Teresa Descilo; MasterTraumatizer or master trauma councillor? www.teresadescilo.com/ex-founder and fired at Trauma Resolution Center in Miami.
Posted by: Arenaltruther ()
Date: May 13, 2020 01:54AM

Founder of Trauma Resolution Center, Miami they threw her out. The final fate of many dictators. I am wondering if anyone else gets the same bad vibes I get around Teresa Descilo? I mean, aren’t ‘therapists’ supposed to fix something in you, that's gone wrong? Is it just me or is she the type of individual that has many people lining up, to go SEE a quack? Maybe it’s a male thing. With 5 ex-husbands, I hear the master councilor has deduced that everyone of them is; ‘an asshole’. Heal on!

A friend told me that her kid was playing at a restaurant and Teresa, who had spent half an hour, at least, boasting about her prominence within in the field of trauma counseling at the next table. Rubbed her son’s head and the kid looked at Teresa like he had been hit on the head by her. He ran to my friend and didn’t move. She had to leave the restaurant with her kid. She told the story to a mutual friend and his kid had the same experience! ‘For their’s is the kingdom of heaven’ until Teresa spooks the little ‘un’s with a bit of her magic hands/wands. Those not old enough to be seduced/confused by her high profile, personal propaganda.

I mean a buddy at the lake (Arenal, Costa Rica) told me he spent three days high after going to one of her sound healing sessions. Eventually he went to another healer who saw her (Teresa) in ‘her minds eye’ wearing Mussolini headgear with hoofs on her feet and in a general ambience of hell, fire and brimstone. He realized that he was so intimated after one of her sessions, he smoked for three days non-stop, just to get himself back to normality. He said she was his worst nightmare. She grabbed his hand like a headmistress and showed him how to ‘round’ his wand around the bowl like the ‘feminine moon transversing the mother earth’. ‘Not like a demolition artist destroying Michelangelo’s David’. He said he felt like he did when he was 3 years of age.

I have seen her at the market and she gives me chills up the spine. She writes on her profile; ‘I have retired from the daily battle of keeping a trauma specific-agency alive (by traumatizing my staff) and thriving in the aspect of the world that has no interest in healing (no sound bowls allowed)’. This was a Trauma Resolution Center in Miami that I have heard kicked her out. Mussolini anyone? And there is more; ‘My focus now is my own growth (don’t we stop growing around 16?) and healing, as well as facilitating the healing and growth of those individuals and communities (of lost souls easily fooled) who are really willing to make the commitment (to my bank account).’

www.teresadescilo.com. Knock yourself out! But I, for one think, it’s may be safer; skydiving?! Am I alone here?

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Re: Teresa Descilo; MasterTraumatizer or master trauma councillor? www.teresadescilo.com/ex-founder and fired at Trauma Resolution Center in Miami.
Posted by: Olderwizzerd ()
Date: May 29, 2020 01:36AM

I have to say I totally agree with you. A while back in the States (Miami), I had several sessions with Teresa Descilo. On the advice of a friend, I went to her for some relationship guidance, as my marriage was going through a rough spot. In hindsight I wish I had trusted my gut instinct. I had a very strange cold feeling around her, but it took me sometime to put my finger, on exactly what it was.

The language she used was professional and she was clearly very knowledgeable about trauma related issues. Yet something just felt off for me. I have seen many therapists throughout my life, so I feel comfortable talking to them. But I never felt comfortable with Teresa. I found her approach and therapeutic style to be very domineering, with very little love or compassion for both myself and especially my husband.

I was seeking therapy to work on my own issues that were contributing to the conflict in my marriage. I was not there to blame my partner, as I knew that was just going to create more pain. However, Teresa kept encouraging me to focus on the negative aspects of my husband, insisting that it was really his inability to listen and his insensitivity that was the root cause of our problems. When I told her that this was not the full story and it did not feel right, she shut me down immediately, saying that it would take time to step out of denial and see the truth of what she was saying.

I felt so diminished and disempowered, I just became silent and felt very unsafe. I started to feel dread around going to see her, and the issues in my marriage became worse as I followed her advice. Interestingly, I started to develop migraines after each session, and felt so stressed all the time. I had sought this woman´s help, yet things were going downhill and fast. My husband noticed this too and eventually he asked me to stop seeing her, as it was clear that it was just creating a lot of division between us. That was a godsend, as it gave me the courage to trust myself. I realized that I had opened myself to a therapist, who in my opinion, is in no way qualified to counsel people.

My personal observation of Teresa as a therapist is that she is quite angry and I´d even; bitter. Especially in relation to men. She seems to have a lot of unresolved personal issues that contaminate the people she works with, as it did with me. She is a very difficult person to express yourself with, especially if she feels challenged by what you are saying. She becomes very reactive and defensive, so for me it never felt safe to be honest with her. In fact in the end, I honestly felt terrified and intimidated around her.

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Re: Teresa Descilo; MasterTraumatizer or master trauma councillor? www.teresadescilo.com/ex-founder and fired at Trauma Resolution Center in Miami.
Posted by: Shantyshanty ()
Date: September 09, 2020 11:41PM

Beware Costa Rica. You have no idea who just moved into your mist.
Teresa Descilo, past director of the Trauma Resolution Center in Miami, is one of the most vicious, angry and bitter woman I’ve ever had to deal with. This person has hurt and traumatized more people here in Miami than you could ever imagine. Thank God, the staff finally got rid of her. And it took awhile. The staff hated her. She’s made so many enemies here that she’s sabotaged her time here in Maimi. Good Riddance Teresa. Watch out Costa Rica.
For years she always had some person that she didn’t like in her sight. Being such a bitter person she would do her best to destroy that person’s life. She’s done this with many, leaving a trail of traumatized people, mostly men, behind her. She’s been married 5 times and hates every one of them. Teresa is a real man hater. Beware if you are a man, do not get close to this women. She will destroy you.
Such self righteous arrogance and negative gossip. All she talks about is how important she is, what great things she’s done and then how terrible other people are. Holier than thou sums it up perfectly.
She’s such a phony. Her crystal bowls are so superficial and phony. A typical new age quack. Dare you make yourself vulnerable and open yourself up to her breath workshops. To do so in her presence is to open up to pure poison. This is a person who has abused herself physically for years. A walking toxic cancerous body. Do you really want to expose yourself to that in a breath work session. You will if you work with her.
Beware, Beware, Beware. You’ve been warned. This is a dangerous woman who has repeatedly misused her power and role as a so called social worker and therapist for years. She’s left a trail of wounded people behind her. Her only real friends are typically middle aged single women who like her are angry bitter man haters. Please be careful, this is a vicious woman.

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Re: Teresa Descilo; MasterTraumatizer or master trauma councillor? www.teresadescilo.com/ex-founder and fired at Trauma Resolution Center in Miami.
Posted by: PuraVidaTree ()
Date: May 08, 2021 11:54PM

I only recently discovered this page of ridiculous slander. It was created in revenge by a devotee of Don Hanson, as I discovered that he has a considerable number of entries in this forum, made over many years by different people, for predatory sexual behaviors and victim bashing. I found this forum after attending one of his workshops and becoming offended by his treatment of someone he identified as a victim and his sexually offensive examples how how ‘victims ask for it”. I only discovered this page about myself in recent weeks because I was told that a former mutual friend of the devotee and me wanted to explore reconnecting with me. Our conversation didn’t go far as she believed the “story” that everything written about Don Hanson was false, adding that “You know how people can write false things about you on the internet.” As I can no longer support delusion in any form, our ‘rekindling’ didn’t happen. It didn’t dawn on me until the next day, that no, I don’t know how people can write false things about me on the internet, googled myself and found this page.

From a Psychology Today article on dangerous cults - [www.psychologytoday.com] : They all have or had an over-abundant belief that they were special, that they and they alone had the answers to problems, and that they had to be revered. They demanded perfect loyalty from followers, they overvalued themselves and devalued those around them, they were intolerant of criticism, and above all they did not like being questioned or challenged...reacts with hatred When challenged...

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