My Good Name:
"...let go of whatever happened to you. It is not healthy to hold onto the type of heavy emotions you speak of. If you don't let go, you may never heal."
Frankly, here it seems like you are saying if people remain critical about what happened to them and explain this to others it's not what you define as being able to "let go."
Does this mean you expect people that have been abused to remain silent?
People have a legitimate right to speak out and inform others about a group or leader they feel has been abusive.
This can not only be meaningful and empowering component of their recovery and healing process, but it also benefits others who might be affected by a similar group.
See [www.culteducation.com]
The hopelessness. I understand of course that people in the group, even the older ones, have lost faith but....I believe that they have lost faith in the man Jack Hickman. I fear, I mean I really really am fearful and seriously concerned about the new leadership. I believe that the faith which was placed in Jack and his doctrine is now be redirected
to Gary and other leaders and their doctrine.
Thirty years ago the young men who were closest to Jack Hickman and the MOST DECEIPTFUL people I had ever or will EVER know.....these men are leading the children born into this cult.
I just remembered a conversation with a really close childhood friend from St. Johns. She was in and I was out but she was trying to get me to move back and join. After she had a few children she mentioned that it did sadden her that she was having children just to have "fodder for persecution". That terrified me at the time because I thought that I might be "led" (by God?) to move to NY and join the cult. The "fodder" are now parents. They are the group raising a new generation led by Gary. What is Gary's "new doctrine"? I can't ask my family these questions. My mother also made it very plain to all of us that she would follow Jack even it she had to leave my father and never she her children again.