Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by:
My Good Name
Date: April 05, 2010 09:55AM
Aren't you just beyondeverything now with a new name (RICK ROSS, can't you IP ban people?)? If you are so obsessed with the cult teachings, why not e-mail the members or call them for the bull crap teachings? Go ahead and read the path teachings (the last 'teachings", or better described as bald faced lies), they make absolutely no sense since Jack hardly knew anything about Kabbalah. When I was at the thirty two path teachings he would mumble and fall asleep. They said he was in a higher spiritual place and it just "took too much to continuing explaining" the awesome spiritual messages. He made no sense and people would say that we just weren't spiritual enough to understand his mumblings.
Half the garbage that was 'prophesied' never happened and when it didn't happen Jack gave some kind of circular answer. Or another answer like "we did it, our righteous prayers saved the world."
What makes me sick is that when the youth were brought back together, we were all lied to about what happened during the break up. That has made me very angry.
ELDERS: Stop the lies and let everyone know what really happened. Jack had sex with at least two boys that were underage and masturbated onto many other men ("passing the seed"). If you are part of the youth, ask your parents.