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1 year ago
This article is not to belittle women and their roles in the church when it comes to leadership , pastorale roles and weather opinions of gender roles are important . But as Christians we are told to Read and Study the Bible and rightly divide Truth from error . Yet the American Culture insists on stating Women can hold pastoral roles and leadership in the church . The problem is not that they
Forum: Destructive Churches
1 year ago
Regardless of how we Aussies spin it Hillsong and these N.A.R new apostolic reformation churches are still here and getting worse ! Now they are even in small churches claiming the title non denominational but exercising the " gifts of the Spirit " but rather being unified and showing some sort of respect it's hirachy and complete chaos . We have sat under a false prophet claim
Forum: Terrorist and Extremist Groups
1 year ago
I'm deeply concerned Our pastor keeps playing videos of Donald Trump and Conspiracy type videos he starts out with teaching Gods Truth but goes on a tanget saying we needs to follow Donald Trump's Example of a Leader ? What is Q anon and is the Trump apart of this ? How can I help my pastor steer clear of this conspiracy that idolizes Trump like a savior of America . When in truth
Forum: Terrorist and Extremist Groups
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