This war by terrorist is a religious war to control the world. I know it sounds strange but first they distroy the Jews, then govern Israel, then ,like Hitler they go to physical war with the weaker nations and financial war with the strong; at the same time killing innocent people who will not join them.
There is a kernel of truth in his delusion. Islamofascism (as opposed to moderate Muslims) do have a plan for world domination. There is plenty of documentation for this on many Islamic websites. They do want to take over Israel, Lebanon, etc. and make all of the Middle East run by Islamic governments. It is no secret that they envision the world Islamic. Islam is a prosletizing religion. In the contemporary form that is sweeping the world, it promotes violence on all non-believers. This is an open secret. Whether you believe that groups like Hezballah or Al Queda are hijacking the real Islam or not, the reality is that we still have to deal with the cultish leaders and their brainwashed followers. And guard our very way of life.