"Cognitive Dissonance": Looking for a certain Christian author
Date: June 02, 2010 04:51AM
Hi everyone,
I don't post much but I used to be here a lot while recovering and trying to prevent myself from being re-recruited into new cults. Lately I've been reading over some historical material and studying cults within & on the fringes of the Catholic church (which has such a rich history in this subject!) and I remember an author whose name I could never pronounce and whose book meant a lot to me, but I keep coming up blank.
She had a Scandinavian accent and she wrote a book primarily marketed among Christian home-schoolers who were trying to protect children from some of the cult activity that was showing up either in public school programs or in some private schools. She was popular in the Christian talk show circuit for a while, back in the late 1980's.
Her big subject was "cognitive dissonance" and she taught parents what to watch out for when they were evaluating curricula or teaching methods. I do believe her name included something like "Bjoorn". Anyway, I would like to get ahold of that book again and so if anyone can help me get past this "senior moment" and come up with the title and author, I will be eternally grateful. I think it was published in the 1970's or early 1980's.