Cult awareness training- Liverpool, UK. March 16th
On March 16th 2019 I will be hosting a cult awareness training day in Liverpool, UK.
The training will cover...
-What is a cult? (Challenges of definitions and identifying a group)
-Personality types of cult leaders
-Theories of thought reform/mind control
-The psychology of persuasion
-The structure of a cult and recruitment processes
-Case studies (Including my own personal experience of being in a cult group)
-Escaping a cult and the impact on mental health
I am a qualified counsellor, and trained teacher and currently studying a masters degree in the 'Psychology of Coercive Control.' Furthermore, I am an ex-cult member myself and have first-hand experience of the damage cult groups can do.
If you would like more information, please drop me an email...
training.coercivecontrol@gmail.comCost of attending is £35 per person (£25 for students)