George Geftakys
Posted by:
Mark Campbell
Date: October 22, 2002 11:06PM
Hi Brent and Others,
This is great news re. the new web site and whatever I can do to contribute to it would be my privilege.
Re. Brethren who have been run off: There was an elderly sister whose husband was big in the brethren movement from England, where T. Austin Sparks was. This Sister was named Harrison. There were brethren she knew who represented the English Assembly such as Brother Goldsworthy. (A godly man who spent World War 2 in a Japanese prisoner camp. He was a missonary to China with his wife.) He spoke several times at Fullerton, but was concerned re. some of the things George was doing. Sister Harrison began to complain openly that George was not following the true New Test. teaching re. the church and etc. Sister Harrison (an elderly widow) was treated shamefully as George opposed her objections by suggesting she was loosing her mind. George let her know that speakers like Goldsworthy would not be welcomed and we didin't see him anymore.
I think I have the above about right, but that goes back to the very early days. There were some older brethern in the Midwest as well where George basically raided an existing Brethren Assembly. He attacked the elders, as being carnal and etc, and then started up his own group through those he was able to gather from the old group.
I wish we had Steve Irons or Tom Maddox to help us here as they would know exactly the names and dates of these individuals. Tom Maddox was a gifted teacher who privately would contend with George re. some of his teaching, but George for many years would turn the tables on him and attack him as being carnal for raising his objections. Tom was from the Valley and I watched as he became not only emotionally beat down, but also became physically ill. George would constantly ridicule Tom; in his presence or absence. I haven't heard from Tom in a long time, but he would be a good person to get the original scoop on George and his dictatorial ways. Of course, Steve Irons, who was the number 2 man under George for years was also forced out, but that was a whole different scenario to Tom and the others.
As to where I've been for 10 years: I was unaware of this web site and much of what was going on inside the Assembly. After trying to reach out to my brethren in the Assembly and being soundly rejected I kind of gave up. I did get on some cult recovery website bulletin boards, but never met any there who knew anything about the Assembly. It was valuable, though, as I discovered there were many similarities between my recovery and those coming out of cults.(That is interesting isn't it?)
I was interviewed by Dr. Enroth and my story was told in his book, "Recovering From Churches That Abuse" in the chapter on the Assembly. I also hit the books trying to understand what the bible really taught regarding the Christian life as I had been heavily influenced by George's teaching. I also wrote a book based on my experiences in the Assembly that explored the dynamics of how the Assembly worked to control people and keep them trapped insidee. It was a novel and names and places were changed as I just wanted people to get a feel for how it was to be there. I found that most Christians just don't understand how an intelligent individual could be involved in such a group. They think members must be stupid, psychologically unbalanced, or easily manipulated. I have discovered just the opposite as most assembly members are more intelligent. (The psychological damge comes after membership!) I called the book"ON FIRE" as it describes the zeal of an enthusiastic young believer who is taken advantage of by the Assembly. I never published it, but it was great therapy writing it.
Brent, I don't see how you can read a file attachment via the board; can you explain how please? I will look for the info. via snail mail, Thanks.
God Bless, Mark