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3 years ago
Is this still an active forum? I used to post here years ago. And I was a different person. If anybody is still out there, please answer these. How have you gained sanity in your life after A.C.E.? Are you (still) religious? And if so, are you in the same religion propagated by A.C.E.? It's been awhile. hope all is well.
Forum: Destructive Churches
8 years ago
When I saw was no longer available, it broke my heart. And then I found this site. (Rick, thanks for keeping the fire burning.) Almost 30 years have passed since I last sat in my office at Land o'Lakes Christian School doing PACE work. "I need to see you in my office." Every time the principal came up behind me and sternly uttered those words, Nothing else mat
Forum: Destructive Churches
11 years ago
Pudge Meekway's attitude has really gone south. See attached...
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
I had nine years of this shit. It still affects me today. I found a safe place I could talk to people about my experiences in a 12-step program known as ACA (Adult Children of Alcoholics.) It's given me a sense of sanity. But to this day, I still look back and ask, "WTF?"
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
Funny you should menion lying, SPG900. That was one way I learned to skirt an impossible system. In YEAR NINE I was assigned "Fox's Book of Martyrs" for English Literature. I had to read this book and answer questions associated with it. The study guide mentioned a book under the same title but with a different publisher than the one I was given. The ACE study guide called for
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
I was thinking back on when I was about 11. It was YEAR SIX in an ACE school. I wanted to learn things. I wanted to really badly. ACE had other plans. ACE makes students do the jobs the teachers should do, leaving students to take up their time scoring their own work, setting their own goals and getting one demerit/tally for every scoring error they make. 3 demerits/tallies earns you 20 min
Forum: Destructive Churches
13 years ago
I thought this was somewhat interesting. I found a little similarity between ACE and Scientology. Open a different tab or window in your browser. Of course you knew that. Or maybe you couldn't figure that out if twelve years of ACE turned your brain into complete mush. Anyway, go to the following web site: Scroll down about 2/3 of the way down the page. Look for the picture wi
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
Of course many have mentioned that ACE has been helpful as a supplement to a standard education. In a situation where ACE is the only curriculum, it can be destructive. Not only will it provide a poor education, it will also give the participant a disdain for continuing education. only a few of the students I attended ACE school with went on to get a college degree. The ones that did attended
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
I don't remember if this was the exact film we were shown but the film we were shown was something like this. This is part 1 of 7. After we were shown the film on a Sunday night church service, we were all thinking we would be going to jail in a couple weeks. I was scared!
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
I remember something else that was a little strange. Starting out, the ACE school at my church was almost like a cult within the church. From all outward appearences, the church seemed like any normal Southern Baptist church you would find in the min 1970s. They sung from the Baptist Hymnal -- mostly traditional songs and an occasional contemporary song, such as Hymn #308 (People to People). The
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
Taking a group of elementary aged students to a funeral home is UBER-sick. I was creeped out over it for awhile. But I guess the pastor justified it in his mind teaching to kids the concept of death. There could have been better ways to do that. Making us watch "Deceived" and getting us involved in the Lester Roloff incident (see previous postings) went over the line. As a six-
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
That link to Lester Roloff didn't make the last entry. Sorry bout that. Here it is:
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
I am currently working the "Twelve Steps" of Adult Children of Alcoholics and Other Dysfunctions, otherwise known as ACA. Although I did not come from an alcoholic home, much of my own personal dysfunction, most of which is the direct result of nine years of ACE, show up in the "Laundry List" traits identified by ACA. Celebrating a major ACA milestone by completing Step Five,
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
Rumor has it Pudge Meekway fell off the wagon...
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
QuoteanotherbrainwashedI noticed that sexism and blaming the victim seems to thrive in ACE as girls should wear skirts and have long hair, ect. Not only that, but just the treatment in general. Often if female students would whisper or talk to other students or if we had to go to the bathroom when it wasn't break we'd get into trouble. We'd get demerits or lose breaks or other g
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
julrei Don't feel bad for being angry. I have been out since 1987 and I'm still angry. I went to an ACE school for 9 years in the Tampa Bay area of Florida. You can read parts of my experience with ACE in previous posts. It upsets me that some people don't seem to understand how much crap we had to put up with. In my first year I was there, I was in the first grade (PACE
Forum: Destructive Churches
15 years ago
I haven't posted in quite awhile. Got a little frustrated with some postings and I had to take a break. I recently joined ACA. " works if you work it..." Funny how some of you beat the system. I would sometimes write crap answers on math homework and deal with them the following day. When I could get away with it, I would put off Math until the end of the day. I would
Forum: Destructive Churches
15 years ago
sbruer, i got nothing more to say to you. you attack. and then you say, 'i'm not attacking anyone.' i was going into this lively exchange of ideas with an open heart and mind. but this has crushed me. crushed again by more people who bear the standard of ace. so disappointed. if my ace tie was a real tie and not a clip-on, i probably would have already hanged myself with it.
Forum: Destructive Churches
15 years ago
QuotelanajaeJust want to say hi to you databass and am glad that you are posting your experiences with ACE. I find it quite therapeutic to reveal my experience with nine years in ACE. Nine years of ACE is hard to reverse. Re-educating myself on life outside of ACE has been a struggle to say the least. Last year I found a 12-step program known as Adult Children of Alcoholics, or ACA. Des
Forum: Destructive Churches
15 years ago
I don't give my name because you don't need to know it. This is a forum designed for people who grew up and still live with the effects of having ACE in their lives. You ain't Judge Wapner. And this ain't The People's Court. I took home homework every night. Looking back, it seems as if I had childhood ADHD. Or perhaps it was simply a case where sitting in that cu
Forum: Destructive Churches
15 years ago
To answer your question, "WTF?" is a term of contempt used my many of us who live in the real world and not in the land where Ace Virtueson lives. Not even from Ronnie Vain! It is an acronym for "What The F---?" Sorry I said that. Will you please forgive me? Anyway, if you can forgive me and move on, lemme git back to business. BTW (and that's By The Way), ple
Forum: Destructive Churches
15 years ago
You asked the question, "What is the objective of an education system? Does that differ from the objectives of an education which is specifically Christian?" You ask the wrong questions. You're question concerns a Christian education. The importance of a Christian education is paramount. And we can agree on that. My question to you: What is your definition of a Christian ed
Forum: Destructive Churches
15 years ago
Finding help with a self-help group known as Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA). Even though many victims may not originate from alcoholic homes, there is still much ACE victims can gain from ACA. It is a 12-step program, similar to AA. If you have trouble putting your life together after growing up in ACE, I highly reccomend ACA.
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
I created a myspace to tell you my story of what happened from year to year in L--------- Christian School. The URL is as follows: Feel free to check it out. This is where I spill my guts! By the way, the name i give on the account is NOT my real name. It's only a variation of our former anti-hero and propaganda puppet Ace Virtueson. Enjoy!
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
Where are they now? The pastors? The teachers? The students? The church? The church-school? Let's start out with the pastors. The pastor who had the dream of L-------- Christian School was called to another church. And to plant another "church-school" Rumor has it he was also invited to work with a U.S. congressman on some kind of business deal. I won't divulge the
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
Here is a link to a master's degree thesis by Lisa J. L. Kelley that compares ACT scores of ACE students with ACT scores of conventional students. Kelley covers other issues as well, and provides healthy support to my objections against the curriculum. "Accelerated Christian Education is not accredited by the Association of Christian Schools International, nor is it accred
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
QuoteGodisgoodtoallOMG- You went to St. Leo? As in San Antonio, FL St. Leo? That's right, St Leo! Go Lions!
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
Funny you should mention Bob Jones University. The pastor of the church of my ACE school has his doctorate degree from Bob Jones University. And as previously mentioned in other postings, I was a member of the ACE school for 9 years. I do agree with your point that the curriculum does not allow for person-to-person interaction between students and teachers. (But then again, there were no teac
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
QuotelovinlifeI see that many of you had some really bad experiences with ACE/School of Tomorrow. However, just because you had a bad experience at your "school" does not make all the curriculum bad. I have 2 sons that have used ACE and love it. One is now a sophomore in college. I called him after reading all your horrible comments and experiences. He told me that it was a "n
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
Is that school an ACE school? If so, are you (or were you ever) a student? If so, did you have a chance to save any PACEs, your Student Handbook, or any other parts of the curriculum? QuoteGodisgoodtoallYes, unfortunately, still alive and well- Beyond that, it seems many 'cult-ish' types are drawn to this program due to cost-saving, non-degree holding 'teachers'. Ther
Forum: Destructive Churches
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