Where are all of God's true people?
Posted by: alera ()
Date: September 03, 2003 01:28PM

Boy, do I understand!

I had a legitimate conversion experience. I've always had an interest in spiritual (mostly Christian) things. But let me tell you that oddball churches can be real eye openers.

The first time I got an inkling of how controlling my first church was occured during a Bible study. I heard all about the evils of the Seventh-day Adventists because apparently they believe in soul sleep.

The only adventist that I have known was my first grade teacher way back when. She was the kindest lady. And she was evil? Why, because some group later said so?

I still have mixed feelings about organized religion, having joined two weird churches. I usually talk about the first since that's where all my feelings started. I remind myself often that I can study what I want on my own without lectures on how horrid other people are.

About the last sentence-you hear much about how people need boundaries. This is true for people and groups-just ask any sociologist. But apologists have always annoyed me. I think that may be a different post.

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