hi Royal Line; I think you are probably missing the point of this forum. Its not really about religion; it is about behaviors. You don't seem to have really addressed the idea that consenting adults can still be harmed by situations in which they are not being physically restrained. To understand this requires having a different mindset about responsibility. For example, if someone ex
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
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