Hi Aurora, I am not sure I know exactly what you are talking about, but I will take a stab at it.
Are you talking about feeling "excitement", or "ecstasy'?
To get a "high", vigorous physical activity can give you this.
Also, just "doing something different" can do it as well.
This may be why people go rock climbing, mountain climbing, and adventurous physical things of that nature.
For me, I enjoy going into DEEP nature, and that gives me a great feeling as well.
So one can set out and do specific EXTERNAL activities, that can trigger these feelings.
As far as doing things in an "intra-personal" way, I don't think there is anything wrong with that. Using Visualization, and creating internal dialogue, you can get yourself to feel almost any feeling you want. For example, you can make yourself feel "totally loved" at almost any time, by learning to do what's called "self-soothing". Self-soothing is a very important psychological skill to learn. (it might be one of the most important things a person can learn in life).
Also, its possible to learn how to make yourself "feel happy" by modifying your Cognitions, and the Images in your mind.
Now of course, all of these things can be taken to extremes, and unless you are a professional monk, you are not going to "feel happy" 24/7.
But we don't need anything outside of ourselves to learn how to modify our own feelings.
This is what CBT and REBT is all about.
Actually, its most important to learn how to modify our own feelings ourselves. Because, is it possible to go and take an adventure vacation, yet to be miserable? Sure.
This is what I love about CBT and REBT.
It gives me tested tools to modify my own emotions.
Does it work 100% of the time perfectly? No.
Does it work most of the time? Yes.
Does it solve all of life’s problems? No.
Does it solve some problems? Yes.
Again, I might have misinterpreted what you have said.
Are you looking to create these feelings once in a while for yourself, or on a daily basis?
Are you talking about something healthy, or are you talking about Mania? [
After all, I think why people gamble, do drugs, and do "firewalking" is to get that manic high, and that is not a healthy thing, in my view.
I have been thinking about this "emotional high" concept as an orgasm of sorts. It is systemic and short lived. For instance, when I listen to a good piece of music I often refer to its effect as an "ear-gasm"- its not a sexual thing- as much an intense (however transient) feeling of elation - perhaps a seratonin or endorphin rush if we want to be clinical/scientific about it.
My first thought is there is nothing wrong or unhealthy about wanting or enjoying these "emotional orgasms"- but the mode in which one acquires it has to be looked at carefully. The mode/method can be dangerous or expensive (eg. cocaine and LGATs). Plus you have to keep the "need" in check so that it does not become an addiction or compulsion that impedes your ability to function in society.
I am unsure what a healthy way is to achieve this though. Perhaps meditating on a mantra...sort of a self induced trance? Is that really safe though?
Maybe I am just attempting to rationalize the continuance of an addiction here. I don't know.