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8 days ago
Hi its been great to see the new contributors to the forum . I can say I mind 90% of the things getting talked about but minding these things have openned up the flood gates to other memories of my time there .What Im finding hard to mind and hope to talk to others about this soon But today I have a ? Will Struthers ever change,NO what most of us went through all those years ago is happenin
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 days ago
Thanks Lesley for posting and you probably know who I am also I mind you well from the school and the church and was glad to hear you had escaped Smc. I also have worked in mental health for years. And I love your personal statement about helping others in time of despare .And thank you for your apology as it does mean alot to myself I just wished others would relise the harm they have done
Forum: Destructive Churches
26 days ago
I don't know of any open letters. Very interesting to know of any. They were another few complaintsl what went in at sane time as myselfsl the one friendly face mentionedl in there post. I also know of another but that is a private individual complaint. And it's not my place to post that but the individual. Lintar I just think of a few harmless nice individuals from struthers I have
Forum: Destructive Churches
26 days ago
Hi all newbies nice to see you all here. Not been really on much for Wee while. Latley I have been talking alot to ex members from Smc. Also at the weekend I talked to a few members who still attends. It was interesting but I must admit I felt very uncomfortable in the presence of them all felt like My every move was being watched. I have no regrets telling what happened to myself back
Forum: Destructive Churches
6 weeks ago
TheGreek Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > What is this forum for? > > Certainly to discuss publicly things that were > done to us in private and said to us in private > and to shine a light on the gibbering, incoherent, > disastrously failing nonsense being spoken and > taught in Struthers Memorial Church. > > Certainly to giv
Forum: Destructive Churches
7 weeks ago
Hi Hope everyone had a Happy Christmas with Family. All I can say is thank y9u to everyone who has helped me get through this pass year. On 31st December last year I decided to finally address what happened in my youth because a little incident what happened with my granddaughter. Not relising I wasn't alone with what had happened to myself all those years ago. Yes its been very har
Forum: Destructive Churches
2 months ago
Thanks Amazing Grace.. Sorry to reask the question .Totally missed you asking it for some reason. Think I had alot on my mind back then. I still would like some folks opion on this. AS its been on my mind latley after someone asking me this . I know what I see this forum as and wonder if others think the same.
Forum: Destructive Churches
2 months ago
Just one Question? What's the aim of this forum? I have been asking myself this past few weeks would love everyone's view on this
Forum: Destructive Churches
2 months ago
blackwatch Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hi FalkirkBairn, > > I'm sorry to hear it's been a bad week for you. > Hope things are looking up soon. > > I'm trying to understand what you're saying. I'm > not aware of anyone being 'pressured' or anyone > 'pleading' for others to share the
Forum: Destructive Churches
2 months ago
Phoebe 2 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I wonder if what Blueberry describes as > "intellectual snobbery" is a more recent > development? There certainly was no hint of that > during Mr B's and Miss T's regime, just the > opposite in fact. Miss T was herself a very > ordinary person - an office clerk if I remember &g
Forum: Destructive Churches
3 months ago
Hi just a reminder. Some of us have arranged a informal meet on the 3oth of November so we all can offer support to others friendly gathering to talk about our feelings. This is not a slag Struthers meet its to meet fellow ex members .old friends everyones welcome .If anyone would like information on this please send us a pm here .We really need numbers ect whos coming ect .
Forum: Destructive Churches
3 months ago
> > My final wonder ,for the moment , is ...if the > safeguarding group who they involved read this > forum ? I do wonder WHAT they would think ?? I know for a fact 31.8 was told about this forum Also Struthers have refused to speak to the BBC . What we all should do is put in complaints. Alos I myself am not happy with there replay to myself and I have seeked legal
Forum: Destructive Churches
3 months ago
> safeguarding allegations may > be raised anonymously but to be dealt with > effectively will require the person about whom the > concern is raised to be identified and where THIS IS TOTAL BULL ++++ AS THE HAVE NO SAFEGAUARDING PROCEDURE TO PROTECT MEMBERS Thank you friendlyface for posting this answer back to a complaint letter. I have been a little quiet past week
Forum: Destructive Churches
4 months ago
Phoebe 2 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Dear Falkirkbairn -- I felt so very, very sad > reading your recent posts. Such a cold & clinical > response from DR, without a ahred of real > compassion or sorrow expressed for the anguish > you've endured over so many years. I guess in her > estimation "the letter of the law"
Forum: Destructive Churches
4 months ago
Ty Petior and Anom...Nice of you both t coment. What i find so surprising but I really shouldn't is since I posted my post on Friday they have been over 2000 views at this thread. Would have been nice of some of these who viewed the post to comment. OR Is it all Struthers members who have been nosey see what been said. The last few days has been hard healthwisev witb me . Also
Forum: Destructive Churches
4 months ago
here is there replay back sorry it has took me so long to post this but at the moment I have ongoing health issues and I have had to take rime to think what I was going to do First response email Thank you for your patience while we organised for an independent organisation to investigate your complaint.  Thirty-One: Eight is an independent national charity that works across the UK to equ
Forum: Destructive Churches
4 months ago
As I said away back I had put a complaints into SMC now I have finally been given a Answe to it . So First here is the complaint I put in then there A Date 21 May 2024 To: The Chair of the Board of Directors of Struthers Memorial Church I would like this complaint to be considered immediately at the highest level within the charity. I have read the Complaints Procedure. I believe Sta
Forum: Destructive Churches
4 months ago
Interesting reads this pass few weeks. But to change the subject for a minute .I brought this up with a few others. I was thinking of arranging a larger meet up with x members from Struthers so we can all give each other more support Show your not alone and meet some old friends for a catch-up .All welcome. Would anyone else like to come .If yes I was thinking the end of November beg
Forum: Destructive Churches
4 months ago
> This is just absolute rambling drivel from a clown > that's making it up as they go along. Spouting > whatever thought-flatuosity enters their head. A > whited sepulcher. A clanging gong. Chaff blown > about by the wind. . . My thoughts exactly. They /she makes so many things up. I feel the last six months I have had my eyes open to so much crap they have said a
Forum: Destructive Churches
5 months ago
Sorry u blame last post was I had not long woke up TYPOS were bad That was meant to read Blackwatch I hope you dont mind I have sent you a pm . What would you like to know im more than happy to answer anything .
Forum: Destructive Churches
5 months ago
Blackwater hope you dont mind I pm you . Wha5 would you like to know more?
Forum: Destructive Churches
5 months ago
Blackwater what you have just discrided is SMC to a T . These pass few weeks has been very hard to hold my tounge about the rumours so called leaders of Struthers have passed about myself what are all lies. What's has got to me more is how they have said I'm mentally unbalanced. Yes I put my hands up I'm on medication for my mental health. But so are 1000s others 4 in 10 adul
Forum: Destructive Churches
5 months ago
I have been asked to share this podcast . You can all guess with me posting it here what the church is she is referring to. And yes you have also guessed right. This girl has a hudge story to tell and share with what she went through and witness at her time in Struthers. We have alot in common and my daughter watched this today and said "you both have so much in common mum and act the
Forum: Destructive Churches
6 months ago
curiositykillsthecat Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hi ThePetitor, > > I would be interested to know more about this BBC > documentary. Is it towards the church or the > school or a combination of both? And do you know > if it’s possible to contact them to provide > information Hi the contact details for anyone wishing to speak to
Forum: Destructive Churches
6 months ago
Thank you Greek .I just can't belive the stories what there spreading about about me. "I have mental health problems and have had from a very young age." Yes I have been treated for depression and panic attacks and have went through counselling and still going through counselling. But looking back on my life no wonder.They are to blame for alot off what have caused my mental healt
Forum: Destructive Churches
6 months ago
Hi everyone I touch on I have put a formal complaint in to Struthers about my time in Struthers and how they handled.the situation about me telling them I had been rapped also my councerm about under 16 being talked about deliverance ect. They answered a couple my question which I have asked further questions about but was emailed from Diana she was out the office 2 or 3 weeks ago but would ge
Forum: Destructive Churches
6 months ago
Hi everyone I touch on I have put a formal complaint in to Struthers about my time in Struthers and how they handled.the situation about me telling them I had been rapped also my councerm about under 16 being talked about deliverance ect. They answered a couple my question which I have asked further questions about but was emailed from Diana she was out the office 2 or 3 weeks ago but would ge
Forum: Destructive Churches
6 months ago
Amazing Grace thanks for your kind words .Your post some how always make me go off in deep thoughts.Its like your writing my thoughts at times. Petitor your words yesterday was just what I was needed you answered alot what I was looking for answers for in more ways than I understand to the point. Some of them I have put I'm my journal from yesterday to remind me in the future.So thanks f
Forum: Destructive Churches
6 months ago
Just read your post amazing Grace and well done I couldn't have put it in better words. But truly does anyone ever move on completely. I thought I had 40 years on but the pass week has showing me I haven't this weeks been one of my hardest I have had in years.I feel let down with alot this week.Have relised they still effect how I feel so many years on.But I will come out what I goi
Forum: Destructive Churches
7 months ago
Just caught up on forum not Bern online much latley preitor and Rensil I will soon answer my thoughts on these post after I have a think about it. I have been listening to a few of Struthers meetings on line and I was listening to one of the main leaders and I am sure I had the exact same sermione 40 years ago or is it that the same sermons are repeated all the time and just have a few altera
Forum: Destructive Churches
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