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2 years ago
Stay away from shunyamurti. I managed to leave, but that place is filled with lies and deceit, sexual abuse, drug dependency, hypnotic spying, just to name a few. In addition, you will be treated like a king or queen until he has his claws attached, convincing you to “donate” more then you can afford. Don’t have the money, no problem/ he forces you to ask parents and family members.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins, yes I would definitely speak on one of the podcasts. Put me in touch, the more that come forward, the sooner we can help those not able to leave.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Robert shubow, aka shunyamurti, has named himself as the prophet, to his SAT yoga institute followers, he is their teacher and their father. He has manipulated them to separate themselves from their families, extorted millions of dollars from them, hypnotized them with additional use of illegal drugs, such As LSD, mushrooms, and ketamine. He is involved in illegal immigration-having passports c
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
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