How do you think religious organizations should handle clergy abuse and sexual misconduct?
After a timely internal investigation, they should dismiss the individual if found guilty. If it's a case that has attracted outside attention, they should be honest and forthright about the situation and state the steps taken to punish the wrongdoer and resolve the situation.
Should clergy ever be given a second chance?
Yes, but only if there is some reasonable doubt as to the validity of the accusations. I imagine it has occasionally happened that someone was accused unjustly.
Should their confessions to fellow clergy be protected?
In Catholicism, it's my understanding that anything you say during confession is between you, the clergyman hearing the confession, and God. It would be a moral betrayal by the priest hearing the confession if anything was repeated outside the confessional. However, I assume it's also that priest's responsibility to make it clear to the person confessing that what they have done is wrong and to assign the appropriate penance.
What rights should victims have?
The same rights as ordinary citizens, I imagine. Although I do agree with the person who said that clergy should be held more accountable to higher moral standards.
Where do you feel the churches currently involved in abuse scandals went wrong? Or do you feel their critics have gone too far?
I think many churches make the mistake of trying to cover up the incident or defending the wrongdoer. It makes everyone in the organization look guilty by association. Why not just admit that the person did wrong, that they are being held accountable, and that the actions of said individual do not reflect the policy of the church but that nevertheless the church apologizes? Is that so hard to do?