Expert Opinion, help with a legal case(Greater Grace World Outreach)
Posted by: zdad ()
Date: May 06, 2009 08:23AM

I am involved in a court case actually cases involving a young son, as well as a case regarding my grandchildren and their mother (my daughter).

I like to find an expert, especially recognized before the courts before as an expert witness to assist me in my case.

I don't have money to pay for hours of hours of help. I like somebody that knows a little about GGWO, and it would be very helpful if they knew a lot about their affects on people and families in particular.

I like a letter or affidavit to present to the Judges on the cases.

If you know of any experts I like the help. I am trying my best not to tip my hand at who I am and what is about to transpire in court.

I would greatly appreciate being pointed to a person who can assist us and that a Judge my actually consider taking into consideration.

Re: Expert Opinion, help with a legal case(Greater Grace World Outreach)
Posted by: Chad Cotson ()
Date: May 26, 2009 02:05AM

Dear 'zdad',

I cannot help you with an expert, however, if you are not aware of some resources regarding this group, this web site has a lot of information on Greater Grace World Outreach, from various sources and is mostly factual, though it does carry opinion that seems bias against the group. It has things such as court reports, numerous newspaper articles, ex-members, counter cult groups, reports from Christian organizations.

I am seeking to learn and would like to start an objective discussion on this group, that is why I cam to this forum and saw your posting. I can appreciate if you do not want to enter into a discussion on a forum in that you are involved in a court case, I can start a new thread and hope others will join that.


Re: Expert Opinion, help with a legal case(Greater Grace World Outreac
Posted by: zdad ()
Date: May 26, 2009 07:51AM is a great resource however limited. is a small crowd who tends to be subjective at best and to be honest, sometimes as ugly as those they tend to oppose.

I have no trouble speaking about them. I just have no desire to speak about them in a place that has no sense of objectivity.

Have a great day.

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