child sexual abuse in a destructive mind control cult
Date: September 06, 2006 11:52AM
From the years 1976 through 1983, I was the victim of a criminally destructive mind control cult - the Chuck Hawkins cult. This cult started out in Honolulu , later fled and lived on a coffee farm on the Kona Coast of the Big Island , and yet later fled to San Francisco .
My child was removed from me from birth through six years of age at which time I made my escape and rescued her.
Child molestation occurred on a daily basis.
One child, Andrea Altiery, was the daughter of then Hawaii state senator Mason Altiery (Altieri). Mason left his two preteen girls in the care of this cult and the guru, Chuck Hawkins, who sexually molested these two girls for years. Andrea later became a prostitute and eventually fell victim to serial killer Robert Hansen of Anchorage , Alaska .
The Hawaii Observer published an article dated 1.27.77 titled: "Psychological Warfare: Regulating The Therapist" in which Chuck Hawkins (Dr. Charles Hawkins) was interviewed. In this article, Chuck Hawkins discusses an investigation of him by the Hawaii licensing board which regulates psychotherapists on charges of psychological abuse of cult members, encouraging members to take LSD, and abusing the role of the psychotherapist.
In the fall of 1979, a very angry ex-cult member exposed the atrocious goings-on - behavior defying the imagination and the law - to the press in Honolulu and perhaps in Kona . One morning, the cult woke up to find news helicopters flying low over the coffee farm where they lived - a scene straight out of "Apocalypse Now." It was at this time that the cult fled en masse to San Francisco .
The story of this horrific mind control cult is told on my web site at