Islam and it's problems today
Date: February 22, 2007 11:03AM
First of all I'm sorry for the late to answer your question,as a truck-driver i'm away from home sometimes by weeks,and i thank you so much for your question,even if i know some people are hiding things under their words wanting to tell to people(non-muslims)that Islam is bad,Islam is terrorism,evil...But I'm sure there are good people out there,they know what i'm talking about.
before i answer your question i would like to tell you that you know this verse real good:
[3.7] He it is Who has revealed the Book to you; some of its verses are decisive, they are the basis of the Book, and others are allegorical; then as for those in whose hearts there is perversity they follow the part of it which is allegorical, seeking to mislead and seeking to give it (their own) interpretation. but none knows its interpretation except Allah, and those who are firmly rooted in knowledge say: We believe in it, it is all from our Lord; and none do mind except those having understanding.
this passage gives us an important clue to the interpretation of the Quran.Broadly speaking it may be divided into two portions,not given seperately,but intermingled:(1)the nucleus or foundation of the book,literally"the mother of the book".(2)the part which is not entirely clear,it is very fascinating to take up the latter,and exercise our ingenuity about its meaning,but it refers to such profound matters that are beyond human language,and though people of wisdom may get some light from it,no one should be dogmatic,as the final meaning is known to God alone.
the commentators usually understand the verses " of established meaning"(Muhkam)to refer to the categorical orders of the (Shari'a)(or the law),which are plain to everyone's understanding.But perhaps the meaning is wider:"the mother of the book"must include the very foundation od which all Law rests,the essence of God Message,as distinguished from the various illustrative parables,allegories,and ordinances.
Now let me go back to the verse that you mentioned the verse is:
[9.29] Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Apostle have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.
the tax is( Jizya ) in arabic langauge the root meaning is compensation,the derived meaning,which became the technical meaning,was a poll-tax levied from those who did not accept Islam,but were willing to live under the protection of Islam,and were thus tacitly willing to submit to its ideal's being enforced in the muslim State,they said like one(Dinar) a year may be to day one Dollar.It was an acknowledgment that those whose religion was tolerated would in their turn not interfere with the preaching and progress of Islam,the tax varied in amount,and there were exceptions
for the poor,for females and children,for slaves,and for monks and hermits...etc
This verse( Surat) as you know it called ( Immunity ),but there is a verse ( Surat ) before it,it call ( the Examined one )and this is the fourth of the ten Madinah suras,each dealing with a special point in the life of the new Ummat ( Nation),this Sura IS AFTER THE PAGANS HAD BROKEN THE TREATY OF HUDAIBIYA,if you don't know about it let me know to see how the muslims reacted at that time dealing with that matter.
So all these verses were talking and ordering orders to muslims for that time to fight those who were fighting them wanting Islam be down...And it is used to day if muslims are in danger for sure they have to fight back...Any nation is under attack what they have to do??? wait for the others to kill them all??? I don't think so.
Hence,many fanatic muslims,or anti-Islam use like these verses and use it to kill innocent people,or to make Islam look as evil just because there is a political issues,money,business...etc it's all about the power,and control,some use religion,some use democracy,others use different kind of meaning and excuses to cover their real faces,but not Islam,or any real true religion which establishes the relationship between man and God,between, nations and tribes,away from racism,differences of languages,classes...etc,all are equal in front of him...
Come on people do not judge the whole religion,while Islam its point of view of killing is clear and fair enough to those who blame it as a bloody religion because of what they see in the news...
Let's see what Islam says about Killing,and look for yourself,isn't this a logic and a wise way to look at it.The Quran says:
[17.33]:And do not kill anyone which God has forbidden,exept for a just cause.And whoever is killed(intentionally with hostility and opprission and not by mistake,)we have given his heir the authority [ ( to demande Qisas(Law of equality in punishement or to forgive,or to take Diya(Blood money)].But let him not exceed limits in the matter of taking life ( i.e he should not kill except the killer only).Verily he is helped ( by the Islamic law).
[4.29] O you who believe! do not devour your property among yourselves falsely, except that it be trading by your mutual consent; and do not kill yourselves(nor kill one another); surely God is Most Merciful to you.
All these verses and others are extremely clear...
Some use like these kind of verses out of context to harm religion,or to kill non-muslims...But in fact they are harming just themselves...
Like one guy here said that Jihad doesn’t just mean killing people and there can be different types of jihad, but killing people will get you special blessings , and killing people to spread the religion is part of the religion ...
I tell you,this is how some people try to make islam look bad,but the answer for that is that: The prophet said: the biggest(the greatest)Jihad is to fight yourself,in order to win satan,and to gain goods by not doing sins...
so what Jihad this guy talking about?what he is talking about let's say,if your country is under attack will you go to fight for it or no?of course you'll go,so= jihad for your country,for your people...and there is nothing wrong with it,may be it is wrong for some whom have no honor,no dignity...some are just using the what i call it: The game of the words,they play with words and its meaning that's all,but the fact is the truth of Islam is killing them and they envy it i really do not know why? just because of the arabs,Islam is not the arabs,if you are a muslim,you are a doesn't mean you are indian or american,or Italian...I guess you get what I'm saying.
Thanks again.
Be wise my friend,my man,my woman,life is short and nothing will last,anything starts good ends good...So do good as long as you are alive.[/b][/size:eaa836be16]