(groups listed in this section, simply because its the closest to Political Cult catagory in RR.com message board)
Eastern Service Workers Association in Boston
And...did you ever participate in peace marches and see folks from the Socialist Workers Party handing out newspapers and stuff?
A guy whose parents was in that organization has published a memoir, entitled When Skateboards Will be Free (Said Sayrafiedzadeh).
From the San Francisco Examiner:
Said Sayrafiedzadeh offers up a solidly written memoir, expanding on a piece he wrote for Granta in 2005. The youngest son of an Iranian born father and a Jewish American mother, the author spent most of his life after age 3 as his mothers emotional crutch, after his father leaves to pursue a single minded devotion to a cause that makes him "disappear behing this massive workload of revolution" and out of his sons life. As Sayrafiedzadeh moves from cheap to cheaper apartment with his fervently revolutionary mother, he comes to realize that his poverty was 'intentional and self inflicted..as opposed to a reality that could not be avoided.'--so much so that his mother wont get him a skateboard until 'the revolution comes' when 'everyone will have a skateboard, because all skateboards will be free.'
And, a few weeks ago, a chapter of the LaRouche org had a table and sign out front reading THE WORST RECESSION SINCE 1342!!!
Why 1342?
And..which part of the world? And do we even have suffient economic indicators to diagnose a recession for that period of time, anyway?
Though there is documentary evidence of serious price inflation in the late Roman Empire during the reign of Diocletian, in the late 200s, early 300s CE. There are records that the emperior tried to enforce price controls on commodities...but this did not work.)Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 03/30/2009 09:50AM by corboy.