There is a fantastically violent group out there based primarly in the Philadelphia area that I think gets overlooked because they shrowd their cultism in a marinade of politics and so-called radical environmentalism.
This group, known as MOVE has a history of blood and murder and has demonstrated a lack of any sense of moral clarity.
More than that, they also are in control of the movement designated to "Free Mumia", which has been adopted as a pet cause of the left.
MOVE has capitalilzed nicely on their Mumia connection and are currently using their role to recruit new members and supporters, not to speak of thousands of dollars of money and material
As I am doing more research I am discovering that the whole Mumia thing may have some pretty scary cultish aspects in and of itself
There are sites out there dedicated to exposing the fraud that are these groups:
Let us start exposing these groups while we still can. Go to these sites and do what you can.