i set it up that way
Posted by: Isetitup ()
Date: August 16, 2013 03:04AM

For two years I went to sessions at this place, of course not ending well. I was brought in by a man I was dating and was told that because our relationship started out as a sexual one that I was a sex addict and that I set it up that way. I went week after week pretty much begging the therapist to help my boyfriend and I to set up boundaries. I was more or less told that because I "set up" the relationship that way that it was pretty much ok for the boyfriend to expect sex on a nightly bases. Iwas emotionally and sexually abused week in and week out and informed the therapist this. All she did was tell me that it was me and that I needed to go to these programs. It then became my eatting that was the problem then I recently found out that family members of mine were called because of the concern that I was in a delusional state and my children were in danger. I was accused of abusing my children and because of my ignorance was told that my children did not have a chance at a normal life unless they became part of the community. when a heroine addict relapsed i t was a strong suggestion to let her stay with me and my family for the weekend until she could go to a rehab center. This was supposively going to be the answer to my relationshop problems. I later found out that the therapist was told prior to this client staying with me that she was informed this client had heroine in her possesion. I am angry, hurt and most of all wondering if any ethical laws were broken by my family members being contacted or by the therapist not doing anything when I informed her of the sexual abuse my boyfriend was doing? Everyday since I have removed myself from these people I feel relieved that I have my body back. I do however experience PTSD from these experiences and just wonder what I should do to get through this?

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