MLM regroup strategy---connecting the dots
Posted by: northstar ()
Date: November 12, 2007 10:15AM

Hi Everyone!
I came to this forum as a result of a tip from a friend. Well, l had no idea what a valuable friend she was since she told me a bit about the background of the players and it lead me to look beyond the smoke and mirrors.

I checked out the wikipedia discription of the mind-control games of MLM giants, and it was exactly the highs and lows, the long days reaching into nights of training, the careful selection of music, the careful way in which we were herded and ordered and bullyed and loved through a few days in paradise.

This was LifeSuccess, run by Bob Proctor. The entry fee is still rising, l understand more than $16,000.00...people are encourage to re-mortage their homes, sell things and find a way to pay in full or else they don't get into training week and thus are not "licensed" LifeSuccess Consultants. They are encouraged to leave their jobs and jump into the business, encouraged by people who have suddenly got huge corporate contracts. Then on the last day you are sternly told not to blame them if you fail, that they will probably fail so they have to keep trying, and get a coach to ensure success. Oh...the coaching costs another $6,000 and gives you the priviledge to join hundred others on a call where you listen to more lectures.

During the training you are treated to one sales pitch after another, for LifeSuccess Publishing they will give you a few extras if you publish a low-quality book with them cost $38,000.00 and up, and you are "featured" rather than an "author" and is promenantly displayed is the Lifesuccess publishing logo and salespitch. Last l heard they come with the bonus of typos and grammar issues and are not even properly printed until they are fully paid for.

Then during this "training" you hear a sales pitch about the SGR club, for $3000, you recieve a jazzed up version of a fifteen dollar book written by someone else, and you are told you can even be a special speaker for a specific place in the world that you are located...the catch is that first you have to pay to attend a SGR school. It is a short version of a pyramid scheme, with one product and lots of recruitment.

the list goes on and on, a luxury cruise {which is more sales pitches disguised as "workshops" and "seminars"] and ever more new pitches with escalating exclusive price tags and promises to teach you how to get money.

One of the products is presented in book form and in part of Bob Proctors presentation, called The Diamond Tree, and it is a MLM program. The cost is very low to get in, and it has untested products that have miraculous properties, it has been in prelaunch for a year. the push is on recruitment. It is the exact same story with the exact same people as Nikkon, untested product, emphasis on recruitment, "training". This is becoming the next Amway Giant, and those who run and are active in LifeSuccess have a long history with Nikkon, and prominent MLM companies, in fact they have already made their fortunes on the backs of those who are on the bottom of the pyramid.

The description of MLM's where people are not making money and have been mind controlled, promised support and had every concern or inquiry treated with a superior attitude, is exactly what l have personally experienced with this group. I would seriously warn people about this group and advise them to seek another venue for their personal development.

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