Re: Former SGI members, SGI is not Buddhism
Posted by: tsukimoto ()
Date: December 20, 2009 11:53PM

[] is an interesting site if you want to study SGI rhetoric. Jim Celer blames all the bad publicity that SGI has received on a) tabloids in Japan just trying to make money by posting sensationalized anti-SGI stories, and b) Nichiren Shoshu members trying to discredit SGI.

But it's very interesting to look at the list of rebuttals that Celer (or his friends) have posted. There are just so many -- and to so many different media in so many different countries.

The following media have covered SGI -- in a way that SGI doesn't like:

1. The San Francisco Chronicle
2. Los Angeles Times
3. Westword Magazine, Denver, Colorado
4. Strait Times, Singapore
5. Look Magazine (1963)
6. Asia Times
7. Japan Times
8. Honolulu Star Bulletin
9. New York Times
10. Boston Globe
11. Far Eastern Economic Review
12. Forbes Magazine
13. Minneapolis Star Tribune
14. Newsweek
15. Time Magazine
16. Broward-Palm Beach Times
17. Mainichi Daily News, Japan
18. Tokyo Journal
19. BBC
20. The Washington Post

Really! ALL of these media are either sensationalistic tabloids -- or influenced by Nichiren Shoshu!? Obviously, they're NOT all tabloids. And is Nichiren Shoshu really so wealthy, big and powerful that they can make this many media outlets print anti-SGI stories? Of course they're not! That just doesn't make sense!

The obvious, and logical conclusion is -- that SGI gets this much negative publicity because SGI has done some questionable things. Instead of facing that, SGI apologists engage in ad hominem attacks --criticizing and discrediting anyone who questions SGI's actions. Or, SGI uses their old trick of deflecting the blame onto Nichiren Shoshu.

Re: Former SGI members, SGI is not Buddhism
Posted by: tsukimoto ()
Date: December 21, 2009 12:20AM

The Anticult
Also, some senior folks at SGI-USA are probably very shocked to see that there are people who understand the precise SGI techniques being used on SGI members, even better than they do.
When their techniques are precisely exposed in the open, those who are doing the techniques get very freaked out. The tables are turned on them, and they don't know what to do. They are like deer in the headlights, paralyzed.
You can see that in person, when you expose their techniques in a seminar or meeting.

It was interesting, and a bit scary to see leaders' reactions when you ask them questions that they can't answer! These were things that were actually said to me by various leaders when I questioned what SGI was telling us about the SGI/Nichiren Shoshu split of the 1990's.

"You don't understand President Ikeda's greatness."

""You've been influenced by stupid anti-SGI websites."

"You're making excuses because you don't want to practice this Buddhism correctly."

"Americans ask too many questions."

"Your doubts are a devilish function."

"Your practice is weak. That's why you're having doubts. You need to chant more daimoku, get guidance more often, go to more meetings and do more shakabuku. Here's my phone number -- you should call me every week and let me know how you're doing. You can get through this darkness!"

"The Soka Gakkai is the only organization that is practicing Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism correctly."

"You're giving in to your fundamental darkness. If you don't do something now, it'll take over your whole life."

"Your life will only get worse if you leave SGI."

"You are ungrateful for everything that SGI has done for you."

The leaders had NOTHING to say -- other than criticize me for asking questions about SGI! To them, the problem is that I was dumb, weak, easily influenced by any dumb thing I read on the internet, dark and negative, making excuses, looking to stir up trouble, an ingrate. As the old song goes, "I'm on the Highway to Hell."

In short, all they had to offer was standard SGI guidance: (ie, lies and bullshit)
1. Ad Hominem: If they don't like what someone is saying, they will attack that person rather than address any points that the person makes.
2. Constant repetition of how wonderful SGI and President Ikeda are.
3. Negative Fortune Telling: Leave SGI and your life will be horrible.
4. Guilt-tripping: "But SGI has made your good fortune possible; you owe SGI a debt of gratitude!"

The truth:
1. SGI apologist will attack you because they DON'T HAVE any good counter arguments for anti-SGI arguments. If they had to stick to the facts, they'd lose the argument!
2. Just because someone repeats something over and over -- that doesn't make it true!
3. SGI leaders have no way of knowing your future. Bad things and good things happen to everyone -- both SGI members and nonmembers. I've found that my life is BETTER since I've left SGI...I think that many of us could say that!
4. My hard work has made my good fortune possible; just chanting and doing SGI activities didn't make good health and a good job fall into my lap. I wouldn't have what I have if I had not worked hard in school and on the job, saved money, exercised, and set goals. I have also donated money and given a great deal of time to working for SGI. President Ikeda would not enjoy the power and luxury that he has if not for members like me. Are he and the other senior leaders grateful to us?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/21/2009 12:27AM by tsukimoto.

Re: Former SGI members
Posted by: Nichijew ()
Date: December 21, 2009 01:20AM

Dear Wayfarerfree:

Several things: The faith and practice of the Lotus Sutra and the characterization of Nichiren by the Soka Gakkai is wrong. I wouldn't characterize Nichiren as a militant. There are no preemptive strikes against perceived enemies in Buddhism. He did however, understand the value of protecting one's self, one's family, and one's fellow members. The reality is that millions of Buddhists were slaughtered throughout the ages and he himself was attacked again and again. Nichiren was passionate about the Lotus Sutra. He believed that the the Lotus Sutra was the only religion capable of bringing peace and stability to the world. Because he was uncompromising on this point, he met resistance. Those millions of Buddhists killed in India had no hostility or aggression towards the other faiths but they were killed just the same. The Jews, Christians, Muslims and Hindus could be accused of hostility and aggression but Nichiren and his disciples and believers?

As to your question about the goal of the Buddhist faith and practice, it is Supreme and Perfect Enlightenment, nothing more and nothing less. Is one guaranteed to attain to such a state after one month, one year, five years, or a single liefetime? No according to the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren but it is possible.

Nichiren stated that it was enough for his lay disciples and believers to chant Namu Myo ho renge kyo, tell others to the best of their ability, and support the priests who remonstrate with the other religions and authorities.

Re: Former SGI members
Posted by: Rothaus ()
Date: December 21, 2009 01:44AM

well Nichijew that makes it sound as if Nichiren priest shall always remonstrate with other faiths and the government. Nichiren Shu engages quite great deal in religious dialogue. Certainly there are aspects were they will have different opinions. But the nature of a religious dialogue is to find common grounds, thats were the lotos sutra is extremly inspirational as it puts the respect for the individual into the center of attention as every individual can become a buddha sould be treated that way.
One should remeber that Buddhism was a state religion in Nichirens time and one has to read his chritcism in the context of the time.
SGI/NST take Nichirens word literal and attack anyone who has a different faith.

Re: Former SGI members
Posted by: sushigrl ()
Date: December 21, 2009 03:30AM

It's a wonder to me that SGI has created a "Charter" outlining its intentions of "firing" members who do not tow the party line. It words things almost as if the members "work" for the ORG, not the other way around. I think SGI-USA should just fire EVERYONE and close shop. It can't decide what to do with whistle blowers and ordinary people who bring up points about the ORG that are true and based in fact, so instead of dialogue, it fires them.

After all that discipline, who would want to return to the ORG anyway? Also such "interviews" of offending members would only serve to shame the "offender" and destroy his sense of self in front of other members. Imagine finding out that a friend is being "investigated" for the sake of cousin rufus. What kinds of factions would THAT create within the ORG? It sounds like vestiges of the Soviet Union there. Spy, spy, report, spy, investigate, punish, exile. Wonderful.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/21/2009 03:35AM by sushigrl.

Re: Former SGI members
Posted by: wayfarerfree ()
Date: December 21, 2009 03:32AM

One of the most disconcerting things I have encountered, as more than a bit of an environmentalist, is the inability for SGI-UK to take any lead, or, for that matter, any action at all, regarding Climate Change. It was fine to chant for peace in Northern Ireland, or for an end to the Berlin Wall, and, more recently, but the Gakkai colours behind Gay Pride marches, but I have been very shocked and utterly dissapointed by the utter lack of interest re. current environmental issues. The only approach is Cousin Rufus cures all, and dont rock the boat (or show any individuality). This was a big factor for me, its what Im studying, and quite soon it will be a career. I could not think of a more important goal than preserving the planets very ability to support all life, not just humans. The alternative it seems, is that peace is more important...? This seems so ridiculously abstact, naive, and out of touch. Abstract, becuase I definately dont see SGI standing up for peace across the world as an NGO affiliated with the UN (lots of Peace Proposals, yes, but Im none too sure about the actions actually taken to achieve them), naive because letting our current situation get even more out of hand, will lead to more global conflict, food riots, resource wars etc (not to mention the suffering inflicted on developing countries), and out of touch, bacause its all just viewed as the latest trend or just another faddy campaign by irate hippies. A practise that literally encourages people to go for , to chant for "whatever you want", couldnt win out over my environmental concerns. Rampant consumerism and greedy lifestyles are not the way forward, in light of current events. Having said all that, I dont think that this situation will continue for long, with the amount of coverage the Copenhagen talks and Climate Change in general is getting at the moment. I am only refering to what Ive experienced in the UK, I couldnt speak for anywhere else.

(sorry if thats all a tad off topic, things eco are a real passion for me - if I begin rant on this, just chloraform me and let me sleep it off!)

@Nichijew & Rothaus
Thanks for your comments above. I'm beginning to see, more clearly as time goes by, that an SGI practise has little to do with Buddhism, and the most obvious point is the Mentor and Disciple relationship issue. I might not be sold 100% anymore on following the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin, but if I were to do so, I would make redoubled efforts to see how it is done with other schools. A question, then, could you outline for me, very briefly, the difference between Nichiren Shu and NST? That big 'ole hole in life thang is scary, to me. There is an overwhelming temptation to rush out and find a new path, a new faith, a new guru or practise or whatever. But I think Sushigirls words have rung the truest for me here thus far, "be true to yourself".

Re: Former SGI members
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: December 21, 2009 04:24AM

Just a comment from a non-buddhist. Beware of any philosophy or ideology that promises perfect enlightenment.
Why? Because to set up an impossible goal ironically leads to unhappiness.

For example, every single new agey sect literally promises "Enlightenment". All of them.
They are what is called Enlightenment salesman and saleswomen. The promise people perfect happiness, love, and everything else, if only you follow their system, and buy their stuff. In terms of basically all the new age groups, its a scam.
They set up an impossible goal, and that way you are a customer for life.

Modern psychology has some different ideas, that is, we need to learn to accept ourselves as imperfect and fallible humans. Not enlightened beings, not animals, not gods.
But humans.
Ironically, it seems when people learn to accept being a fallible human, then genuine human happiness is possible.
So the SGI salespitch of attaining enlightenment like Ikeda, through wealth, is nonsense.
But many other sects who teach perfect enlightenment can also be suspect.
Chanting and mantras can be a way to learn to be calm, and relax, and self-reflect, but there is no evidence I've ever heard that it makes anyone enlightened, whatever that means.

Even advanced Buddhist monks were tested while doing their chants, while in an MRI machine, and things like that. It did show they were less-reactive than most people.
But enlightened? The only people I know who claim to be enlightened are new age con-artists trying to sell their belief system.
It seems pretty clear that anyone who tells you they are enlightened, certainly is not!

So of course each person has to figure out these complex issues for themselves, in a way that makes sense to them.

Re: Former SGI members
Posted by: Rothaus ()
Date: December 21, 2009 06:17AM

@ Anticult

This was actually a good reminder. It is clear that some of us still practise Nichiren Buddhism - outside of SGI. If belonging or associated to other schools by now (in my case seeking closer ties to Nichiren Shu), we should be aware not to make our belief universal as THE way to interpret what Nichiren taught.
All I can say is to those that have left SGI is, that SGI is not the only school in Nichiren buddhism. If one compares the non-Fuji lineages the differences are not as gigantic (at least in the traditional schools) as if if one would compare them to SGI or Nichiren Shoshu.
Enligthment as Anticult pointed out can have various meanings from where each of us comes from. But it would be fair enough to say that SGI's peroccupation with reaching material wealth etc is not to be found in traditional Buddhist schools as a prime objective. If I were to put it in my words it would be to cultivate our ability to seek happiness beyond material gains, without ignoring them as in somewhat fundamental in order to exist in our society.
I will try to stay clear to force what I believe in on to someone else. In religious matters I find it in this day and age much more important to find common grounds.
Lets get back to what all brought us here - the German Buddhist Union once published a guideline and diffrentiated between healthy and unhealthy structures. One core issue was to see if the teacher or the teaching was the center of attention. For SGI I find that this is most important as what Mr. Ikeda says is law. Calling itself buddhist is in that case far fetched from budhist reality. So in the end no matter from which buddhist tradition one might come from, what is taught in SGI has little if nothing at all to do with buddhism. SGI has hijacked some rituals that are in their origin (nichiren)-buddhist but thats about it. Yet another simularity to scientology. So for anyone leaving SGI the most important goal is to get the cult out of the their system - it takes time. If one then still is interestd in buddhism ... so it may be, but forget what you were told in SGI about it.
Religion is after all a very personal issue and cult like tendencies can be found in all religious traditions.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/21/2009 06:37AM by Rothaus.

Re: Former SGI members
Posted by: DrJesusEsq ()
Date: December 21, 2009 06:45AM

Agreed Rothaus and well said.

The problem with the SGI is that it can only teach so much, and even then it doesn't teach well. Remember how many times you were told you are chanting the wrong way? That you don't just chant the daimoku and expect things to fall into place? You have to chant with this certain mindset or that mindset or you have to word your "prayer" the right way . . . .

The biggest problem here, as you have brought up again and again Anticult, that we as human beings want stuff. Who wouldn't want the trophy wife? Who wouldn't want the mansion? Don't we all wish that we have the lifestyle and riches of Bill Gates and Donald Trump?

Unfortunately, and this what made me stay on for so long even after my first betrayal, you can't meditate for a car. You can (in theory) chant for one. It's the carrot on the stick that keeps people going, a spiritual rat race if you will.

I still chant, but I also meditate and read more on traditional Buddhism.

Why? Well sure I can't meditate for a car, but at least I can be calm about it and not anxiously chant 10 hours a day for a corvette to appear on my driveway.

And for those who are still interested in Buddhism, I recommend this site: []
It has ebooks from both Theravada and Mahayana traditions and is a great starting point.

Re: Former SGI members
Posted by: sushigrl ()
Date: December 21, 2009 06:54AM

I actually might be able to chant again sometime having been able to view things apart from SGI's stupid guidances. Really looking at it from the previous posts, what spirit is there in SGI that is valid to Nichiren Buddhism? If the correct practice is to chant and do gongyo, who cares where it is done? As long as it isn't causing harm to other people. Everything else that the Gakkai says is intended solely to protect itself, nothing more.

Really, Ikea Sensei has hijacked buddhist tenets for his own political and social aims. He evens mentions that the religion is a good product designed to sell the Gakkai. Every religion needs a good product. The really staunch people "guarding" SGI are salaried. It would be inconvenient for them to have to get real jobs again wouldn't it. The other members are also following these salaried leaders because they are promised special positions or perfect happiness in this life and after.

I might like chanting without all the extra nonsense and pressure. I might dust off that lavish butsudan and see what happens. :)

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