AMORC ILLUMINATI Section Temple Degre 12 Monograph 1
Posted by: watching4amorc ()
Date: September 02, 2008 05:54AM

ILLUMINATI SECTION Degree 12 Monograph 1

Here is the content of the first monograph that members received in the Temple Degree 12

The monograph started as follow:

You have now become a member of the Ordo Summum Bonum and of the Esoteric Hierarchy of the Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis. In every respect, this is an honor for you…(needless to say at this moment when doubt comes to my mind about AMORC I rejected these thought as being the force of Evil trying to deprive me of such great honor.).
The monograph continues

…Now you are an Illuminatus Ipsissimus…that means you are a frater and a soror that is so attached to the our Order and its ideals that he or she considers it a duty to support its activities …. (of course oppose all persons that criticize the organization)
The manipulating lies continue with this exercise call:

Contact with the Esoteric Hierarchy
This supposes to be exclusive to member of the Illuminati Section:

Here it is :

Raise your thoughts to the Celestial Sanctum. For this particular experiment, visualize it as a Rosicrucian Temple.

-At the moment you find your consciousness in the Rosicrucian Temple, imagine that all the members of the Esoteric Hierarchy from all over the world are also present

-Likewise imagine that the Imperator (Christian Bernard)and Grand Master of all the jurisdictions in the world are present, seated in the East of the Temple.
Now understand that many members of AMORC (specially the members that had witnessed the Coup d’état of Christian Bernard against Gary Steward) considers Christian Bernard as a Power Hungry Beast. These are not my own term. These are words I heard members used again and again to describe the current Imperator of AMORC.
How does one reconcile going into the Celestial Sanctum a place witch suppose to be the only connection to the Cosmic (AMORC term for God) and visualizing the person you come to see as a Beast in disguise is a great mystery to me…
Now the instruction for the exercise continues

-Also visualize the presence of Master who forms the Invisible Hierarchy of our Order, particularly Master Kut-Hu-Mi, our worthy Hierophant…(my question is where was Kut-Hu_Mi when Christian Bernard was planning his Coup D’état…)……
I will post the rest of this monograph in the future.

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Re: AMORC ILLUMINATI Section Temple Degre 12 Monograph 1
Posted by: Michael Jones ()
Date: September 04, 2008 09:23AM


IAM and Church Universal and Triumphant and Lucis Trust

follow Kut-Hu_Mi too as their ascenter Master

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Re: AMORC ILLUMINATI Section Temple Degre 12 Monograph 1
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: September 04, 2008 10:23PM

Playing Scrabble--a Possible Tool For Researchers

Some time back I read a book about Madame Blavatsky and her Theosophy system and its social history--

Madame Blavatsky's Baboon, by Peter Washington.

When Michael Jones mentioned 'Kut-Hu-Mi' I sat up, and thought that name sounded familiar,sounded like something from Blavatsky's system.

A Google search revealed that yes, there was a Blavatskyian equivalent--Hoot Koomi. --the name of the Ascended Master who is supposed to be the source from which Blavatsky channeled her material.

I entertained myself by playing Scrabble with the name.

All that was done was to change the double 'oo' to 'u' and to switch the places of 'K' and 'H'.

'Hoot Koomi'--'Hut Kumi' and then 'Hut Kumi' to
'Kut Humi'

Then, just add a Chinese style hyphen--'Kut Hu-Mi'

Late Nineteenth Century Theosophy formed a very rich mine of material. . It gained attention from many respectable persons in the 1920s, especially Aldous Huxley. It produced a legion of variant systems.

Here is a google search for 'theosophical dictionary'. There are at least a couple of online dictionaries/glossaries.


I would suggest for those interested that you read through and skim the names of all the theosophical terms and make a list of the ones that resemble items from AMORC.

Spelling may differ between Blavatsky's/Besants/Bailey's system and that of AMORC (eg Koot-Hoomi (Blavatsky) and Kut-Hu-Mi(AMORC)

Have a look at this:




Koot-Hoomi: Spiritual - Theosophy Dictionary on Master, Masters

Master, Masters Adopted in theosophical literature to designate those human beings further progressed on the evolutionary pathway than the general run of humanity, from which are drawn the saviors of humanity and the founders of the world-religions.

These great human beings (also known by the Sanskrit term mahatma, "great self") are the representatives in our day of a brotherhood of immemorial antiquity running back into the very dawn of historic time, and for ages beyond it.

It is a self-perpetuating brotherhood formed of individuals who, however much they may differ among themselves in evolution, have all attained mahatmaship, and whose lofty purposes comprise among other things the constant aiding in the regeneration of humanity, its spiritual and intellectual as well as psychic guidance, and in general the working of the best spiritual, intellectual, psychic, and moral good to mankind. From time to time members from their ranks, or their disciples, enter the outside world publicly in order to inspire mankind with their teachings.

Two of Blavatsky's teachers became publicly known under the names of Master M (Morya) and Master KH (Koot Hoomi). Some of their correspondence with one of Blavatsky's earlier theosophical helpers has been published as The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett.

(See also: Master, Masters , Mysticism, Mysticism Dictionary)


Koot-Hoomi: Mysticism Magick Dictionary on KOOT HOOMI

One of the Chohan entities, initiates or "secret chiefs" contacted by HPB and Alice Bailey. Koot Hoomi is responsible for the creation of Theosophy.

Note for researchers. I once was looking up an Indian guru (deceased) by the name of 'Ramsuratkumar'. It turned out that varient spellings on this same person is 'Ram Surat Kumar' or 'Ramsurat Kumar'.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 09/04/2008 10:34PM by corboy.

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Re: AMORC ILLUMINATI Section Temple Degre 12 Monograph 1
Posted by: alphadee ()
Date: September 15, 2018 07:42PM

Too, too funny! I laughed out loud and am still laughing. Where do you guys GET this stuff from?

So - seriously, I have been a member of A.M.O.R.C.(Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis) since 1971 and have in front of me monograph 1 of the twelfth degree.

FAKE: "The monograph started as follows:
You have now become a member of the Ordo Summum Bonum and of the Esoteric Hierarchy of the Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis. In every respect, this is an honor for you…"
TRUE: “The first monograph of the Twelfth Degree begins consideration of the seventeenth-century Rosicrucian Manifestoes and Christian Rozenkreuz. We have reproduced here the title page of the Chymische Hochzeit, or Chymical Marriage, of C.R.C.

FAKE: "…Now you are an an Illuminatus Ipsissimus…that means you are a frater and a soror that is so attached to the our Order and its ideals that he or she considers it a duty to support its activities …."
TRUE: The words Illuminatus and Ipsissimus do not appear in that monograph and neither does the reference to "you are a frater and a soror" (how can one be both a brother and a sister?).

FAKE: Mention is claimed to be made of the Esoteric Hierarchy, the Celestial Sanctum, Christian Bernard … and so it goes on.
TRUE: No mention is made in the monograph of these terms. Also, it is Gary Stewart, not Gary Steward.

Please, people!! This site could have served the purpose of real helpfulness to sincere seekers. Is there no moderator to verify the accuracy of posts?

Email me if I can be of any help clarifying confusion about A.M.O.R.C.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/15/2018 07:45PM by alphadee.

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