New religious law for England
Posted by: Gonzo ()
Date: February 25, 2005 07:02PM

I don't know if any one is aware of the new Law the UK wants to implement.
They want to make it illegal to critise religions...
This will be against the freedom of speech and cut deeply into our human rights...
I am looking for more Information about this....

New religious law for England
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: February 25, 2005 08:31PM

If such a law is actually being considered I doubt that it will ever be established.

The British press is quite critical of destructive cults and religious groups.

Actually, much more so than in the United States.

New religious law for England
Posted by: Timmer ()
Date: May 31, 2005 12:35PM

I don't know if any one is aware of the new Law the UK wants to implement.
They want to make it illegal to critise religions...
This will be against the freedom of speech and cut deeply into our human rights...
I am looking for more Information about this....
This is a serious violation of freedom of speech. And it opens the door to restricting speech in other areas of life, including criticizing the political leaders.

New religious law for England
Posted by: RU?ing ()
Date: April 09, 2006 07:19PM

This is how it ended up - still curbing our freedoms....

remind me who the terrorists are?


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