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1 year ago
Hello all , I have been silent for many years and I'm sorry for that . Reading the terrible things that are still going on in Struthers has made me want / need to reply . My factual tale is still on the forum,for those of you who haven't read it . The damage happened 37 years ago when my husband and I were members . I am thankful to say that we have lived a wonderful life,sur
Forum: Destructive Churches
10 years ago
dear Happy SURVIVOR, I have read all your posts and feel , like me and many others, that you have been deeply disturbed and affected by your dealings with SMC. I too, felt your guilt....thinking that I had "WRONGED" people and had been "SNARED" to leave. However, these feelings are the evidence of the damage they have done. Happy Survivor, You have done no wrong. You have sim
Forum: Destructive Churches
10 years ago
Welcome Bingo wings and thank you C Barb for your continual clarity and confirmation of Struthers goings on. Yesterday I read an article in The Daily Record (probably banned by Struthers) about the serious damage that members of an American religious cult have been causing in a South Lanarkshire Primary school. All the "grooming" of young vulnerable pupils is now under intense inves
Forum: Destructive Churches
10 years ago
well done, Clive! Can`t thank you enough.
Forum: Destructive Churches
10 years ago
am so very glad to be reconnected. This forum has to continue. It has helped so many people and will be needed to help others who eventually realise the truth about Struthers. Hope to hear something from OSCR soon. Hope everyone finds their way back .
Forum: Destructive Churches
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