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1 year ago
I hope you're still doing well. The Community is a very unique place. I hope you are alive and well. Although I'm personally not a fan and think it could be improved in numerous ways, I am happy to hear if someone is successful.
Forum: Destructive Churches
1 year ago
By definition, it is a cult. It's not a "death-cult." But it is a cult. Listening to a few people's testimony is not the same as having hard data. You saying it is effective carries the same weight as me saying its ineffective. Without data, all there is to show are personal accounts. It seems like the amount of horror stories are equal to the positive ones. As a former reside
Forum: Destructive Churches
4 years ago
I am curious to hear how your son is doing now. Has he continued his recovery? Is he still "living" community or has chosen an alternative path to recovery? I'm really curious to hear some success stories from Cenacolo and what that success looks like.
Forum: Destructive Churches
4 years ago
My post is a mess. I did some copying and pasting and did not delete some of the stuff. So, please ignore the repetition, I can't find an edit button.
Forum: Destructive Churches
4 years ago
Please forgive the typos and errors.. I'm typing fromm my phone. I am a former member of the community, a person in long term recovery, a state certified recovery coach, and community health worker. The numbers the community quoted as "93% of members never use drugs again" is absolutely incorrect and not based on fact or evidence. I would be very interested to see the data. The
Forum: Destructive Churches
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