George Geftakys assemblies
Date: October 25, 2018 04:02AM
My name is Karla, since1978 to 1985 I was in the assembly of George geftakys, in San Fernando Valley, California-it destroyed so much of my young Christianity. Mark and Cindy Campbell were friends to me, I had to leave far from this group fleeing to Hawaii. I had suffered sexual abuse as a child and rape before I was acquainted with this group, God told me at that time never to reveal this to these people, I went to therapy ten years ago and learned that it was wise not to have shared it because Therapist said it could have destroyed me more, in groups like The Assemblies of Geftakys, was dangerous,.. I suffered forms of PTSD and upon leaving it left me utterly despondent and scared and lost. It toke me from 1985 through 1995 to unlearn so much legalism I had learned, suffering panic attacks for years and still do from time to time, I had to learn what it meant to shut everyone’s and all voices in this world and opinions out, and get focused on God’s Scriptures and draw close to Him, I never received proper discipleship ever and much of my spiritual life was destroyed and shipwrecked.. BUT ONLY GOD MY FATHER gets the credit for anything, with teaching me. I know that NO MAN need teach me but the HOLY SPIRIT, he shall guide us into All Truth, thy Word is Truth ‘ O’ Lord! I am glad my friends escaped and I was truly the first one to leave the Assembly because God moved me out in July 1985. I feel very sorry for my friend and Flutist ‘ Wendy’ she was very Medically ill at that time, and my new Jewish friend at the time Hannah Hirschberg. She gave me her guitar before I left to Hawaii and had it for years, that’s another story. Donna Mills who was kind to reach out to me I was only 18 when I met the group, Danny Ryan and Steve Fortysku led me to Christ on Van Nuys Blvd and Hansen St. , under a palm tree. I am glad I found Christ and Rob Cohen who was very Tall and slender and very very Smart, he was very brotherly he was my favorite brother, many Saints in the hay days of Star Wars’ had much fun but much much damage, I got out in time, sort-of! So much grief! I miss my friends ‘ The Campbell’s. Cyndy Campbell was so awesome and they worked her to death, everyone was so much older than me except College Saints @ CSU and UCLA Campus’s. I never heard or knew about All those things behind closed doors and was so devastated by Georges Adulterous Affairs. How utterly demonic this group was , But many have been restored and even died. LET NO MAN STEAL YOUR CROWN ‘ FEAR OF MAN IS A SNARE FOR THE SOUL ‘ God has rescued me and Publicly I want everyone one to know that knew me and in The Assembly World Wide , THAT I FORGIVE YOU, AND MAY GOD SHINE HIS FACE UPON YOU ‘ BUT THE BRETHREN THAT HAVE NOT REPENTED AND LEFT GEORGE’S Cult Eschatological rants and DOCTRINES”. LET HIM OR HER BE ACCURSED, shame on you. Public warning: “KEEP AWAY FROM DOCTRINE OF DEMONS, Repent and flee and free yourself through repentance and moving away from these demonic servants whom Satan still uses because they have HARDENED THEIR HEARTS AGAINST THE DOCTRINES OF CHRIST, and Have not GODS SPIRIT. Please check out Website “ “ learn from a Jewish/Christian perspectives and SOUND DOCTRINE, God loves you and desire you to be established in the Faith of Christ and Not tossed to and fro’ in various doctrines, and commandments of men. God bless you and help you to heal ‘ We are already Overcomers because of Christ finished Work on Calvary’s Cross, look up for OUR REDEMPTION DRAWS NEAR!! In Christ Service, Karla.