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15 years ago
Hey, Let me clarify, I did not say GCC was a cult, but that it had cultic tendencies. Next...there is nothing on my web-site Frank that promotes King James Only....Next I have been to GCC church and the dynamics of the people mirror cultic tendencies.....again I do not know if it is from John MacArthur or others in the church who promote it. Finally - Lordship Salvation is a violation of the
Forum: Destructive Churches
15 years ago
Hello, Yes...the elders of the church had been under the influence of a graduate of the Master's college and read MacArthur's teachings for a long time before I got there. As a result - no one in leadership could admit to being a present tense sinner less they disqualified themselves as church leaders and part of the redeemed. The concept of saints that sin was foreign to them. So
Forum: Destructive Churches
15 years ago
(here are some examples of his teachings. Note the pattern of sin - any bad habits makes you an unbelie1. What to do) MacArthur: Walking in the Spirit requires two things: studying the Word of God so that you can know the mind of the Spirit, and communing with God so you can know the will of the Spirit. a. Ephesians 5:18-20--"Be filled with the Spirit, ... singing and making melod
Forum: Destructive Churches
15 years ago
No - what I am saying is that MacArthur thinks that grace and Holy Spirit only works in and through our intellectual faith - ergo faith is the power to transform. They call the Holy Spirit a person, but any experience of the person of the Holy Spirit is rejected as a lack of faith because faith reckons things to be true. I get the sense that He is anti-experience on almost all levels. But even
Forum: Destructive Churches
15 years ago
I can't give an exact quote. But the gist was Heb 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. MacArthur said substance means lordship and obedience. He also said that his faith was the power to transform his life. His faith is the power to walk in obiedience and Lordship. Real faith is trusting in the nessesity of the indwelling power of
Forum: Destructive Churches
15 years ago
Dear Isitacult, I have been studying dysfunctional churches for over 20 years, since I was asked to leave a church with a similar structure. All dysfunctional churches to a less or greater degree have what I call the cultic system. All problems start with the leadership. The pastor sets the tone and then the underlings impliment that tone or can inhance the tone. Since I have only been to
Forum: Destructive Churches
15 years ago
Dear Friends, Victory outreach has a cultic structure. I have been involved with getting people out of them in the past. This married couple sold all they had and made themselves the slaves of the pastor. The lived in the "church home" worked in the pastor's business and were not paid. They use heavy handed discipleship or Shepherding Movement control over their people. Th
Forum: Destructive Churches
15 years ago
Dear Isitacult, In my opinion their are many cult like aspects of Grace Community. My step daughter and son in law go there. They seem to be incouraged to judge everyone else's faith and theyconview to them they are not saved because they do not live Stepford wives kind of lives. Here are some other observations. 1. Corrupt Leadership a. Pope like devotion of His
Forum: Destructive Churches
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