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6 years ago
I just got this email yesterday, I think. I was just checking my email; actually, my Yahoo email since I'd already been through my gmail & since they're synced together, what goes to one goes to the other, but I still need to go to both now & then to clear them out. Anyway, it's nice to hear from Rick Ross again. I remember Rick's name & his anti-cult "aware
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
12 years ago
I remember a few years ago, talking with a former neighbor of mine, when I lived in L.A. He told me he used to have an ardent Scientologist for a roommate. He himself was never into that crap at all. But he told me that the last straw for him, living with this weird girl, was when he came home one day and found out that she was using her "Scientology"-trained mind to try and "ps
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
12 years ago
Most so-called "stars" are very insecure and even with all the money and fame, they still don't have any "meaning" in their lives which is why they take all the free time they have and seek out groups and cults, etc with whom they can join in order to put some kind of purpose in their lives - at the very least, it shows to the public-at-large that they aren't just th
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
12 years ago
Don't fall for any religions but especially these nutty offshoots and subsects of wacky churches, etc. Religions are man-made constructs that have always been basically systems of control. Don't get conned by these groups - all they want is your money and your mind.
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
12 years ago
Let's not forget the big connection between shallow movie actors (John Travolta, Tom Cruise, to name two of the most shallow, untalented actors) and other "celebrities" - singers, dancers, writers, whatever... and Scientology. Scientology is nothing but a big pyramid scheme that was started by the really bad sci-fi writer, L. Ron Hubbard, who was really nothing but a con-man. He
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
12 years ago
Oprah and anyone like her are nothing but opportunistic, money-fame-power hungry people. Usually they're very shallow and not very bright, at least not in a wide-ranging, intellectual way. They may be smart and savvy about the business they're in but they, for one, lack any insight into even understanding what a "prophet" may be or mean to them. I've never heard fr
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
13 years ago
Tom Cruise is just a plain old bad actor. He and fellow-cultist Travolta are two of the most shallow people I've ever had the misfortune to hear of. Pulp Fiction was an ok movie (talking 'bout travolta), but he was just a joke - a prop. He was a total joke, pretending to be a junkie. He probably didn't even realize that he was only in there as a joke - Tarantino used his non-ta
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
13 years ago
Thanks for the reply! It's nice to know that there's somebody out there who understands what I'm talking about! Have a good day, Kent M.
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
13 years ago
oh - I didn't think all these messages went through - everytime I tried starting one, the script would suddenly just be deleted, almost capriciously, from this message box. Apologies for writing the same message several times. At least you get the point - Tom Cruise never "had it" - he's been riding off his cute, boyish looks his whole career. Time to pack it in, Tom, go so
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
13 years ago
Quick - somebody snatch Katie and get her deprogrammed ASAP!!! I think CPS should be called in to take Suri away from them - obviously, living in a freakshow like Tom Cruise-world is detrimental to anyone, but Scientology is like Hitler Youth when it comes to members' kids - they are turned, by & by, into automatons. Ever walked around Hollywood? You'll see all sorts of young Sci
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
13 years ago
You have it all wrong. Atheism is the normal state of being human. All religions are phony means of control and none of them have come to being from some pie-in-the-sky BS. Patriots? You talk of Patriotism in connection with religion. Being a religious fanatic is patriotic in Iran. Is that what you'd like the US to be? But instead of a bunch of ruling Imams running the show you'
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
13 years ago
Hey there, thanks for that know, I sort of had a feeling that was the case, especially since I've never been a celeb-watcher. I know Nicole Kidman may or may not at first have gone along w/his silly lunatic fringe world, but eventually divorced him, one of the reasons being (among myriad, I imagine) his fanatic devotion to the big scam started by convicted con-man, Hubbard.
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
13 years ago
Tom Cruise Losing It? hahaha Tom Cruise lost it a long time ago. Scientology is his life. He is not a talented actor - the only reason he's been in show-biz so long is because of his cute looks. He is just as shallow as his co-cultist John Travolta. And of course - no self-respecting woman will stay married to him: Mimi Rogers, Nicole Kidman (both of whom never embraced that stupid,
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
13 years ago
Kent Manthie back here - I saw my posting today-thanks, guys, - but I wanted to correct two errors I made in my haste to finish up, I wrote some erroneous information regarding the two rockers who converted to Islam and, as is de rigueur, changed their name to reflect the "new life" they embraced. Well, it is correct that "Cat Stevens" (who, ironically, wasn't even his r
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
13 years ago
(content deleted per moderator discretion) The intelligent way to use your concern is to examine Scientology, rather make unpleasant jokes about a person unfortunate enough to be involved with Scientology.
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
13 years ago
Amen to that! Oprah's a "false prophet" whose main mission in life is to make TRUE PROFITS!!!
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
13 years ago
There is NO god. There is NO god. There is NO god. There is NO god. How many times do people with critical thinking abilities have to repeat that. And just so you know, I am not some idiot who has scores to settle. It's just that I have found out that the more one knows about religion(s) and the histories of them, ie, how Christianity was perverted so badly - even as soon as 100 year
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
13 years ago
RE: Sri Chimnoy - when Carlos Santana was really deep into that stuff he, like most devotees of this weirdo added a name on to his - for a while he was known as Devadip Carlos Santana. Also, I don't know how many of you know who the awesome Jazz guitarist John McLaughlin is - he played with Miles Davis circa 1970-74. Well, after that he made about 2 or 3 records with an outfit called the
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
13 years ago
QuoteglamHe's really out there, hitting the talk shows and screaming about his love for his new gf, while she remains quiet and scurries away when he tries to drag her onstage on Oprah (Oprah sees nothing odd about his behavior, BTW). From a recent article: QuoteMay 23, 2005 Has Tom Cruise received a medical degree in his spare time? The megastar is openly questioning the treatment
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
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