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Its been 10 years......still getting nightmares
Posted by: Gracie ()
Date: July 31, 2007 01:56PM

I left the cult i was in about 19 months ago. The first year i had nightmares about 5 nights out of the week and now i am down to disturbing dreams w/ an occasional nightmare. but its still weekly. I have been very fortunate to reconnect with friends and family who had left before me and that i was not allowed any contact... i think, for me, that has helped...
my husband, who also left at the same time as I did, has no sleep distubances... :D

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Its been 10 years......still getting nightmares
Posted by: becker ()
Date: September 19, 2007 03:44AM

I was born and rasied in a cult and when I finally ran away after dreaming about it so often my brothers and dad came to kidnap me and bring me back....It was such a scary day because I had finally got out but then I was going to be put back in again and under worse conditions because I tried to run away....I felt like I was alone in the world and no one would help me till my only friend at the time called the police and they came to rescue me...Then I realized the law was on my side....I had simply learned that it was against the law to do what they did to me.....It gave me so much strength to turn and walk away from my past....but I do still have nightmares of running and running trying to get away and seeing the end but never really reaching it...I guess that is what I have to deal with

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Its been 10 years......still getting nightmares
Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: September 20, 2007 12:34AM

See []

This is a section devoted to recovery from cults.

It also features a directory of professional recovery resources.
I've found that this board is very good. Former cult victims "know where the shoe pinches" so to speak.

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Its been 10 years......still getting nightmares
Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: September 20, 2007 12:36AM

but I do still have nightmares of running and running trying to get away and seeing the end but never really reaching it...I guess that is what I have to deal with
I still get nightmares sometimes about going back to Israel and going broke on the streets of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. I broke with the Carlebach movement and I don't miss it.

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