Re: Jack Hickman
Date: April 28, 2010 04:51AM
Sally there is so much mystery and secrecy about what happened in the house JH lived in as far as the "passing of the seed" that unless someone comes forward who witnessed it no one will really know. When I was involved to the degree I was involved, which you know was fairly deep, I always thought that term was symbolic of the passing of spiritual knowledge and understanding. I never once thought that it referred to masturbation practices. We need to be careful and not let false accusations arise fom this. There are plenty of good, valid and justifiable reasons why clear headed people leave a group without falling into misinformation. After all isn't that why none of us, well most of us, left them in the first place. We need to be above the lies and liars and place our faith in the truth. Just my two cents of course.