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Re: Trumpet Call of God
Posted by: SelahSelah ()
Date: April 26, 2011 04:28AM

Sorry moderator, my main point was, the Letters from God and His Christ/ Trumpet Call of God Online endorses SDAs and UCG, and those two both have a link to Mormonism. Most Christians do not consider Mormons Christian, while more Christians (who do not really know about their doctrines) accept the SDAs as a modern Christian denomination and not a cult. However, SDA and Mormon doctrines are more similar than people think.

The reason I felt compelled to point these things out, is-I believe that someone somewhere along the line pointed out the similarites between the Letters from God and His Christ and the SDAs doctrines and it was simply swept away under the rug, at which point I believe they [the SDAs and UCG] were merely crowned by the Letters from God and His Christ as having the "closest doctrinal truths" so that there would be no more questions as to why they were so similar, if they were really in fact, new, never heard before, undefiled, authentic, Letters from God and His Christ.

Also, if you go to the UCGs "What We Believe/ Frequently Asked Questions/ Bible FAQ Topics" section on their site, there are almost word for word similarities with things you will find in the Letters themselves as well as in the doctrines of the Letters from God and His Christ, with a few exceptions. []

I don't plan on getting off the topic of the Letters any further, I just thought if we unraveled the history and lies behind those groups that the Letters from God and His Christ endorse, and point out those cult's prophet's falsehood.

Then obviously one has to question how we could trust someone's claim to prophet-hood, when they endorse those false prophets?
Saying the SDAs and UCG are "closest in doctrinal truths" is endorsement. Yet at the same time- the Letters from God and His Christ have a "new, pure, uncontaminated by prior man made doctrines, message from God." Is it only a coincidence it lines up with the doctrines of those cults?

Which by the way were around prior by over a 100 years and were not God delivered but were in fact plagiarized and we now have the proof since people have had the time to gather all of the stuff those cult's prophet's copied.

Speed Timothy Rathbun stated he had to stay separate from churches of men so that he wouldn't become biased towards a certain denomination.

I guess the SDAs and UCG are exempt.

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Re: Trumpet Call of God
Posted by: SelahSelah ()
Date: April 26, 2011 05:28AM


Here is also something I think is absolutely crucial and very important for all ex members/ exiting members/ families involved to read.
It shows a lot of similarities with the SDA movement that relates to the letters. The SDAs refer to it as the "three angels message."
In particular, I see relations with the letters teachings like SDAs saying that Ellen White's message must be preached to all the world (not the gospel of Christ which is the real context the bible refers to.) In this message, she alienates all other churches (commonly referring to them as "Babylon") and tells them to come out of their churches and join hers and Millers message or they will receive the mark of the beast. I would post it (and may later because I fear no one will link to it) but for now it is too long for this post, but very important.

The reason I pointed this out, for those who may not be familiar with the letters/ studies.

The link here is that Ellen said the important message that the three angels of Revelation 14:6-12 are talking about that needed to be preached was her message to come out of the churches and join the advent church (and not the gospel of Christ that Jesus commanded us to spread all over the world)

The reason this is similar is that the letters teach that the bible/gospel is not what is most important now, but the letters message to come out of the churches. The letters preach Christ PLUS the letters, if you don't accept the letters and or recognize and obey them as being from God, you will be left during the tribulation. Believing in Christ with repentance is not enough, they say "God searches the hearts and minds."

BUT you have to obey the law, the holy days, and the ten commandments(especially the 4th), and achieve "brokenness", and believe the letters (once you hear/see them.)

Even still, the flock is constantly being told that some of them will be left during the tribulation because they were not "broken" enough and that some will even be deceived by the Anti-Christ during the tribulation, so they shouldn't get too comfortable in their rapturance so to speak. Even some of the more submissive ones were told they might not be taken during the tribulation, but not to worry about if you will be taken or not, but just to accept whatever the Lord decides. So then why all the threats in the letters to Christians telling them they will be left behind like it's the worst thing in the entire world if we are not to worry about it? Aren't we suppose to fear God and not man? Fear him who can kill both the soul and the body? And not just the body?

The letters also (like Ellen White) say that the modern churches are polluted by the RCC/Protestant doctrine and are Babylon and unless you come outs of them (Babylon) you will share in her sins, to the SDAs this means- receive the mark of the beast/ lose your salvation. To the letters this means -be left during the tribulation.

Also, another link is there are a few letters that say "God will not hear you anymore" or "God is not longer your God" or if you speak against the letters that "Christ will say depart from me, you will be left during the tribulation for refinement".

Ellen White said that "God does not hear your prayers and they are an abomination to God" and all those who don't accept her message will lose their salvation and "Sunday keepers will receive the mark of the beast" and that we have "fallen from God's favor" "God has rejected us" by rejecting her advent message.

Also, the letters said that God already chose who would be taken during the tribulation like over a year ago so essentially anything you do now really is chump change since God has already made up his mind- wouldn't that mean that your prayers and repentance would be mute then since he isn't going to change his mind from that letter on, wouldn't that sort of indicate a closed door to who can be saved/ worthy of rapturance.

This is similar to Ellen Whites "Shut Door" theory where she said "the door to salvation must be shut" and at one point she said it was "now closed." But then she had to change that and crack the door when more people started joining and wanted to be "saved" by believing her message.

The letters say that any form of spirit someone might feel in a church is a demonic one and of the devil and they are not really feeling God's presence because God's presence has left the churches.

This is similar to Ellen White in her saying that anyone who converts apart from the advent church is not really saved, nor has God living in them, and that they are only "pretending to be saved" to deceive others into joining nonsda churches.

Most of this info is in that link.

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Re: Trumpet Call of God
Posted by: gracevslaw ()
Date: April 27, 2011 08:00PM

personally salehsaleh i have found all of your findings of SDA Mormon and other stuff very helpful. i cannot thank you enough for all of the hard & extensive work you've put into showing how timothy's letters are very very strangely similar to EGW's stuff.

@moderator, although i do understand what you are getting @ with saleh, i don't think that she's getting off track @ all. in fact, all of her findings of the SDA, Mormons, etc is directly related to trumpet and can be used to prove that the cult leader is plagiarizing and using EGW's Joseph Smith's stuff. i can assure you that saleh is not off track but so on track in finding proof of timothy's plagiarisms. this is very important information. if you do not wish for her to say the organizations than maybe she can use code words but i'm really finding all of her research to be of great value. i do not wish to be an instigator here but this is research that i've found very valuable

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Re: Trumpet Call of God
Posted by: SelahSelah ()
Date: April 30, 2011 10:10PM

Thanks @ gracevslaw I am glad you have found them helpful, but I want no praise. They are merely things that I felt were important to point out that I found to be very similar to something Ellen White said in the 1800s.

@SelahSelah - I’m sorry you went through that, it’s difficult to know that someone you had thought so highly of would care so little about you as a person. I also know how you feel, with the helplessness and mistrust. I wonder sometimes if I will ever feel really secure in my walk with God and know what he wants me to do, or will be able to fully trust a teacher/pastor again. The holidays still make me get all twisted up with anxiety and I can’t even look forward to celebrating our Lord’s resurrection because I still have this bad taste in my mouth over Easter. I feel like being in Trumpet Call of God, it’s like my mind was planted full of weeds that choked out the plants and made them wither and now I have a hard time being able to tell the difference between the weeds and the plants. I think slowly I’m picking the weeds out and that is making it easier, but it just gets discouraging sometimes. We just have to keep looking to Jesus to point the way, and I trust that He knows how much I love him and that he will show me the way out of the tangled mess somehow, someday.

It's ok LLG, I've decided to stop communicating with them since I know I am only abusing myself by doing that. I should have a while ago, and I know I probably did more damage to myself by holding on this long. Saying things like 'you are arrogant, trying to take away others robes' , 'you will only be saved by dying a martyrs death' , 'you will get what's coming to you, scoffer' , 'you are the perfect example of someone who is worthy of being destroyed in the lake of fire to bring God glory' are very cruel things to say to a brother or sister in Christ and I do not believe they are in love.

The bible tells us in 1 John 4:20 "If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen." Instead we are suppose to love them and pray for them. And that is exactly what I am doing. I know it might sound sick, but I still care for them, even Timothy I do not hold grudges against him, because God has given me that forgiveness. Sometimes I do not understand what exactly I did wrong besides asked questions, when things other member(s) did like playing games and muting their mics and sleeping during the studies (that required our undivided attention), were simply overlooked.

It's like I know all of the cult attributes are there, like mind control, time control, us vs. them, others spiritual gifts are demeaned, and not being able to ask sincere questions, but it's still hard to not relapse and think "what if" so then I'll abuse myself by going and reading a bunch of the letters and I will walk away not finding comfort that I eagerly sought, but more fear and questions. Some of the letters are so confusing, they require someone to explain them to you, otherwise you really don't know what they mean.

They say I am high minded and other vicious things, but the opposite is true. Because I know I am not perfect, I do not have enough faith or pride in myself to rely on my own works to get me in right standing with God, but I never lost faith in God. While I was in the flock I tried so hard to make myself presentable enough for God to deem me acceptable and all I would see were my shortcomings and my failures and how I couldn't possible match up to His high standards. Which would only lead me to more depression and hostility towards myself and others.

I know I am not good, and I know that only God can save me and that Jesus Christ is the only mediator between me and God. For a while there I guess I got distracted because I thought I needed someone else, another human to talk to God for me, since I didn't have that gift, I was put under the impression that since I couldn't be righteous enough to audibly hear from God, that God's ears were deaf to me (something I had never thought until the letters because Jesus told us in the parable of Luke 18 to never give up or cease in prayer) and the letters/ group became my crutch and I was in fear and hindered from calling out directly to God because I felt like He was mad at me.

I know that many of them look at me like I am a pitiful, rebellious, unworthy, wicked person and call me names not directly, but through spreading of the letters and they are encourage to do this. It is very hurtful and I do not see the love in dis-fellowshipping, this is something JWs to not let you speak with any outsider "swine". I still believe that they are Christian brothers and sisters and love them as such.

I know that I love Jesus and I always will, I have seen with my own eyes for the past few years that we are close to Christ's return and have longed for it (like must Christians do), but why they make an addition to that love I cannot understand. I know that God's judgment is just and righteous and I will be held accountable to Him alone. I do not think I am worthy of anything by my own standards, this is why I rely so heavily upon God and get so discouraged when I am faced with being told I have to rely on myself and gird up my waist with not just Christ's blood and repentance, but with additions plus. Because I know and I see that I am not good. It has nothing to do with not wanting to do God's will or holding onto "man-made doctrines" because I honestly do not care about any doctrines except the gospel of Christ's sacrifice and atonement for sinners. I was so stuck on self preservation and trying to bandage up all my rotten fruit by way of the law, I could never manage to produce any good fruit or worry about others or tell others that something is required of them, that not even I could perfectly do myself. Wouldn't that make me a hypocrite to cast judgment on others and try to lay things on others shoulders when I can't even do them myself?

The thing is even if I begged to come back to their perfect group, they would not have me. Christ even used Paul to write a majority of the NT and he was responsible for the murdering of tons of Christians. It doesn't seem like there is very much forgiveness within the group, I have seen people been given the boot with no remorse, but alienated. I do not think the whole of them enjoy seeing that stuff happen, but since they are under the leadership of God there are no objections and I know I sort of became numb to it. I would only be used as an example of what not to do, just like I was before with Sabbath keeping.

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Re: Trumpet Call of God
Posted by: Sparky ()
Date: May 01, 2011 08:46AM

Any new word on if the "Prophet" Timothy is active again or has he still gone into hiding?

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Re: Trumpet Call of God
Posted by: SelahSelah ()
Date: May 01, 2011 10:06PM

Yes Timothy is back and in full force. It is just hard to separate what you once believed to be true with what you now believe, like LLG said you have to pick out the weeds and sometimes the weeds look like plants. The intense fear and threats that are used in the letters and group blocks any form of rational thinking and clouds your judgment to the highest degree.

Anyways, these links sort of helped with the pain.
[] (Armstrong is the prophet/founder of the Worldwide Church Of God)
[] (designed to explain how Bible-based cults work.)
[] (psychological themes of mind control used by authoritarian groups)
[] (historical record and information on SDAs)

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Re: Trumpet Call of God
Posted by: LLG ()
Date: May 04, 2011 05:23AM

@SelahSelah - I am very glad to hear you have forgiven them, God is so amazing that he helps us to forgive those who have hurt us, isn't he?


I know I am not good, and I know that only God can save me and that Jesus Christ is the only mediator between me and God. For a while there I guess I got distracted because I thought I needed someone else, another human to talk to God for me, since I didn't have that gift, I was put under the impression that since I couldn't be righteous enough to audibly hear from God, that God's ears were deaf to me (something I had never thought until the letters because Jesus told us in the parable of Luke 18 to never give up or cease in prayer) and the letters/ group became my crutch and I was in fear and hindered from calling out directly to God because I felt like He was mad at me.

I can relate to what you're saying here, its like you stop seeking in a sense what God's will is and just put all your faith in Timothy to tell you what God is saying to you, which is very dangerous. I too have come to the conclusion that since God ripped the curtain to the Most Holy Place, indicating that we have full access to the throne ourselves, we don't need a mediator, we have an advocator (Jesus Christ) but we don't need a mediator because we come directly to the throne of God as his children. When you get lulled into just listening to a human telling you what he says God is saying, you tend to stop trying to hear him yourself and that's when you can get led astray by deception. I think you are doing awesome at working through your recovery though, I just want you to know that! :-)

btw, what do you mean Timothy is back? you mean he's back teaching the flock again? Has anything changed from when he led it before that you know of? just curious because it seemed like according to the letters he was supposed to come back "perfected" and one with God in a way.

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Re: Trumpet Call of God
Posted by: Sparky ()
Date: May 04, 2011 09:44AM

I am pleased that Lil' Timmy has resurfaced. Clearly he is needing to "hedge his bets" and probably to talk to his lawyers and accountants about "where to hide his money once his Flucked Flock realizes he has been completely lying to them all this time" and, more importantly, "which countries don't allow extradiction" so his "flucked" can't sue him later as he laughs at them as he and his wife spin bizarre sexually twisted dreams to the rubes in Brazil and starts a new cult.

Suckers are born every minute. Those suckers are "Teeny-weeny Timmy's" followers.

This should be a lesson to all...when finding a new "messiah" don't pick one from a dying commercial industry such as the printing industry (who clearly needs more money to pay for his two nice houses). Pick one who can actually walk on water. Apparently Lil' Timmy (the Lil' refers to his "Short Comings" in the "man department") is more Holy than Christ...just ask him. He can only walk on water when it is frozen.


Lil' Timmy walks on egg shells.

Your "followers" are onto you, "Profit Timmy". Your days are numbered and, amazingly, I am still alive...not "struck down" by your silly, satanic rantings.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/04/2011 09:48AM by Sparky.

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Re: Trumpet Call of God
Posted by: SelahSelah ()
Date: May 04, 2011 08:19PM

Thanks LLG I really needed to hear that, some days I seriously feel like giving up and and just locking myself in my closet because I can't function or interact with people like I used to because I don't feel like I can talk to anyone about what's going on inside of me, I feel like I have to hide the pain and confusion from those around me by making jokes and appearing to be outwardly the opposite of what I feel on the inside.

What's frightening is I probably would have never doubted the letters, my doubting really wasn't until I got into the group and started noticing the group mentality and people getting kicked out of the studies by God and looking down on others and stuff. I wasn't at all familiar with cult attributes and it was like when I looked up all the stuff about how cults work, I was amazed. It was like I was watching a biography of my life. I just couldn't understand why Timothy wasn't shouting out in the middle of the street like John the Baptist preparing the way for the Lord, when I would have made a public spectacle of myself in order to get on national news if I thought that's what God wanted me to do in order to save as many souls as possible before God's imminent return.

I think one reason it was so hard for me and it's something I have unfortunately read that is common, is that a lot of times people who are already standoffish towards others because they are so zealous (and alone) in their faith. They tend to feel like they really can't relate to anyone since they are so intense themselves, that they have a hard time finding a common ground with others. And because they want to live for God and want Jesus to come back so badly since He is the answer to end their longing and loneliness. Tend to be victims of apocalyptic type cults.

It's sort of an instant gratification like 'A real live prophet! Jesus is coming back very soon! Yes! Now I have hope! Now I have answers! He will come and take me out of here!' And I think that for me it was like I found a sense of belonging with other people who understood what it was like to feel that way.

I don't want this to come out the wrong way, and I fear it may. But it was like the relationship that I had with Jesus before the letters was one of love and security and I felt like I could always come to Him anytime and just thank Him or talk to Him. And then when I got into the letters/ group it was like Timothy was standing in-between me and Jesus, I couldn't go around Timothy, or over him, or under him, but I had to go through him and I felt like he was blocking me from getting to Jesus(not intentionally, but metaphorically), and my relationship with Jesus became one of fear and withdrawal and I became dependent on Timothy to hear from God since I wasn't worthy enough to approach Him since I couldn't keep all the Holy Days and Sabbaths the right way. I felt very disconnected and panicky like a chicken running around with my head cut off.

Reading in the letters that I had made Jesus an idol and put Him into the outer courts, made me feel very ashamed to approach God and made me doubt and disregard the relationship I thought I had previously had with Him. Then I read God didn't hear me anymore and Jack Van Impe wouldn't be raptured (someone who has done way more for God's kingdom than me) then surely God was mad at me if someone like Jack Van Impe wasn't going to make the cut, then I definitely wasn't going to make it with my rottenness. And that fear of God's anger towards me hindered my prayers even more because of my unworthiness and I thought God had left me and my only source of light would be staying in the flock or to be near Timothy. And then I was kicked out, and never given a reason why. I think it was because I asked too many questions or told one of the members about SDAs stuff and then I was reported. Expressing doubts wasn't tolerated. Or maybe it was because I wasn't giving to his orphanages. I dunno, but it was very scary and sorrowful because I felt like no matter how much I screamed to God how sorry I was, that it was to no avail since He couldn't hear me anyway, because He apparently wasn't listening. I felt like a child trying to touch a hot stove, but now I realize it may have been indoctrination to be made to believe I was worthless and God wasn't listening to me, maybe it was a sort of gateway tool for mind control to be used. Beating one into submission so to speak.

It's just so hard with all of the other people who basically say the same end-time message and you watch the news. It causes triggers. I have a problem trusting people now, especially anyone who claims to have a revelation from God. I also have problems going to church, because it's very difficult for me to believe God sets people on fire for eternity, which therefore makes it hard for me to trust any preacher who says this, then the Saturday Sabbath also was a deal breaker, but going to Messianic synagogues will also cause triggers and I know that SDA and UCG are cults so that's out. Through it all though, I have grown in my relationship with God because it has allowed me to depend and trust only upon Him and no one else. I am obviously still recovering, but I just have to keep building up and relying on my relationship with God that I feel like I severely damaged. I have really been given a lot of peace lately by just talking things out with Him.

And yes Timothy is back, I am not sure if he is in the studies, but I know letters are still being produced.

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Re: Trumpet Call of God
Posted by: SelahSelah ()
Date: May 11, 2011 09:29AM

I too have come to the conclusion that since God ripped the curtain to the Most Holy Place, indicating that we have full access to the throne ourselves, we don't need a mediator, we have an advocator (Jesus Christ) but we don't need a mediator because we come directly to the throne of God as his children.

<3Thanks for reminding me. I know that Christ is our Great High Priest and I understand we can now approach God, because (but it's good to be reminded) Christ is more than a mediator (John 16:26-27)

I guess it's just taking longer for me to recover because I didn't choose to leave or prompted, but was cut off. I can relate to the abused spouse or the drug addict, it's like I knew it would hurt me but I loved it and kept coming back for more. I would quickly dismiss any sign of possible spiritual abuse that may have been present (I took it as God chastening me) with the promise of Christ's return. Sometimes I get angry and not at anyone, but I just get frustrated and depressed that I can't convey my emotions or why I am having them. I empathize with victims of groups like JWs, Mormons, etc. because I see how easy it is to believe something with your whole heart and it has made me a lot less judgmental towards them. I just can't trust anyone anymore, because they are of mere human status. So I can't be comforted by men's words, which really makes me rely a lot more on God so there's an upside, but it's just hard because I feel like an island sometimes.

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