Re: Jack Hickman Cult Shoresh Yashi:He destroyed himself too
Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: January 12, 2009 02:49AM

The greatest sorrow about Jack was that he destroyed himself too. IN Hebrew the term for self destruction is shmad. I asked Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach about what happened and he told me that "Maybe he wanted to get more power and didn't want to work for it." My take is that he felt that there would be great value in adding spirituality from Orthodox Judaism to his cultic version of Christianity and by doing that he created a sect that has transcended his life and has diverged from the Lutheran church. He made a name for himself.

Re: Jack Hickman Cult Shoresh Yashi
Posted by: Consider ()
Date: January 15, 2009 09:27AM


Damaged, would it be too intrusive or personal if I asked you why you left the group? This must have been very difficult for your parents, and you. How do you handle that relationship now?


Re: Jack Hickman Cult Shoresh Yashi
Posted by: Sallie ()
Date: January 29, 2009 07:44AM

I just re-read the account of the botched animal sacrifice in the 1982 Newsday article. OMG....they said the one animal spent a good half hour gasping for air and slowly dying....
Who could do that??? What kind of inhumane being could do such a thing......

Re: Jack Hickman
Date: February 02, 2009 03:00PM

Jack said the situation in the world will get worse and worse from 2001 to 2012 culminating in a global tectonic catastrophe.
Looks like Jack was right on.

By the way, does any one know if the following are still in:
Jim O. & Stefanie B.
Roy L.
Bob G. & Coonie R.
Jeff H.
Art C.

[Moderator note: Please don't identify possible former members by their full names]

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/02/2009 07:51PM by rrmoderator.

Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: February 12, 2009 04:38AM

How many people are actually in this cult today?

Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: Debby5089 ()
Date: March 13, 2009 12:05PM

More than you would believe they are in Maine, Florida, and Colorado they have a meeting once a year in Maine I also know of a cell in Texas, Rich and Phil are leading Maine. Gary is in Colorado with the Bob V..Its bigger and stronger then ever. Spans across the country. They draw money under dummy company names much how Jack hid the monies he took from his followers. Follow the names of people in the past on facebook and you will get the picture as to the locations of the cult very interesting where the people from the past and their children now live,

Re: Jack Hickman:Why the cult is prolilferating
Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: March 17, 2009 01:08AM

Hickman had certain strategies for people to live and surive in hard times. Sometimes, a number of couples would rent out a house and share the cost and they could live well and raise their children that way. Also, he saw the value of the teachings in Orthodox Judaism and he melded "Torah True Judaism" as some call it with a cultic version of Christianity.

Re: Jack Hickman
Date: April 01, 2009 08:17AM

Debby5089: I guess it's interesting for the people who are still in the cult too--my family was getting stalked by them a few years ago. The guy who kept trying to contact us just said that he wanted to talk, but we're pretty sure that he was going to try and pull us back in.

Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: April 07, 2009 10:48PM

They came after me too, when I came back from Israel in '79. They sent a girl they knew I liked after me but by that time I wanted nothing to do with it.

Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: April 08, 2009 08:37AM

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