Re: Trumpet Call of God
Posted by: Sparky ()
Date: September 06, 2010 09:18AM


While you didn't ask me to comment, I will tell you what I believe...

I am a cynic. I believe that Lil' Timmy is involved in this to feed his own need of power and for money. Somewhere along the way I actually believe that he and his wife(?) have actually bought his own crap and lies ("blasphemy" if you will, for all you followers of "The Way").

He has probably deluded himself to believe he is actually speaking to "God" in his dreams and not his own delusions, mental psychosis or, for those of us here thinking the worst; Lucifer.

frogla, to answer your question, the OT prophets were specific and correct. As I posting in an early entry (2 or 3 pages back) that if what an OT prophet said didn't happen then the people should not fear him having the Word of God.

Also, from a rabbi who taught me at college said: ('s been awhile)
"whatever the prophets said MUST come to past or they are false prophets. Some said that things would occur before all that were hearing him died...which translates into ALL PROPHECIES WOULD OCCUR WITHIN 70 YEARS OF PREDICTION or that prophet is a false prophet."
(The rabbi was much more eloquent than that ramble of mine was) a nutshell....if Lil' Timmy has DARED to claim prophecy from YHWH, and his prediction for the Rapture FAILS to occur in 2011-2012, then Timothy, by the entire Bible (OT/NT), Timothy is NOT SPEAKING FOR YHWH.

Who then IS he speaking for if not YHWH?

Ipsofacto: Timothy would probe himself to be a false prophet.

I believe in 2011 or 2012, Lil' Timmy will claim a "new prophecy" to further try and enslave his followers.

The Bible is the Bible, folks. If you claim to speak for YHWH, you DAMN WELL BETTER BE 100% CORRECT...or you are NOT speaking for God...perhaps your own ego is speaking or the devil.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/06/2010 09:24AM by Sparky.

Re: Trumpet Call of God
Posted by: frogla ()
Date: September 06, 2010 09:32AM

trent believes that all the "letters" from ole timmy boy and his wifey are 100% true. so he won't say that after this such and such date if the rapture doesn't happen then timmy's a falsy.

is it wrong for me to wanna know if timmy's gonna stick with 2011 or change the rules once again and say 2013? i'm tired and don't know if i wanna hang on till 2013 if timmy changes. it's already been 3 1/2 years of this sh**.

Re: Trumpet Call of God
Posted by: Michelle123 ()
Date: September 06, 2010 01:31PM

I have been reading through some letters and this is what I have come across so far. I will continue to try to work on this. Most of the letters I have written underneath them. I have put the link to each letter so you can check them yourself. Some I have copied and pasted the whole letter and some just a part. Some I didn't put anything but added them because some thing about them did not sit well with me and was hoping maybe someone else could figured if there was something there or not. I at least hope this helps in some small way. What is between ~~ is me writing. Also I am not a scolar and don't know a whole lot when it comes to certain things in the bible so I also wanted to put this out there to where maybe someone with more knowledge than me might see some things I missed or am wrong about.


This I say to you, about childbirth in My Kingdom to come: No eye has seen, nor has any ear heard, and no mind has conceived of the true beauty of childbirth, in which you both shall behold in My Kingdom! And in that bright and glorious day, when you both behold the miracle and blessing of a newborn child, then shall you know and understand the true beauty of childbirth, which is shared between a man and a woman

~~Ok this struck me as odd. To me I take it saying that this couple is going to have a child in heaven. It says "in MY Kingdom to come" (and not here on earth) "You both shall behold the miracle and blessing of a newborn child." So God tells this couple they will have a baby in heaven? Is that biblical? Does that line up with scripture?~~


[Timothy] What should I do?

[God The Father] Until then, you must devour My Word day and night, as a starving man devours bread.

~~This is a letter in the very beginning in 2004. I cam across many of these letters where God puts an importance on reading and studying the bible but since 2004 the bible is corrupted? For they teach to only read the letters for they can only be trusted to be God's word. Makes no sense but yet makes perfect sense.~~


The Harvest, Judgments and Communion with the Spirit
From Letters From God and His Christ
Volume 1 > The Harvest, Judgments and Communion with the Spirit

6/04 From God The Father - A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Oh Timothy, listen as I speak. The time has now come for you to put away your fear, and trample out all things immoral in you, and become the man I want you to be. For the time draws hence, in seven years I send My Son, to pluck from the earth all those both dead and still living, who belong to Me... The rest left to fall under My judgment. Many will perish, do not be sad... For in My judgments they will know I am God, and in this be saved, including everyone for which you and your wife pray daily.
The voice you hear is both Mine and My Son’s, through The Holy Spirit. The conversations you have throughout the day, of comfort, encouragement and wisdom, are that of My Son. The voice you hear, and only you, as did Moses and the prophets hear, and no one else, is My voice. I speak to you through The Holy Spirit. Without The Spirit, you would not be able to hear, lest your ears go deaf and your body break, for strong is your Lord God Almighty.
Your wife need not hear Me, for you must repeat all I give you, both in mind and that of your dreams. But rather, tell her to trust her insight, that innermost feeling of what is right, for it comes directly from Me and is given her by My Son... My Son is indeed in the earth, and with you and yours.

Do not worry about your son, he is of the most gentle heart... I will keep him from evil, as you have asked of Me.

~~This letter prophecies that the rapture will be in 2011 and the tribulation will then follow. This sentence....For the time draws hence, in seven years I send My Son, to pluck from the earth all those both dead and still living, who belong to Me... The rest left to fall under My judgment. This letter was written in 2004. Seven yrs later would be 2011.~~


You will know a person’s heart when you meet them, whether they are of evil or of good... Even if they know and love Me, or love Me not.

~~Doesn't the bible teach us that ONLY God knows our hearts? This was a letter given to Timothy for his wife. So God is telling her that she now too will be able to do what only God has been able to do so far and know our hearts right when she meets someone?~~


Remember My Son in your times of need,
For His love surrounds you like a warm cloak in winter...

You only need open your heart to Him.

Then you will live inside the joy and love and grace,
Which is yours to have, given by Me through My Son, Jesus...

For this is the true thing your heart searches for.

Think of Me not as The Most High, for this you know beyond doubt,
But rather your closest and truest Friend...

Never will I forsake you, nor can our bond ever be broken,
For My Son has sealed it with you now, before, and forevermore.

~~Something about this sentence didn't sit right with me. "Think of Me not as The Most High, for this you know beyond doubt, But rather your closest and truest Friend"~~


Blessings be upon you, Timothy...

You have to be born, again and again, until My Son presents you to Me clean.

~~Saying he has to be born again and that biblical? Do we have to be born again and again? Id that what scripture says?~~


~~This states that Mel Gibson is one of God's servants. I am not trying to judge but the bible says we will know them by their fruits. We know that Mel Gibson devorced his wife, lived with a woman whom he was not married to and had a child with her and has a drinking problem all since this movie was made. At least that is what I have heard so don't quote me on all that but it is something you can check into.~~


All things, you now seek, you will find in Me, for I have put this in you to do. Ask of Me any question, and I will answer in both your heart and through the mouth of My servant, Timothy, your husband.

~~So we can now go to Timothy and ask Timothy questions and then he will ask God and then God will put the answers in Timothy and then Timothy will get back to us? Doesn't the bible say that Jesus Christ is the ONLY mediator between us and God?~~


What you seek you already have... Your connection to Me can never be broken... It is made of the finest silk and the strongest steel. When you feel distant, all you have to do is read My Word... There you will find Me, and I will be amongst you. Pray often, and through the Spirit we are one.

~~I may be off on this and this may be true but I wanted to at least find out for sure. This is saying that Timothy and God are one. I know it says that God and Jesus are one and everything so is this true or is he twisting scripture?~~


[Timothy] So my dreams of the end days are true? The people in black, I defeat them through Your word? Or is it symbolic?

[Jesus The Christ] The men in black in your dreams represent all of your personal demons, fears and doubts, which can only be overcome through the Word of The Lord. Do not fear, Timothy... They also represent actual evil in the world, which you will overcome with the Word of God. In that Day, I will sanctify you and anoint your head, and you will be a warrior for God... Do not be afraid. Trust in the foreknowledge I have given you, for you have known these things your whole life, but did not accept them... Even before time was time, did I choose you for this. Did you not recognize the signs?... On the day of your birth, two signs were given to your mother: One, a dream of a bright star among many lesser stars, and also a visit from the angel, Gabriel, unto which it was appointed to give the name chosen for you by God, that name, Timothy... Which you know its meaning, and honor Him you will.

[Timothy] How do I know if I write these words or You?... I fear they are delusions of grandeur.

[God The Father] Why would man write of himself his two biggest fears?... Yea, three biggest fears: That of public speaking, even more so, that of publicly speaking My Word; also, that of fighting evil, even fighting man to man do you abhor; and most of all, being separated from your wife and family? I know the depths of your love for them, only surpassed by your love for Me... Why write about yourself those things you most fear and abhor?

~~Where it talks about his mom and the signs and knowing these things his whole life and so forth is what I wanted to see if anyone else saw something here?~~


Parable of the End Times
From Letters From God and His Christ
Volume 1 > Parable of the End Times

8/3/04 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior - A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

[God The Father] The fig tree leaves are dropping... The time of His return/coming/choosing draws near.

[Jesus The Christ] Timothy, picture a fig tree in your mind... How do you see it?

[Timothy] I see it in Fall, as the leaves are drying up and falling to the ground.

[Jesus The Christ] The leaves of the tree represent two separate aspects of the end of days. As the sand of the hourglass, so are the leaves. As the nations fall away from Me, so also do the leaves fall from the light to the ground, fall and wither... So too will the nations.

The “time of His return” is when I return for My Bride and Church. The “time of His coming” is when I come in power and great glory, and every eye shall see Me. The “time of His choosing” is when I take My judgment seat.

At sunset, yet one more nation has fallen from Me... Far from Me have they fallen. The nations are eight and eighty... Eight have fallen; eighty will fall before The Son’s return. Of these nations, two will return and stay true, before My coming... The country in which you live and the nation of Israel.

Listen to your wife for she has wisdom, wisdom for reaching farther and deeper than she knows... A gift from God is the wisdom she owns.

~~This is what I wanted to question...At sunset, yet one more nation has fallen from Me... Far from Me have they fallen. The nations are eight and eighty... Eight have fallen; eighty will fall before The Son’s return. Of these nations, two will return and stay true, before My coming... The country in which you live and the nation of Israel.....So August 3, 2004 at sunset a nation fell? Is that what that is saying? If so can someone find out if a nation fell? Also it says that eight had fallen at that time and that eighty more will fall before Jesus' return? And two will return and stay true...the USA and Isreal....So that means that we both fall and then return? I don't know a lot about this and was hoping someone else could explain it?~~


Dream of the End of Days & Interpretation
From Letters From God and His Christ
Volume 1 > Dream of the End of Days & Interpretation

8/15/04 Timothy’s Wife’s Dream of the End of Days

Inside the building, there are alot of people, including myself. I am not sure what everyone else is doing, but I am trying to be romantic with a man. I do not have anyone I know with me, nor do I know the man. I walk outside, and all of the air is filled with ribbons of color, as if I had stepped into a rainbow, although the colors were all muted because of the dust blowing. There was alot of dust blowing in the air and alot of wind. There were many people outside the building, wondering what was going on, looking confused. The building itself was large, several stories and rather ominous looking from the outside. (Not scary, but looming and large). Far off in the distance, the sky is split in a V-shape or just starting to crack. The crack is filled with waves of dark blue water.

8/17/04 From God The Father - The Interpretation of the Dream, Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

This dream, the dream bestowed on your wife, is that of the end of days.

The tall structure is that of this present, evil world... It will soon fall... But these, who will come to Me, must first come out of her. The wind is the wind of change, leading to their salvation; the colors, those of The Son, which will surround My people in those days.
The division of the sky is that of rebirth. In that day, heaven will open, and I will pour out My judgments on all those who remain, in rivers of running water which no one can escape. It will be as a flood flooding the entire earth, until no trace of evil is upon the face of the earth. Then shall the earth be clean and My Kingdom descend from Heaven to earth.

Take this dream to heart, Beloved, so you too will know when the time of My coming is near, at the door. Blessings be upon you, My child.

~~I have an issue about the part she is trying to be romantic with a man....first why would God give her a dream with her commiting adultry on her husband? and second why isn't that part of the dream interpeted?~~


Chosen By God
From Letters From God and His Christ
Volume 1 > Chosen By God

8/31/04 From God The Father - A Letter of Encouragement to Timothy, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Many things you must overcome in the years to come... Many things I will show you in the years to come... Many things I will teach you in the years to come.

Though you feel weak and helpless, like that of a child, so will I make you strong for I am with you... Who can overcome The Lord? The years draw short, and shortly all things must come to pass. I am your God and you are one of My chosen sons of the Gentiles, for the Gentiles, living in their midst... Grafted into The Vine, of the branch of Levi, adopted son of Abraham.

Now go, and do all those works you feel necessary for your family. You have asked, and so I will provide you with plenty, but remember: All these things of today matter not, for the day is coming when you will not even be able to recall them. Stay steadfast in your faith, My son.

~~I didn't know anything about the grafted into the vine and branch of Levi so I wanted to ask?~~


From Letters From God and His Christ
Volume 1 > Circumcision

9/3/04 From God The Father - A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

You have honored Me by doing what you thought was right, though you lack knowledge of what the circumcision means...
The circumcision was for those who dedicated their lives to Me. It was also the covenant I made with Abraham and His descendants, of which your son is one. Do not worry or ponder over this, but do what you think is right and best for him, for your case. Circumcision alone is nothing, in and of itself, but is only an act of devotion to Me, which yours is already beyond doubt.

~~Something about this confused me and didn't know if anyone would see if there was something in it to prove it didn't come from God?~~


Jesus Christ's Love and Forgiveness are With You
From Letters From God and His Christ
Volume 1 > Jesus Christ's Love and Forgiveness are With You

Listen: 9/3/04 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior - A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Timothy, write as I speak, for the time is at hand... The cup, in My Father’s hand, is now full. The time has come for Him to pour out His wrath of indignation.

This day My hand is upon you, today you feel My presence of being. My love for you is great, and the love of your heart is great also... Your prayers have reached Me, and I have heard them. This is why I have chosen you: You feel the pain of others, and wish them all to come to Me as you have.

Do not anguish over your past sins, for I have washed them away...

All of them...

Past sin, present sin, and yes, your sins of tomorrow.

You have given your whole heart to Me...

~~This letter says God washed away Timothy's sins? look at the letter below~~


Tonight your sins are forgiven you... Go out and sin no more. Your robes have been washed... Do not soil them! Do not keep anything foul in your heart, keep immorality far from you, hold tight to My covenant, give praise and worship daily... Stay tried and true to all I have commanded you, stay steadfast in your faith.

~~And this letter AGAIN they are forgiven? The above letter covered ALL of his sins. past, present and future so why does God need to wash and then forgive again?~~


Now go, and devour My Word as a starving person devours bread.

~~Here again is another example of God wanting Timothy to read the bible. It has to be the bible because at the time Timothy had not wrote that many letters.~~


Regarding the Man from Jehovah’s Witnesses
From Letters From God and His Christ
Volume 1 > Regarding the Man from Jehovah’s Witnesses

9/14/04 From God The Father - A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Timothy, listen as I speak, concerning the man from the church, called Jehovah and Its Witness: Return the book he has given you. Thank him for his time and devotion to the work of God, for he is a man of God’s Word, and My Word is with him but not in him. In this do you differ, for I have put My Word in you, but it is not yet with you. Tell him you can not read the book to your children, for you do not believe it to be written by those filled with the Spirit, and that you choose to share the words of God only, HIS words in The Bible and HIS words spoken through men... For you are your own child’s best conveyor of The Word, and this, as it has always been and shall always be.

Do not chastise him or debate with him, he will not hear your words. Only thank him and bless him, for he believes wholeheartedly in his misleadings, and only I can change these things of iniquity in their due times and seasons... Show him love, for his intentions are that of love.

~~What in the world does this part mean??? This totally confused me....
Thank him for his time and devotion to the work of God, for he is a man of God’s Word, and My Word is with him but not in him. In this do you differ, for I have put My Word in you, but it is not yet with you.....What is this saying? That God's word is with that man but not in him and it is in Timothy but not with Timothy? How can you have God's word in you but not with you?~~


Regarding Divorce
From Letters From God and His Christ
Volume 1 > Regarding Divorce

9/15/04 From God The Father - A Letter Given to Timothy, For Kathy, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Question asked by Timothy, for Kathy: Lord, did Kathy act rightly by divorcing Arthur?

[Answer from God The Father] Timothy, I tell you, she has not, for she has sinned and should come to repentance, and reconcile to her husband and he to her. He, too, does believe in Me, though he does not share this openly. Arthur have I also called, as I have with all men of the earth... And he has heard Me.

My commandment, concerning these things of the heart and My law of marriage, did I bestow upon My servant, Paul, to be put forth to all peoples and nations. I have sanctified marriage, and all who believe in Me must obey My Word. All things I say are true and for man’s benefit, to keep him from pain and sin. Now go and tell Kathy to read what Paul says to the Corinthians[1], and to heed his words... They are not his words but Mine, and Mine alone, as are the words I have put forth through your mind.

Timothy, My faithful servant of the end of this age and the beginning of the next, My blessings be with you and upon you, says The Lord... And to your mother, mother of your beloved and wife of Arthur.

1. ↑ 1 Corinthians 7:10-16

~~I am just wondering if anyone knows Kathy and Arthur and wondered if she obeyed and reconciled with him? Is she still participating in this cult? It has been 6 yrs or so.~~


The Gift of Discernment
From Letters From God and His Christ
> Volume 1 > The Gift of Discernment

9/5/04 From God The Father - A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Question asked by Timothy: Lord, is the United States “Babylon”, as many churches believe?

[Answer from God The Father] The United States will fall, fall to the antichrist.
In one hour will I bring total destruction to the throne of the beast, that great city of harlots and every unclean thing. Not to your nation, for I had blessed it and made it strong... Even so does it go the way of evil. So then, I will take My people out of it and let it go its way. Doomed as it may seem, many more of My people will I take out of it, in the years remaining... Babylon it is not!

As you study My Word, do you not know I am with you?... Also, I am bestowing understanding...

Speak aloud, listen, understand, feel what is right...
Put the world out of your mind.

Read the words and have understanding...
See the Word’s meaning... Trust in your heart.

Follow your instincts, for it is not instinct at all,
But I, The Father, speaking to you from that place deep inside,
That only I know and have made for you, so you may know Me.

From this day forth will I give understanding to you, Timothy, and wisdom to your wife do I also give. Each time you read My Word, and take to heart those words of The Son, will more be given to you. Write down what you have learned, and watch the meaning come to light...

My words are for all peoples to hear and understand...
If they so choose to love Me...

Then will their eyes be opened and their ears unstopped.

My words are what they are... No more, no less...
I would have told you if this was not so.

I did not set them before you as a puzzle or riddle to be unraveled...

But rather a gift, a light, so one does not have to grovel in the dark.

So leave behind all your preconceptions...

And just believe.

And Mine I give to you...

Nothing of this earth, or in Heaven, can separate us.

Cherish and love your family, for the time is now at hand for you to be separated from them, but do not grieve... You will be together again in the Kingdom of My Father on earth. Then will there be no more tears, death or pain, for all these things will pass away.

Read the final book of Revelation yet again. Write down all passages you wish to know. The next time you feel My hand upon you, pray, and I will reveal their meaning to you and your wife.

My peace and love surround you and your family... Know this, the words I speak are true. Take time each day... Stop, close your eyes, and listen in prayerful silence, and you will feel My presence... Yes, you also, Beloved.

I am already here!...

And soon you will see Me coming on the clouds, with great power and glory.

I am The Beginning and The End of all things.


~~"Trust in your heart"
Doesn't the bible say not to trust our heart for it is wicked?~~


Timothy, write as I speak...

Kathy, the words given to Timothy, and to My servant, Paul, are The Word of God, and are therefore beyond question!... To do so is to deny The Lord, your God.

~~So this is saying if we question the letters is denying our Lord?~~


The Mystery of Heaven
From Letters From God and His Christ
Volume 1 > The Mystery of Heaven

9/04 From God The Father - A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Question asked by Timothy: Lord, is Jack Van Impe’s idea of Heaven correct?

[Answer from God The Father] All these things I say to you are tried and true, and yours to know through The Holy Spirit. For these things regarding Heaven and its location, spoken of by My servant Van Impe, are true, save these: No one may know Heaven, or where it abounds, until the due time. I shall bring from My Heaven, a new Heaven to earth, for all men... And with them shall I dwell. Those caught up with The Son shall know Heaven and My dwelling place, for I also dwell with men. Heaven is not defined by space and time, nor measure or distance... For it is and is not. Men have not the mind, nor understanding, to know such things, until their transformation from the perishable to the imperishable.

Know this: My Heaven is everlasting...

It has always been and will always be, from now and forever.

Timothy, your family will see and know My dwelling place, for My Son will bring them...
Take much comfort in this.

~~Does anyone know who Jack Van Impe is? He has his own program/talk show on TBN. Do you know what his idea of heaven is? According to this his idea of heaven is true. Does anyone know what Jack Van Impe believes about hell? (I don't know what his idea of heaven is but I do remember seeing him and his wife warning people one time about hell so that much I know, but we may want to double check to make sure) I do know that he believes it is a real place that the unsaved will burn and be tortured forever so how is Jack Van Impe God's servant but teaching what Timothy is saying that God says is not true?~~


~~I have come across several letters that God says there are thousands and thousands more like Timtothy. If so where are they and why haven't we seen them? If it is getting closer and closer to the rapture and everything should we have heard more people come out as Timtothy did 6 yrs ago?~~


9/1/09 From God The Father - A Letter Given to Jayse, For Jayse, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Hear the words of The Most High: Do not doubt My voice within you! I have chosen you to be My mouthpiece. Though many around you doubt My words, yet you shall not doubt. Come to Me in complete abandonment, forsaking yourself fully, and watch Me establish you… A mere boy made a prophet of the Most High God, a faithful witness of YahuShua HaMashiach, Yeshua THE Messiah, yes, Jesus THE Christ! You will bring glory to My name and do many miracles before My people, yet not of your own power or will, but by the power of God working in and through you, according to the command of My Only Begotten Son, Jesus The Christ, by whom you have been redeemed, cleansed and made worthy… And now filled. You WILL bring glory to My name!
My son, in you I am well pleased. Though you are still a mere babe, soon you shall be filled with the Lord’s portion, and those around you will come to not recognize you, for the old man, which you still carry, shall be no more... And you shall be reborn by the Spirit of God, once again! Then, you will no longer be that babe who is, at present, unheard. You shall become a man, whose voice does not cease from speaking the Truth of Who I Am! Amen. The Lord has spoken.

~~"You will bring glory to My name and do many miracles before My people"
Is there anyone that knows this Jayse guy and know if he has performed even one miracle in the past yr?~~

Re: Trumpet Call of God
Posted by: philly ()
Date: September 06, 2010 08:27PM

Michelle 123 - you have been AWESOMELY busy! Thank you so much for these snippets from the letters and all your questions. I don't dare to read them myself as a) I don't believe them and b) I've heard they can be very persuasive, but it's great that you've kinda put them together on a platter that we can then use to question our 'trumpeters'. I can't answer very much, all I know is that Jayse is a very active member of the group. Frogla will know more. Also again we have the 2011 thing.... I think we're all waiting for a case of 'told ya so'...


Re: Trumpet Call of God
Posted by: philly ()
Date: September 06, 2010 08:30PM

I know the letter you are talking about Michelle123, I'm not sure it is specifically talking about the rapture or not but there is a turning point at that age that is identified (if I can remember correctly though I think it was addressed to Craig who was renamed Daniel). It isn't specifically identified anywhere (although in one of the charts about the Holy days it is kind of hinted at) but many in the group I know believe the rapture will be on the Feast of Trumpets this year which is on September 9th , next Thursday (they leave a bit of margin though because according to Tim it may not be exactly on the 9th because human calculation of that date could be off and God's timing of the rapture would be on the exact date of the Feast of Trumpets). Like I said it isn't in any letters or specifically stated anywhere (possibly to provide an out I guess) but it has come up in many conversations and I know many believe it will likely be on that Holy day.

Have a great weekend with Jesus, He is such great company :-)

My 'trumpeter' has mentioned that he won't be going to work that day. Frogla, is yours the same?
Can we find any info through the letters about the rapture being on the 9th - Frogla has Trent said anything?

Re: Trumpet Call of God
Posted by: philly ()
Date: September 06, 2010 08:42PM

Here are some facts, which made me deny these letters:

1) In general: The way of the so called "god" - It is not the same way how god communicated with his people from the bible.

2) The shroud of Turin: There is a letter which says, that this shroud shows the actual face of jesus christ and this should
take away doubts - Letter - Shroud of Turin

3) Some strange new "laws", introduced by the so called "god". Here are some of them:

- Pray three times per day... Upon waking, at midday, and prior to sleep.

- Cleanse your body, for if your body is not in health, how can your mind be? They are of each other in this life. Eat mostly fruits and grains and plants of the earth. Eat not that which is unclean... Eat no pork, nor anything which is not made by God. Increase your water intake seven-fold, and drink only purified water or that which has been distilled. Eat meat in moderation, for meat is good, created for man by God, but man has contaminated it. Also, take and eat of the seed of the flower flax, two large spoonfuls per day. Also, put aside money for supplements, for your body is in dire need of many vitamins and minerals. Timothy can guide you in this. - Letter with these new commandments

Ok, I may be behind the times... I thought it was proven once and for all that the Shroud was not from Jesus' time? Also in this letter it looks like YHWH is speaking to Trent... Frogla, does he claim to hear God's voice, or is this all through Timmy boy again?

Re the 'strange new laws' - who is Lyn mentioned in this letter? Timothy will guide you on the taking of supplements??? What the? Maybe he doesn't have a publishing business but a thriving health foood business? I can tell you without a word of a doubt that my 'trumpeter' is not following this part of the letters!! Distilled water? Unprocessed food?

Anyone been able to 'dig up any dirt' on this man's previous wife... is that true?


Re: Trumpet Call of God
Posted by: FreeYoMind ()
Date: September 06, 2010 09:27PM

Timothy! Hear the word of the Lord! You are My prophet, My student, My apostle. You shall become much more...yea, a “god” among men, for I shall share of Myself with you.

What happened to this letter, i cant find it anymore on

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/06/2010 09:40PM by FreeYoMind.

Re: Trumpet Call of God
Posted by: FreeYoMind ()
Date: September 06, 2010 09:39PM

ok, im sorry. Got it: The New God: Timothy

Re: Trumpet Call of God
Posted by: Sparky ()
Date: September 07, 2010 12:39AM

Thanks FreeYoMind;

My favorite of your above link is this:]

Timothy! Hear the word of the Lord! You are My prophet, My student, My apostle. You shall become much more...yea, a “god” among men, for I shall share of Myself with you. I will live in you like none before.

Wow! God is more in Lil' Timmy that was in Abraham! Moses! King David! John the Baptist!...and Jesus himself!

Wait...didn't all these people perform posses great superhuman wisdom and perform miracles? The real "miracle" of Lil' Speedy Timmy will be how he will spin it when his "prophecy" from God fails to occur and there is no Rapture in 2011/2012.

Here is how it will play out (I have seen this time and again with Fundamentalist preachers)

"Lo! Behold! I have given thee, my beloved and greatest Prophet Timothy, a prophecy of the rapture! I gave thee a false date to test the spirit and faith of your flock! Behold how some have left when they perceived you as a false prophet! Fools and Swine! Sinners! Now those you have left are worthy to be called my children and your apostles! The time is neigh!...

...also make sure to Trumpet more and buy some of the inexpensive publications from your prophet Speedy Timmy's publishing house....SO SAYETH THE LORD!"

He will sadly, spin this into more lies and more ways to sell his shit and make more than $93,000 a year like he already does.

"Lil' Speedy Timmy" says it all from a 'love making' aspect, as well. Hmmmmm. Now I see the need to seem "bigger" than life and "strong and powerful".

I think he could use Enzyte.

Re: Trumpet Call of God
Posted by: Sparky ()
Date: September 07, 2010 02:09AM

According to public records Speed T. Rathbun aka "Timothy" the so-called "prophet" owns property in Hastings, Nebraska. And he also seems to own property in Greely, Colorado.

This property is listed under the names Speed T. A. Rathbun and Amy J. Rathbun, his wife.

Average house price in the Nebraska neighborhood where Speed T. Rathbun (aka Timothy) lives is listed as $75,300.

Greely, Colorado, where Speed T. Rathbun (aka Timothy) apparently owns a second residence, lists the average price for a home there at $105,100.

This means that Speed T. Rathbun's real estate assets may be worth about $180,000 in approximate appraised value.

How does the "Prophet Timothy" afford this?

Timothy lives with his second wife and three children, according to what I have heard.

Rathbun was previously divorced and supposedly has children from his first marriage.

It's unclear what monthly child support Speed T. Rathbun (aka Timothy) is obligated to pay. But nevertheless the "prophet" must make a profit from somewhere to pay his monthly bills.

I think what rrmoderator cites here is important enough to repost/quote.

Also see here:

There is a Web site called "all" where various businesses are listed.

At the Web site you can find records regarding many companies.

Speed Rathbun and wife Amy are listed there under "publishing."

The Rathbuns list their same home address in Hastings, Nebraska, as their business address.

The business the Rathbuns own and operate was reportedly founded in 1992.

This publishing business reportedly has only two employees, which seem to be Speed and Amy Rathbun.

The company has reported estimated annual sales of $93,000.00 concerning its "misc. publishing."

The source for the information is cited is Hoovers's and D&B (Dun and Bradstreet).

What do you think "misc. publishing" is all about?

Could that be the "letters" and/or other religious materials?

Is this the way Timothy makes his money?

Is being a "prophet" profitable?

It is clear that while your spouses may have foresworn Earthly goods to follow Speed (aka Timothy) he has not. I guess being a prophet (profit) has it's perks.

That being said and knowing that Speed (aka Timothy) is apparently making a pretty good living off "God" and the "Talking For God Business", how are the rest of you doing?

Are your spouses still working for a living? Are they working (and earning) less? Are they still living with their mate (You) ("what God has joined let no man come between")?

Are your spouses less loving to you or your kids? Do they spend ANY time with you at all?

Are any assets missing that may be helping to fund Speed (aka Timothy's) "ministry"/business?

Are your families at risk (finacially or emotionally)?

Are your spouses who are enraptured with Speed's tall tales being abused by Speed? Is there any talk of abuse or "enslavement" (such as working around the clock for Speed's latest business endeavor (i.e., "Prophet Timothy" and his printing company?)

Are your spouses aware Speed had children with another wife with whom he may or may not be paying court ordered child payments?

Do they know he is rich (or at least middle upper income?)

Has there been any abuse of female members by Speed?

Tell your stories (but keep the details low enough to avoid making Speed know who you may be married to). While your stories have been told, they must be told again and again to warn others to watch out for this potential con-artist known as "Speed"/"Timothy"/"god"(Profit Timothy's own words, not mine).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/07/2010 02:25AM by Sparky.

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