A Library of URLs on Therapy Ethics, Trauma & much more
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: September 19, 2006 10:54PM

Everything a researcher would need--there are even articles on
research methodology, laws governing the ethical practice of psychotherapy, informed consent, and a large section of URLs.


Just a few choice URLs—go the the main site and see what's there for you:

Psychology from undergranduate work to becoming licensed to practice


The Ethics of Psychological Testing

Rights and Responsibilities of Test-Takers


“Tests are defined broadly here as psychological and educational instruments developed and used by testing professionals in organizations such as schools, industries, clinical practice, counseling settings and human service and other agencies, including those assessment procedures and devices that are used for making inferences about people in the above-named settings.”

· A FAQ discusses buying / scoring tests, & patient access to psychological test materials under HIPAA regulations.


Ethics for Psychotherapists


Logical Fallacies in Psychotherapy


21 Cognitive Strategies To Justify Unethical Behavior

7 Fallacies in Psychological Assessment


A list of articles on therapist ethics may be found here:



Malpractice & Licensing Pitfalls for Therapists: A Defense Attorney's List
Brandt Caudill, Jr., Esq.

(CMr. Cahill writes:)

Avoiding the Medical Model

‘Faced with the complexities of informed consent, standard of care, note taking, etc., some therapists have tried to opt out of these requirements by simply taking the position that they do not believe in, or endorse the medical model, and therefore they should not be held to it.

‘This has the same effectiveness as reporting to the Internal Revenue service that you do not believe that the tax laws are valid, and that you should not have to comply with them. While this may lead to making the acquaintance of interesting criminal defense and bankruptcy lawyers, it will not cause any change in the IRS's view of the applicability of the tax laws.

‘By the same token, for a psychotherapist to assert that he or she should not be subject to the medical model will be ineffective. The medical model will generally be imposed with or without your agreement.’


‘Regardless of how lucrative a potential business opportunity seems to be, a therapist must weigh whether that opportunity is worth the potential destruction of his or her career.

[i:90ca6083f9]'The heart of the problem lies in the inherent unequal bargaining power between the parties once the therapeutic relationship has been established. [/i:90ca6083f9]

'It is almost impossible to establish that an arms length transaction occurred, no matter what legal language is used or what consents are signed.

'Entering into a business relationship with a present or former patient will be viewed with suspicion by most licensing boards, and the burden will be on the therapist to establish that there was not some form of overreaching.

'Some experts will take the position that where the therapist has a business of selling vitamins, food supplements, educational tapes or books, that the attempt to market these directly to people who are also in psychotherapy constitutes an unprofessional secondary business relationship.’

Informed Consent in Counseling Relationships


Psychology Laws and Licensing Boards in the US and Canada


The Ethics of Touch


Codes of Ethics Online


Re: A Library of URLs on Therapy Ethics, Trauma & much more
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: March 06, 2010 11:50PM

A Psychiatrists Describes His Brief Recruitment into a Psychotherapy Cult


Because of my experience leading support groups for ex-fundamentalists, I had mistakenly thought that I knew more about cults than I really did. I could not yet see how the group to which "Charlie" had introduced me could be a cult.

I had attended several of Charlie's non-RC (i.e., "naturalized" RC") workshops and had not yet heard of Re-evaluation Counseling or of its "founder and leading theoretician", Harvey Jackins.

Corboy note:

"naturalized" means a Re-Evaluation Counseling workshop in which participants are not told that it is an RC workshop, which means participants are denied full disclosure of the name of the group and have no way to research its history or the proclivities of its leader)


Re: A Library of URLs on Therapy Ethics, Trauma & much more
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: March 08, 2010 12:05AM

One Buddhist Center's Ethics Guidelines for Therapists as Members


Ethics Guidelines for Berkeley Zen CenterAdopted October 1, 2006 by the BZC Board
To avoid all harm, to cultivate good, and to purify the mind. This is the teaching
of the Buddhas.

-The Dhammapada

Issues around sexuality, confidentiality, the teacher student relationship are covered.

But here is a most interesting statement for professionals who happen to be members of the sangha



Therapists and Helping Professionals

Sangha members are discouraged from using the community as a source of
business or professional clients.

We request that BZC teachers and sangha members who work as psychotherapists, physicians or attorneys avoid entering into professional relationships with sangha members.

Others in the helping professions are asked to be sensitive to the delicate balance between worker and client, and the possible complexity of dual relationships when both parties practice at the same dharma center.

This is the html version of the file [www.berkeleyzencenter.org].

Re: A Library of URLs on Therapy Ethics, Trauma & much more
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: May 17, 2013 04:16AM


A Yale-trained psychologist and former president of the APA’s ethics committee, Dr. Pope writes that all states have prohibited therapist-patient sexual relations through licensing regulations. Additionally, therapist-patient sex is a violation of tort law and is thus subject to malpractice suits. Also, 15 state have criminalized the offense (Sutherland, et al.) Illinois is not a state that criminalizes therapist-patient sex, however, in 1989 it was one of the first to adopt a specific statue creating cause for action (the right to bring a civil suit) for therapist-patient sex. (Sutherland.)

In addition to state laws, all professional mental health organizations clearly admonish therapist-patient relations in their code of ethics. The Illinois Board of Psychologists forbids sexual relations with a client, and restricts contact with an ex-client to at least 24 months after cessation of treatment (Illinois Code: subchapter b: 1400.80)

The widespread disapproval patient-doctor relations can be traced back millennia. The Hippocratic Oath prohibits doctors from having sex with patients, as do other ancient doctrines on medicine (Pope.) Sigmund Freud, the father of modern psychotherapy, wrote lengthy admonishments of therapist-patient intercourse. Current statistics back them all up. According to a study conducted by Pope and Vetter, 90% of patients are harmed by sex with a therapist, 11% require hospitalization, 14% attempted suicide and 1% committed suicide.

Because patients are so vulnerable to the special relationship of trust with their psychologist, violation of this trust can be incredibly devastating. After an affair with her therapist, a British woman said, “I was even more depressed than when I’d gone to see [him originally]. I was suicidal again and had to have someone with me for 24 hours a day for nine months. I blamed myself for a long time. I had a lot of self-hatred. It put my recovery back at least three years.” (Stuart)

Adams’s reaction is not atypical. Predator psychologists know how to manipulate the psyches of their patients to believe that the therapist is the only escape from the hell of depression they’re been living in. Many victims claim that they are “brainwashed” at their most vulnerable and conditioned to think that they are in love with the therapist.


Therapist-patient sex violates trust - Dolan LawFeb 23, 2011 ... Additionally, therapist-patient sex is a violation of tort law and is thus subject to
malpractice suits. Also, 15 state have criminalized the offense ...
dolanlegal.com/blog/2011/02/23/therapistpatient-sex-violates-trust/ - 28k - Cached - Similar pages

Therapist Punished After Patient Lawsuit - The Dolan Law FirmThe Dolan Law Firm has an experienced team of eight lawyers and fifteen
assistants who stand ready to help people in the San Francisco Bay Area with
their ...
www.cbdlaw.com/.../Therapist-punished-after-patient-lawsuit.shtml - 47k - Cached - Similar pages

Therapists banned from sex with clients | Christopher B. Dolan | Op ...May 8, 2013 ... Law and Disorder ... Like any profession, the majority of psychotherapists are
good, ... Christopher B. Dolan is owner of the Dolan Law Firm.
www.sfexaminer.com/opinion/op-eds/.../therapists-banned-sex-clients - 57k - Cached - Similar pages

Re: A Library of URLs on Therapy Ethics, Trauma & much more
Posted by: Manzila ()
Date: June 05, 2013 11:41AM

Thanks for providing this information

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