quote from bottom of page, which is about Amarillo, Texas:
"Many of the smaller missions listed above may be just prayer oriented missions for tearing down demonic strongholds or they may involve more aggressive use of soldiers and prayer warriors. Some other missions occasionally employed may be “undercover operations” where the groups show up together but are not publicly visible together to effect the outcome of a public meeting such as city commissioners meetings, etc."This group has a national presence and is based in Pennsylvania. They are taking the common practice of prayer to an actively aggressive level.
Please do not confuse this with the old use of the term "prayer warrior" which is still used by most Christian groups to mean a person who devotes her time to praying for requests, saying rosaries, Novenas, etc. This is openly identifying people and places for confrontation.
While the criticism right now is coming from the left and the liberal side of America, this technique has been used in the past by the Take Back The Night leftwing feminist cult to terrorize people they perceive as conservatives. That cult is inside the mainstream churches, mostly the Progressive ones that have "USA" appended to their names.
Left or right, the perceptions are completely screwy. All any woman had to do to be targeted for assault by TBTN (woman-owned business) was fail to support their particular agenda even if she supported their general ideology. The same can easily be seen to be true of this terrorism by the "Repent" group, who are targetting "earth day" type businesses among others without regard for the fact that many Christians consider natural living to be Biblical.
They also are targetting people they identify as gay and I can tell you, having faced Bible-belt ignorance myself as a celibate Catholic, that means they will target a lot of innocent people.
The question for cult-fighters is this: HOW are people being recruited and convinced that this is a good thing to be doing? What kinds of techniques are being used to keep them on board when they realize they are going to be attacking human beings in their homes and offices, not staying together in a prayer meeting?
It is obvious from the style of the website that they are seeking people who are already sympathetic to the aggressive campagin.
Is this a cult? Or has society just finally gone completely nuts?