I lost a beautiful woman to the TM movement
Posted by: unclewas ()
Date: May 18, 2006 11:17PM

For a year and a half I was dating a wonderful woman. I knew she was a little different by the way she would go on about "this guy name Maharishi and a meditation she called TM and its movement.

She was constantly after me to join. I am a very opened mind sort and told her I had no problem with her meditating twice a day but that I really didn't need too.

I started doing some research on the internet and discovered numerous sites regarding TM,,,the effects of long term meditation and a whole host of other stuff.

In the end she said meditation was the most improtant thing in her life (she's a siddha and truly thinks she can levitate). She's been hard core meditator for 25 years and appears completely brain washed.

I tried to be so supportive but in the end she basically gave me an ultimatum,,,become a TMer or we were done,,,,we're done but I am still heart sick about it.

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I lost a beautiful woman to the TM movement
Posted by: nccg_concern ()
Date: June 07, 2006 05:41AM

That's shitty. Sorry to hear that. Cult-like stuff can really limit and hurt people's lives. It sucks to have to be the one get close to someone, and then to watch that person's fantasies damage what could have been a great life.

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Re: I lost a beautiful woman to the TM movement
Posted by: CultStalkker ()
Date: October 14, 2007 01:30AM

I feel that. I watched a group slowly disintegrate my ex's personality and dreams. Someone I planned on marrying and starting a family with. It was sickening to watch and it is sickening to thing about today. I wasn't sure I even knew what was going on the whole time. Im not sure what happened when I think about it today. She ended up getting married suddenly to the leaders way younger son after I broke up with her. I tried to get her back but she said she didn't want to talk to me anymore, but then never stopped contacting me and watching me online. It is a very tough and hard to manage situation. Total powerlessness and a lot of uncertainty. The whole time we were together they were trying to guide her away from me to integrate her into the group. And she would always try to get me to go to the "services" and meetings. Eventually I couldn't handle it. The things she was saying, doing, not doing. I had to walk away and I wasn't sure why. Hardest thing I ever did. I knew I was releasing her to them, I knew I was letting them win, I knew I was giving up, and I knew it was because I was making myself. But groups like the one she was in are very subversive with their control techniques. I didn't know untill much later and after a lot of research how much of the crap I had to deal with was because of what they were telling her. It's almost too much to wrap my head around today. Im truely pissed.

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